Thursday, August 29, 1918 EASTERN CLACKAM AS NEWS Bank Has New Steel Safe C. F. Howe and son are visit­ ing at Pasco, Wash., with his brother whom he has not met since 1891. The patrons of the Estacada State Bank, vs ill be glad to know that a Quadruple Manganese Steel safe of the latest style, is installed in the vault of that ir - stitution and is guaranteed to be absolutely burglar and fire proof. It will be used for cash only and is fitted with time lock and other devices to make the safeguard­ ing o f funds absolutely secure. This kind is used by all the leading and pr. g essive banks throughout the country, and its installation means ihat the man­ agement o f the bank intends to give our citizens a completely up to date service. The manufact­ ure is by Mosler of Hamilton, Ohio. This office was favored with a call Friday morning, from Henry , W. Koehler of Oswego. Mr. Koehler is the democratic nomi­ nee for sheriff, and was here on I business connected with his can­ didacy. Livestock of all kinds purchased. Ph)ne or see Jack Saunders, Currinsville. for Real Gravely Chewing Plug 10c a pouch —and worth it Fishing Tackle Tennis Balls Fishing and Hunting Licenses Cigars, Tobaccos, Confectionery Soda Water and Soft Drinks Ice Cream Headquarters for Kodaks Supplies Printing LAUNDRY AGENCY ------------- “TANLAC” A SPLENDID TONIC and SYSTEM PURIFIER! A treatment prepared by the combination o f Roots, Barks and Herbs, gathered in various parts o f the globe and blended to produce best results. ----------- FOR SALE AT THE------------- The *R&xaJUL Store The Estacada Pharmacy For Dodge Chevrolet Buick or* Cadillac (^Machines >_ See The Cascade Garaae of Estacada C ravm ly la s t* s o n iie A lo n g e r It conta n o m o r e t o c.'icw i.ia n o r d in a r y p lu g P . B . C ru v t ly T o b a c c o C o m p a n y ..1L, Virginia w Mr. and Mrs. James Park cf Estacada accompanied by Messrs. Monroe, Crissell and Yerger of Portland spent Sunday in the huckleberry patch near the old cattle camp. The party returned with 35 gallons o f fine fruit. Mrs. E. H. McCollister and sons, Richard and Robert, of Portland, returned home Monday from their visit to the Simpsons. Mrs. McCollister has recently re­ ceived the appointment o f dean of the Lincoln High School. FISHING LICENCES tv P eyton Brand Mrs. Mary Bartholomew of Heppner, Oregon is making an extended visit at the homes of her son and daughters. Fred B a i- tholomew of Estacada, Mrs. E. i E. and Mrs. C. C. Saling o f Cur­ rinsville. Livestock Buyer and Butcher. 1 When a man gets to wanting real tobacco com fort and lasting quality he can go straight to R eal Gravely Chewing Plug every time. Mrs. Dora Cleveland from Grants Pass, was a week-end visitor at the Howe home. She was a delegate to the W. R. Corps at the Portland encampment. M .J . K E R K E S B o n e r ’s Page Seven A letter from a nurse in the Naval Hospital at Portsmouth Va.. gives the information that it is being enlarged to accomo­ date t h r e e thousand patients. Some o f the wounded from over­ seas, have already arrived there. Many o f these are without arms or legs, but so cheerful at being back in the homeland once again. The Portland Sellwood Evapor­ ating Company i s desirous o f purchasing all the prunes in this vicinity. They want them ripe and ready to dry, and will do the drying themselves, thus saving the grower a great deal o f tire­ some work. They will pay top- notch prices for first grade fruit. See t h e i r advertisement else­ where in this issue. The t h i s t l e appeals to the Scotchman, because it is his na­ tional flower. The thistle appeals to the artist’s .aesthetic sense. The thistle when young appeals to the palate of the burro or don­ key. But outside of the above it is considered an unmitigated nuisance and is banned by law. Not far from the News office there is a vigorous patch o f them which is scattering its down far and wide. We would respect­ fully suggest that this crop is now ripe unto the harvest that it should be reaped without delay, and like the tares in the parable be gathered together for burning. 00 T The Home of The “ FORD” ! \ ! “THE CAR THAT GETS YOU THERE i AND * BRINGS YOU BACK” * \ I * Selling Agents for the Famous ! Maxwell and Velie Cars, the I I Í ( Denby, Velie and Garford Trucks I ! t t t t t The best place in Clackamas County to have your cars Stored, Repaired, Cleaned and kept in good operating con­ dition. Expert Mechanical Force always on the job. Full line of New Accessories for sale and a welcome extended you. Service Station for Gasoline, Oils, Water, Air, etc. I Don't Miss the Estacada Chautauqua Next Week! Estacada Garage t I 1 * * * # ) * J. W. REED, Proprietor UNIVERSITY of OREGON Ttt2«B S r Fully equipped liheriil culture mid Hcientific depnrtiiientM. S p e cia l training in Com m erce. Journalitmi, Architecture, Law, M edicine T r a c k i n g . I . i b r a r y W o r k , M i m i r . H o n a r h o M A r t s . F l i y a i r a l 1 r a i n i n g « » 4 K i a r A ria . M ilita r y S c ie n c e in charge o f A m e r ic a n an d lir it is k o ff ic e r s . D rill, lectu re» and fie ld w o r k a ll a p »fo-d a fe. baaed on e ip e r ie n e e ia p re s e n t w ar. C o m p le t e ay sir a» af tren ehen . b r id g e s . • If. S tu d en ts recom m en d ed fo r C o m m is s io n s . O ffic ia l—-»govern ta rsi N. O . T . C . T a ifio n F R E E . L ibrary o l 8 4 1 .0 0 0 v o lu m e s . D o r m it o r ie s fo r uien and w o m e n . E x p e n s e low est, m u ck u p p o rfu a ity fur w o r k in g o n e 's w ay. W rite Ite g ia trsr. E u g en e. O r e g o n , fo r illu stra ted beak let. I 4