Page Two Haunted Houses Ghosts stories are popular for Halloween, when spooks,, hob­ goblins and witches are supposed to hold a high carnival. The subject is one which ex­ ercises a peculiar fascination for some minds, that of the writer among others. He is never so happy as when reading a hair raising ghost story with the cold chills running up and down his spine. For his readers' delect­ ation this evening, he gives the following bona fide instances. At least they have been told on reliable authority. The first comes from the well known English actress Miss Langtry now Lady De Bathe, who tells it in her reminiscenses recently published in the Cos­ mopolitan. When first she moved to Lon­ don she occupied a house, built on the site of the old Tyburn gibbet. Certainly that was enough to give the place a ghost­ ly reputation. Personally she experienced nothing peculiar, except for a certain eerie atmos­ phere and the sudden unaccount­ able opening and slaming of closed doors. Her butler, who slept in the basement, however, had woeful tales to tell, of his slumbers being disturbed by ap­ paritions, with and without their heads tumbling over his bed. But she ascribed this to the fact that his breath indicated that he had kept his spirits up by pouring spirits down. After his dis­ charge, she felt more sympathy for him, when a maid, who was absolutely trustworthy, told her about being stopped one morning in broad daylight, when going downstairs, by a man dressed in a costume of the cavalier period. The second, is of Impington Hall near Cambridge, England. Some acquaintances of the writer once rented it, and had this peculiar experience. The dining room was small and so when they gave a dinner party they set the table in the hall which was spacious, and whenever they did so, on sitting down to dinner a loud knocking was heard be­ neath the table, No cause for it could ever be discovered and what was more curious, the knocking was never hear d when the family were alone. So they said the ghost evidently did not like visitors. The third instance concer ns Fyvie Castle in Aberdeenshire, Scotland. This is the ancestral homeof the Gordons, and in it isthe Gordon bedroom vVhich has an evil reputation. Stories a r e told in connection with it, of st range noises, by those who have slept in it, whoclaim to have been wakened by a cold hand passed over their EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS Estacada H. S. Wins Over Washington H. S. W H ICH (Continued from Page 1.) players. But those were only incidents of the game. The main feature, the score, showed 24 for Estacada, and a goose egg for Washington. This was the third consecutive game, this season, in which the opposing team fail­ ed to score against the home team. After the game, the visitors were served with an excellent dinner by the domestic science department of the high school. Much credit is due, and the thanks of the home team are hereby tendered to Miss Schrepel and her assistants for furnishing such a dainty, well served, and appe­ tizing repast. The visitors departed in good humor over their licking; and the home team separated, happy for having done the licking. Yes, the score was 24 to 0 in favor of Estacada. Naturally the boys are looking forward to succeeding games and have hopes of the championship. Just what weight may be given to their aspirations will hardly be known until they have a try at Lincoln or Franklin. In con­ nection with the championship, Yamhill Co. has a contender at McMinnville who defeated Ore­ gon City 43 to 0. Hallowe’en Warning The hobgoblins, sprites and witches who go on the rampage on Hallowe’en are allowed much license in innocent and legitimate fun. But they are warned that damage to property or removal of the same as will cause serious inconvenience or loss to the own­ er, is unlawful and will render them liable to arrest and a severe penalty. foreheads, and on starting up. have heard hurried footsteps and stifled shreiks. Every laird of the house who dies at Fyvie, must die in this room. When the laird who died in 1884 was in his last illness, he was moved from this room to another. His wTife left him for a few minutes, and on her return found he had dis­ appeared. Search was made, and he was discovered in the Gordon room in a faint. On recovering, he said that the Green Lady had come in, as his wife left, and beckoned to him. He felt com­ pelled to follow her to this room, which was lit up by her presence and become dark when she van­ ished. He died shortly after­ wards. Thursday, October 31, 1918 M ore a n d C heaper Fish H O N E S T L IV E L IH O O D FOOD P R O D U C T IO N H IG H E R P R IC E D E IS H P lea su re S eekers W A S T E O F F IS H F O O D D O Y O U WANT? Ü 307 X NO Laboring Class 306 X YES SPORTSMEN Keep the price of fish down. Help production of fish. EJiminate waste. V O T E 307 X NO READ ARGUMENT IN STATE ELECTION PAMPHLET Clackamas County Fishermen’s Union. Andrew Naterlin, Secretary, Oregon City, Oregon. (Paid Advt.) STOP SWEEPING-CLEAN THE THOROUGH SANITARY WAY! X -X — X “W~X* ! t ? i * T y y i ï y ? ? ? ? Sweeping at its best only shifts dirt. It is hard work—it makes more work. Besides it shortens the life of your rugs and carpets i y An Electric Vacuum Cleaner Cleans Like Magic It will help you to ke:p your home spotlessly clean without any labor. It will make your carpets look like new and is just the thing for mattresses, portier­ es, pillows, pictures and walls. Come in and See Our Stock. ELECTRIC STORE I y •t—x —î— i - î - î — î — î—r—î—i— Electric Building t—i-i— r—r—î—w — SPECIAL PRICES ON 100 ROLLS OF RUBBER ROOFING Through some mistake the wholesale house sent us 100 Rolls of the Celebrated WEATHER-KING ROOFING, and instead of returning same they have instructed us to sell this Roofing at 25^ discount from the regular selling prices. So for the next 30 days we will sell this HIGH GRADE RUBBER ROOFING 1 Ply, per Roll - $1.85 2 Ply, per Roll - - - $2.30 —in sales of 3 or more rolls at one time will deduct 10c for each roll. Now is the time for Roofing—get in on these special prices. How About That NEW HEATING STOVE OR RANGE FOR THIS WINTER Fix up Your Walls and Ceil­ ings With Our Warm WALL PAPERS AND DEADEN­ ING FELTS Stop the Leaks in Your Roof With R F R T H n . F I N C H __ Rubberoid Roofing and Elastic Roof Paint nails - builders h d w - sash doors - roofing - paints - oilb - glass y y y y y y y y V y y y y * y y y yy y y yy y