Thursday, September 12, 1918 EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS Page Three President Wilson on E f­ ficiency of our School* 'I am pleased to know that de­ spite the unusual burdens im­ posed upon our people by the war they have maintained then- schools and other agencies o f ed­ ucation so nearly at their normal efficiency. That this should be continued throughout the war and that, in so far as the draft law will permit, there should be no falling off in attendance in el­ ementary schools, high schools or colleges is a matter of the very greatest importance, affect­ ing both our strength in war and our national welfare and efficien­ cy when the war is over. I would therefore urge that the people continue to give gen­ erous support to their schools of all grades and that the schools adjust themselves as wisely as possible to the new conditions to the end that no boy or gil l shall have less opportunity for educa­ tion because of the war and that the Nation may be strengthened as it can only be through the right education o f all its people.” In the Back Fervid Thought, Feel­ ing and Sentiment (Continued from Page 1) conduct o f the w a r and all ‘ ‘Come through” . The objects and aims o f the Loyalty League were then pres­ ented by Dr. Milliken and a call for new members was issued to which there was a very general response Ithe application form being numerously signed. ' • 4 German “ Efficiency” has never reached a higher plane thah in the foul desecration of the Red Cross emblem in the bombing of plainly marked hospitals in the^allied lines. • ♦ * : Since Allied airplanes have become regular visitors to German cities, the Kaiser has discovered such bombing to be a violation of international law. Your subscription to the Fourth Liberty Loan will mark the earnestness of your approval of the building of great fleets of American airplanes to bring their frightfulness home to the Hun. D O VER N EW S ITEMS Dover is p’eased to look for­ ward to an increase in population by the opening o f homestad land. S. Hoffman for several years a gold prospector, returned home and is with the Mr. Schminkys. I CASCADE ! ! GARAGE V i y i X Misses Ruth and Louis Brown spent the week-end with Schmin- ky’s Is the Right Place for Auto Repairing, Welding, Brazing, Machine Work and Repairing of anything in the Metal Branch Battery Recharging and Repairing. ! I I W e Furnish Distilled W ater for Batteries Free to Our Customers. IF YOU HAVE OLD TIRES BRING THEM IN AS WE PAY HIGHEST CASH PRICE FOR THEM AND IF THEY ARE NOT TOO BAD WE WILL FIX THEM UP FOR YOU AND SAVE YOU MONEY. SALES AG EN TS FOR DODGE CHEVROLET Republic Trucks BUICK Brunswick and U. S. Tires C. Krebs who has been doing the threseing here reports many bushels of wheat and oats. CADILLAC Cleveland Tractors ! I ! y Y I ? Y Y 1 W. H. Kitzmiller o f the Ben- Special Training Camp in Port land spent Sunday with his w ife’s parents Mr. and Mrs. J. DeShazer- The fourth Quarterly Confer­ ence will be held at the Dover M. E. Church Sept. 15th, at night Rev. Adolph Spiess will preach his farewell sermon for the con­ ference year. The Dover peo­ ple like Rev. Spiess very much and regret that the Conference year is so near to a close. Wanted-Evergreen blackber­ ries, will pay five cents a pound delivered at depot. E. B. Watt. Members of the Eastern Star Attention! There will be a reg­ ular communication of Mountain Chapter No. 108, O. E. S., on Tuesday Sent. 17 at 8 p. m. Per order of W. M.