Page Four tastern Clackam as N rw s Kntered at the pofttoffice in Eataeada, Oregon, aa second-claw mail. Published every Thursday at Estacada, Oregon UPTON H. GIBBS Editor and Manager. S uhsckii 'T ion K a t e s One year Six months . . - Thursday, September 12, 1918 EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS . • * $1.50 .75 Thursday, Sept. 12, 1918 The Personal Eqration In Teaching In a letter to the Outlook a prominent New York lawyer, some time sinee, lamented the fact, that at his alma mater, Yale college the classes had become so large, that it was impossible for the professors to know personally and individually those who at­ tended their lectures. He compared this condition very unfavorably with that in his own time, when the profes­ sors were in personal touch with their students and knew most of them intimately. In his estima­ tion this loss of personal contact was a decided detriment. He was right, for no matter how excellent the methods, or the course of study, or even the lectures, the personal equation cannot be ignored with impunity. ' Because the successful applica­ tion of these depends on their be­ ing administered wi t h good common sense, adapting them to the needs of the individual stud­ ents. This cannot be done un­ less those to whom the adminis­ tration is committed, know some- ’ thing o f the students under their care. President Garfield o n c e re­ marked that his idea o f a univer­ sity. was a Iniard plank with Mark Hopkins at one end. and a 1 m ) v at the other end. One of the most noted headmasters in England, made it a cardinal prin­ ciple that he should In* in person­ al touch with every boy in the school. In order to insure this, he strictly limited the number, which meant the loss o f seven or eight thousand dollars income to himself per year. But he magni­ fied his office, consequently finan­ cial gain did not count. But what was the glory of his work? The sending out of thou­ sands o f I hivs to the work o f life stimulated to h i g h endeavor, through their personal associa­ tion with him. He stamped his own image, as it were, on them and taught them t»* think and act as he did. Thus he became a great master and all the greater In-cause his whole teaching was permeated with religious force, for he consecrated all teaching to the service of God, and the boys were made aware of this. No teacher can be truly succes- ful unless he thus gives himself to his pupils, and his highest re­ ward will be when sooner or lat­ er they rise up and call him bles­ sed. There can be no greater satisfaction to the true teacher, than to hear a pupil declare “ You have been one o f those who have influenced me for good.” ) GROCERI ES The Crown Prince in an inter­ view recently stated that the Americans did not know what they were fighting for. He had asked one. a prisoner, who replied “ for Alsace” and thought Alsace was a lake. But the question with which the Crown Prince should be concerned is “ Can the Americans Fight?” His boches will answer that for him most decidedly in the affirmative. The News extends its greetings and heartiest wishes for a suc­ cessful school year to Superin­ tendent Signs, his able corps of teachers and the pupils in both buildings. î ! \ The Very Best Service to be Had * COURTEOUS ATTENDANCE TO EVERY DETAIL OF THE BUSI­ NESS. \ L. A. Chapman Estacada, Oregon } ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ♦ ♦ Undertaking and Embalming ♦ L. A. Chapman ♦ Estacada * * ♦ Phone Store or Residence ♦ ♦ + + ♦ + + + + + ♦ R. G. Marchbank - ♦ . 4 + Operating Hearse and Morgue + + + ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Licensed Embalmer ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ + ♦ + + ♦ + ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Estacada, Or. Soda Water • Soft Drinks - Lunches BOB’S PLACE Headquarters For Cigars and Tobacco Hotel Oregon- Respectfully solicits the patronage o f the People o f Es­ tacada and Eastern Clackamas County, when in Port­ land. The HOTEL OREGON has been for many years one of Portland’s leading hotels and is located in the heart of the business and theatre section, at the convenient corner o f Broadway and Stark. You are assured a cordial welcome and your patronage will be appreciated. Today is registration day for the unregistered between the ages of 18 and 45. Are you one o f the 3520 due from this coun­ ty? If so, have you registered? \ THE BEST STOCK THE MARKET AFFORDS. PRICES ARE HIGH AND GOING H IG H E R -B U T OUR PRICES WILL A L W A Y S BE FOUND REASONABLE. The former slogan o f the Lib­ erty Loan campaigns, “ Buy un­ til it hurts,” is to be changed to “ Buy until it helps.” Not that this means until it helps your country, but until it helps you and gives you a clearer vision ami understanding o f your re­ sponsibility. But the first slogan, in spite of its being open to misconception, expressed an important require­ ment. For the broadening effect o f subscribing for the Liberty Loan will not be felt unless it entails the pinch o f sacrifice. Ninety-three members o f the I. W. W. including W. D. Hay­ ward, are now in Fort Leaven­ worth beginning their long sen­ tences, for having violated the espionage act in fighting the se­ lective draft and otherwise op­ posing the war. This will prove to a certain element that the gov­ ernment is in earnest and will use to the full extent, the pow­ ers which have been conferred upon it, for the successful prose­ cution o f the war. If any fool­ hardy person attempts to throw a monkey wrench into the ma­ chinery, he will only suffer for his stupidity. \ Stop at the HOTEL OREGON, the next time you are in Portland. Rooms $1.25 and up ♦ +