EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS Thursday, September 12, 1918 ELWOOD NEWS With the Colors A. Miller purchased a horse last week. George Devore has gone to Portland to work. Miss Montie Cox is visiting her sister Mrs. Millie Wilson at Ore­ gon City. Mrs. Hazel Vallen was the guest of Mrs. Ray Keith of Fara­ day last Saturday night. Barney Granatzki is home foran indefinite stay from the logging camp at Dee, Ore. His brother George from the same camp is to home to register September 12th. The following letter was re­ ceived by Dr. Adix from Gerald VVilccx of Suva, Fiji, dated August 15, 1918. M. J. KERKES Livestock Buyer and Butcher. Livestock of all kinds purchased. Ph >ne or see Jack Saunders, Currinsville. B o n e r ’s for FISHING LICENCES Fishing Tackle Tennis Balls Fishing and Hunting Licenses Cigars, Tobaccos. Confectionery Soda Water and Soft Drinks Ice Cream Headquarters for Kodaks Supplies Printing LAUNDRY AGENCY Store ESTACADA PHARMACY tobacco taste that makes H.... Gravely Chewing Plug cos; you no more to chew than, oruinary plug. » •< M Peyton Brand 3 Flea! Gravely Chewinfir Plat I 10c a pouui — und worth nl P. B. Gravely Tobacco Company D an v ille, V irg in ia JCLCS. arar OJC # \ \ The Home of The “ FORD” i 1 “THE CAR THAT GETS YOU THERE AND BRINGS YOU BACK” \ * « \ * » * For % Allied Drive War Relief Work ** # The best place in Clackamas County to have your cars t Stored, Repaired, Cleaned and kept in good operating con­ Ì dition. * f Expert Mechanical Force always on the job. Full line of New Accessories for sale and a welcome * extended you. Service Station for Gasoline, Oils, Water, Air, etc. \ \ \ For Dodge Chevrolet Buick or Cadillac 9 ! í Selling Agents for the Famous s ! Maxwell and Velie Cars, the \ Denby, Velie and Garford Trucks Also Agents for “ EVANS” Dollar :j: Self Filler Fountain Pen. The 1 It’s the lasting quality a n d -,i Dear Friend;— No dount you will be surprised to re­ ceive a letter from this out of the way corner of the globe. By consulting your map, you will find that the Fiji Islands are some seven thousand miles from dear old Estacada, and that about six thousand, eight hun­ dred and ninety-nine miles of the dis­ tance are covered by the w aters of the Pacific. Now to avoid becoming tedi­ ous, I will come to the point. When I obtained “ shore leave” this afternoon, the first thing that impress­ ed itself on my mind, was the large number of Dodge Bros. Motor Cars, which were going in all directions. That immediately reminded me of you and I involuntarily looked for the “ Cas­ cade garage.” Upon observing closer, I found that two out of every three cars in this important British Colony are Dodge cars. That in my opinion, is a big boost for Dodge Bros. Motor cars, for the average Britisher is strong on minimum cost and highest efficiency where his motor car is concerned. In the Hawaiin Islands the percent­ age is not so strong. Dodge Bros the “ Lil ole Chevrolet, ” and “ Henry Ford” appear to be running neck and neck, but believe me, there is a surprising number of them. To any of my friends who may in­ i quire, say that 1 have been shipwreck­ ed and a castaway on a barren coral is­ land, a few hundred miles south of the equator, in mid Pacific ocean; that I lived luxuriously for over two months on a diet of sea fish, sea air and birds ! * eggs diluted with rainwater; that 1 was rescued, along with my shipmates and % landed here in the Fi.i islands; that I will sail in a few days for San Fraheis- co and the good old II. S. A. Three ! cheers and a tiger f„r the good old U. S. A. While the British authorities are treating us royally here. “ There is no place like home,” and “ what is home without a wife and baby?” Me for that. V With kindest regards to you, herald Wilcox. Headquarters J For School Books and | SCHOOL SUPPLIES | Page Nine : (Continueu from Page 1) t been unanimously chosen director- 4 in-chief of tie allied drive by all organizations concerned. State i J. W. REED, Proprietor * conventions like the one to be à held in Portland next Monday have been authorized for the pur -1 p* se of effecting state wide mach­ inery to handle all intricate de­ tails of this, the largest gift fund in all history. F u lly equipp ed liberal cu ltu re mid sc ie n tific departm ents. Sp eein J in g in C om m erce, .lo n rim lism . A rch itectu re, l.m v, .M edicine Delegates will be present by T train ra rh in ii, V.ibrnry W ork« Mliaie« llotioeliold A r t s IMiyuinil I raining a n d Fine A r U . special invitation from the re­ I M ilita ry S c ie n c e in c h arg e »1 A m e ric a n a n d llrilia lt o ffic e rs . D rill, le c lu rra a n d field w o rk on e x p e rie n c e in p re a c u t w a r. C om ay ale in of tre n c h e s . b rid g e« . spective organizations, but be­ r a ll e lc u . p -to S fu -d d ate, e n ta b aaed re co m m en d e d f«»r f lo m a n iasio its. O f fi<-«al-~»gov e m in e n t H . O , I . C. v o lu m e « . D o rm ito rie s fo r in rn a n d w o m e n . I cause of the great importance of A y v dm T tJ u „L, itio n E F x p H e E n K s e . lo L w ib ra ra l, ry m of u c h HO.IHIO o p p o rtu n ity f«>r w«»rkiug o n e ’* w ay. I m the drive and the strong general m W rite K e g ia tra r. E u g e n e , O re g o n . fo r illu a tru te d booklef. 1 • i interest attaching thereto, ar­ rangements are being made to hold at least one public session, thus affording all an opportunity to hear Mr. Perkins and other noted speakers. Estacada Garage UNIVERSITY of OREGON (^Machines See The C ascade G araae of E stacada I