OUR SLOGAN: Community Cooperation NEWSPAPERS Are What the Community Makes Them Devoted to the Interests of Eastern Clackamas County V olume 11, N umber 52 ALLIED, O R ! FOR WAR RELIEF WORK E st a c a d a , O regon , T hursday , S eptember , 12, 11)18 Recent Deliveries By The Stork % September 1st, at the T. W. Linn home, Upper Garfield, a Delegates will Attend Pre­ daughter. September 3rd, to Mr. and liminary M eeting in Port­ Mrs. H. H. R. Devlin of Dover, land, September 16. a son. September 5th, at the home of Henry Udell of Dover, a son, $ 1 1 0 ,5 0 0 ,0 0 0 TO BE RAISED Charles Henan Udell; weight nine The Entire Fund will be Dis­ and three quarter pounds. September 6th, at the Rest- tributed Between Allied more Sanitarium to Mr. and Mrs. Organizations. J. W. Farrel of Portland, a son. 9th, to Mr. and Mrs. From every city and town in F. September P. Wilson, a daughter. Oregon delegates representing Dr. Adix acted as delivery the Y. M. C. A., Knights of Columbus, Y. W. C. A., Camp agent for the stork in each of Community Service, Jewish Wel­ the above instances. The News fare Board, Salvation Army aud extends its warmest congratula­ American Library Association tions to the new arrivals and will be in Portland Monday, Sept. their happy parents. 16, to help lay plans for raising a total of $170,500,000 next A Ford and a Calf November for war relief work throughout the world. Walter Lemon was coming to All the interests of these allied town la^t Monday afternoon, be­ organizations have been combined tween two and three, and was at the request of President Wil­ driving along about a block above son in order that there might be the school house, when he met but one drive for filnds, thus sav­ George Armstrong, who was ing considerable in manpower leading with a rope a two-year-old and obviating the necessity of calf. As he approached, the calf going two times to the people for made a sudden bolt across the the same purpose this year. roid, right in front of the car. Those who go to Portland will The rope hit squarely across the not only have the pleasure and radiator, giving the machine a honor of participating actively in tremendous jolt. Neither of the the largest drive for philanthro­ men nor the calf was hurt, but pic funds in the history of the the Ford showed the marks of world, but will also have the op­ the collision, as its radiator cover portunity of hearing men of was wrenched, one of the lamps world-wide renown, such as broken and the glass of the wind­ George W. Perkins, of New York, shield shattered, It is now laid one of the most noted financiers up for repairs in the hospital de­ of the age and a strong team from partment of the Cascade garage, overseas will also be present to where under the skilful treat­ bring the latest word from the ment of S. Pesznecker it will soon be itself again. war zone. Oregon’s quota is $770.000. The entire fund will be distributed For Those Over Seas. between the allied organizations in accordance with a plan ap­ God save our splendid men; proved at a conference in New Send them safe home again; York. God save our men. John R. Mott, general secre­ Keep them victorious, patient tary of the Y. M. C. A., with and chivalrous. headquarters in New York, has They are so dear to us, (Concluded on Page 9) God save our men. . “Oregon’s State Fair for 1918 Over the Top” The Fifty-Seventh annual Ore­ gon State Fair to be held in Salem September 23-28 inclusive, prom­ ises to be the largest ever held. It is going to be something unus­ ual and something you cannot af­ ford to miss. It will be enter­ taining, instructive and patriotic. This latter feature is being em­ phasized in a great effort to as­ semble the finest agricultural, horticultural and live stock dis­ play ever snown, with a view to encouraging a greater production of food, w'hich is already recog­ nized as our country’s second line of defence in this world war. Realizing that under the great burdens and sorrows of wuir, en­ tertainment and recreation are more necessary than ever before, the government is spending mil­ lions of money to re-create the bodies and minds of its soldiers. The necessity for introducing an uplifting mental stimulus at this time among the civilian popula­ tion plunged into thevottexof war work, is to be met at the Oregon State Fair by a larger, more comprehensive and finer art department t h a n e v e r before. Works of art include anything of beauty which is well done; oil or water color paintings, por­ traits, etc. that the owner deems worthy of a place in such an ex­ hibit. The department is housed in a new brick building, the ar­ ticles are well cared for and care­ fully packed and returned to the owners. Write to the Oregon State Fair Board, Salem for entry blanks and books. Send articles by par­ cel p *st or express to Mrs. Weis- ter, Ore. Art Department, State Fair, Salem, so they will reach * there by September 20. Week end Guests at the Estacada Rachel M. Kelly, Portland; Gertrude E. Hargreaves, Clack­ amas; Ruth Morrison, Hood River; Thelma E. Williams, St. Peters­ burg. Florida. $1.50 P er Y ear FERVID THOUGHT, FEEL­ ING AND SENTIMENT At the Loyalty League Rally Masterly Address by Dr. Milliken MAYOR BARTLETT P R ES ID E D Slackers Flayed by John W. Loder Everyone Urged to “Come Through” A representative audience as­ sembled in the High School aud­ itorium last night for the Loyally League rally. The proceedings were opened with the singing of the national anthem and America, after which the pledge to the flag was given. Mayor Bartlett presided and as the speakers from the county seat were late in arriving, he called for impromptu speeches. These were made by Guy Gra­ ham of the class of 1914, now on leave from Kelley Field Camp, San Antonio, Texas: Prof. Guth­ rie now a Y. M. C. A. Secretary at San Pedro, California; and W. Givens. Their remarks were all apt and to the point. By the time these were over, the adver- itsed speakers had arrived. Dr. Milliken delivered a most masterly address in which hi* contrasted the two governments of Germany and the U. S. A. He analysed their respective con­ ceptions and principles and con­ sidered which would be the Let­ ter one for the world. He had no difficnlty in settling this ques­ tion. Attorney John W. Loder of Oregon City followed Dr. Millikin, who unmercifully held up the slacker to scorn, unmasking his camouflaged excuses. He show­ ed the nec-.isity of the draft to mobilize democracy for the main­ tenance of its own principles. He urged all to stand back of the boys and not to put a stone in the path of any one wanting to enlist. We must all recognize our personal obligation in thr (Concluded on Pa^e 3)