OUR SLOGAN: Community Cooperation NEWSPAPERS Are What the Community Makes Them (Elarluittuts Mans Devoted to the Interests of Eastern Clackamas County V olume 12, N umber 2 SIGHTS WORTH SEE­ ING AROUND ESIACADA Fruits and Flowers, Fields and Forests U nfolded Before the Eye LAND DF PEACTAND PLENTY W e Should do all Possible to to Preserve this Immunity Secure for all Time Sunday afternoon the editor and his wife were accorded a great pleasure by their friends Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Holder, who took them out in their car to see the surrounding country. First however they were taken to the Holder home, w'here tomatoes are raised on a commercial scale. The vines instead of being allow­ ed to run right along the ground, are staked up so that the fruit gets the full benefit of the sun, which insures their rapid ripen­ ing and preserves them from the black rot. But those in the greenhouse are the most remarkable as they stand up higher than a tall man’s head. The impression is given the visitor of being in a grove of tomatoes. An interesting fact about these vines raised under cover, is that they have to be pollenized by hand with a brush, as protected from the wind and bees, the pollen is not otherwise transferred from the male to the female flower. Not much space is devoted to flowers, but in front of the house there is a display which forms a kaleidescope of colors, chief among which are the flaming scarlet plumes of a bed of Saivia Bplendens, standing three feet high. After viewing the home place, they were taken out towards George and through Garfield to the Crawford ranch, with its prune orchard and dryer. It should serve as an inspiration to an artist to see the rows of vigorous trees, with their branch- (Concluded on Page 3) E stacada , O regon , T hursday , S eptem ber , 26, 1918 To the Young W om en of Oregon Presentation to Pastor and His W ife Just before I left Washington a few days ago I was asked by certain departments and bureaus to place before the young women of this and neighboring states, the urgent need for women in certain branches of Government work. The head of the Army Nursing School told me that the demand for nurses is much greater than can be supplied. Young women who have completed the three months preliminary n u r s i n g courses are wanted at once at the Cantonment hospitals. After re­ ceiving further training at these hospitals they may serve as trained nurses either in this country or abroad. The need for young women as clerks and secretaries in the Civil Service is acute. In accordance with a direct request from the Commissioner of Civil Service the University is giving the full sec­ retarial courses. The University is working in full co-operation with the Com­ mittee of the American Council on Education on the correlation of women’s work in the colleges with war needs. If you have not already received a copy of two illustrated bulletins, “Oregon for Women” and “At Oregon, a Story of Opportunity” please write and they will be sent at once, as also will the Un­ iversity Catalog. At the close of the service on Sunday morning, at the M. E. Church Mrs. Reagan on behalf of the congregation presented a check representing a gratifying sum, to the Rev. H. Spiess as a token of their appreciation of his services. At the same time Mrs. Pym presented to Mrs. Spiess a handsome sword fern in a beauti­ ful jardiniere, to which Mrs. Spiess feelingly responded. Bro. Spiess and his estimable wife leave here accompanied by with the best and most cordial wishes from ail for their future. It is satisfactory to learn that the year closes with all obliga­ tions paid up. Change of Tim e October 1st Expert W orkmanship Before another issue of the News appears, the time will have been changed. On October 1st at one a. m. all clocks are to be turned back one hour. It will be more convenient to do this on re­ tiring on Monday nipht. So do not forget to do this and you will gain an extra hour in bed the following morning. This scheme for daylight sav­ ing during the summer months, has worked very satisfactorily. It has got the lazy man up at an earlier and more suitable hour, without his knowing it, and en­ abled workers to have an extra hour of daylight to spend athome, or to go for a ride after business hours. Nursing Examination Last M onday Evening Twenty members of the First Aid class in nursing, took exam­ inât.on last Monday evening, at the residence of Dr. Adix. This was given by the Ameri­ can Red Cross. With this exam­ ination the course of instruction concludes. The members of the class wish to express their sincerest thanks to Dr. Adix for his patience and kindness in explaining to them all about bandages, compresseses and the like, also to Mrs. Adix for her gracious hospitality and the use of her home for these meetings. S. P. Pesznecker, of the Cas­ cade Gai age is a man equal to any emergency in his line. Last week a bull wheel from a donkey engine belonging to the Dwyer logging camp, was brought in for repairing. The wheel was three feet in diameter and broken in three places. Mr. Ppszriecker welded the broken parts together with oxygen-acetylene gas, and turned out the wheel as good as new. Estacada is fortunate in having a mechanic of Mr. Pesz- necker’s ability, so our car own­ ers need not go to Portland when their machines are out of com­ mission. $1.50 P er Y ear FOURTH LIBERTY LO A N R A L L Y Hon. G eorge C. Brownell of Portland was the Speaker of the Evening OVER S3,000 SUBSCRIBED Tellers Mrs. E. W. Bartlett and Mr. A. F. Sparks W ere Kept Busy The big rally on behalf the Fourth Liberty Loan Saturday night, was attended by an en­ thusiastic audience in the audi­ torium of the High School. It began with a procession of the mothers, wives and sisters of the soldiers, who marched in with banners flying. Mayor Bart- tlett presided with his accustom­ ed dignified ability and after a short musical program of patrio­ tic songs had been rendered, opened the meeting and intro­ duced the speaker of the evening, the Hon. George C. Brownell of Portland. Mr. Brownell speech was a mas­ terly exposition of the basic prin­ ciples of carrying on the war, as shown by ihe German method and that of the American. Ger­ many had conducted it on a basis of hatred manifested by brutali­ ty and ferocity, in the rape of Belgium; in her treatment of the inhabitants of conquered terri­ tory; in her inhumanity towards the prisoners and wounded win» had fallen into her hands; in her bombing of hospitals and the ruthless submarining of mer­ chant vessels and hospital ships. On the other hand Americans manifested love, in their extend­ ing relief to the Belgians and al­ lies; in their treatment of the wounded both friend and foe re­ ceiving the same tender care. America was not in the war to enrich herself but to benefit hu­ manity; he closed with a power­ ful plea for a liberal response to the call for liberty bonds. (Concluded on Paife 7)