Page Six EASTERN CLACKAM AS NEWS Walter Givens Editor In Chief Fred Bartholomew Outside Man The Weekly OOSTING Thursday, August 29, 1918 Devoted to the stimulation of civic and community pride • the patroniz­ ing of home industries • and the boosting of the Walter Givens Co. PIRIT \ p Voi. 2 No. 31 Aug. 29, 1918 Estacada, Oregon UNCLE SAM’S PARTNER WE CAN ALWAYS *■ k ; ; V * ' V wA FIND TIME TO DO OUR PART IN AIDING OUR COUNTRY! <33* DURING THESE PERILOUS TIMES T he W a lte r G iv en s Co. In co rp o ra te d fY L I E I I SI S We believe ‘‘A Satisfied Cus­ tomer is the Best Advertise­ ment.” (C o u rtM y o f L lf« and CtaarlM D an » O lb n on .) P lan ting hom e garden s, p ro d u cin g m ore fo o d , and saving fo o d are all w ar-tim e efforts o f this govern m en t in w h ich the w om en o f A m e r ic a have co -o p e ra te d loya lly. W e are all in the hom e a r m y ; the hom e arm y here must help th e fighting fo rce s and hom e arm ies over there- 120 m illion A llies must eat. ' 4