Thursday, August 29, 1918 LOCAL BREVITIES AND NEWS ITEMS Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Overstreet and daughter of Portland were Sunday guests at the R. C. Dem- ing home in Estacada. Mrs. Mary Bartholomew of Heppner and Walter and Lee, of Portland spent Sunday at the home E. E. Saling of Currins- ville. A special rate of $1.08 is an­ nounced by the railroad company, for the round trip to Portland from Estacada, on circus day, September 2nd. Mrs. Charles E. Dubois and children of Estacada are spend­ ing a vacation at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Ham­ ilton of Viola. Father W. R. Hogan of Port­ land, arrived Saturday afternoon and held services Sunday for the members of the Roman Catholic Church, around here. The youngsters and in fact a whole lot of the elders will be glad to note that Barnum & Bailey’s circus is scheduled for Portland September 2nd. The high cost of law breaking was realized lately by a Calif­ ornia wholesale liquor dealer, who had to plank down $30,000 for shipping booze into this state. Mrs. Guy Woodle and family of Portland are at their Upper Eagle Creek farm, where they are putting up canned fruits and planning to enjoy a huekleberry- ing trip later. Word has been received from Harry Reid, that he has been transferred to Battery D, 38th Field Artillery, Camp Lewis. They are all part of the 38th Division under General Vander­ bilt, and expect to go over in about three months. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Lang of Portland spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Foster of Eagle Creek. They were accompanied by Miss Gussie Githens who has been visiting at the home of Mrs. Lang, while recuperating from a recent operation. Several interesting letters were received last week by Mrs. E. W. Bartlett of Estacada from her son Ken who is now in France. Of the three letters, one had been written on ship­ board, one in England and last in France. Ken was enthusias­ tic over the conditions and out­ look for service and was profuse in his praise of the meals served to the soldiers. EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS A. Froelinger of Portland is paying a short visit in town and looking up his old friends. Foreman John Dunseath of the News force, accompanied by wife and children, was in Portland on business Friday. There will be a dance, with Portland music at Cogswell’s Hall in Eagle Creek, on Saturday eve­ ning. August 31st, to which all are invited. Lt. E. O. Turner and wife spent the week end at the Estacada. The Lieutenant is stationed at the Vancouver barracks, but he and Mrs. Turner hail from the classic shades of Harvard, Mass. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Reed and children of Estacada leturened last week from a ten days auto trip to Camp Lewis, Tacoma, Seattle and Ranier National Park. They were accompanied on the return by Miss Mary Oakley of Seattle. Sunday September first, is the time for putting your summer straw in limbo, and donning a new fall hat. But owing to our chronic impecuniosity, we shall continue to wear our Panama, for sometime longer, weather permitting. Miss Peggie Standish of Esta­ cada spent a few days at Twin Rocks, n e a r Barview on the coast, as the guest of Miss Jean Adix of Estacada. The entire party, including Dr. and Mrs. Adix and son Victor returned to Estacada this week. Mrs. Upton H. Gibbs received word last Monday of the sudden death on the 22nd of her elder brother from heart failure. The funeral was held on the 24th. his fifty-fifth birthday. He was un­ married. This is the fourth death in her immediate family circle in the last fourteen months. Boys who run their pushmobiles on the sidewalk down the hill from 5th and Main Streets, are warned to be careful of pedes­ trians as some ladies have com­ plained of being nearly run into. Parents of the boys are kindly requested to call their attention to this, and so prevent an acci­ dent. Edward Shearer of Garfield, reports that on Sunday, the struck a cedar tree on % lightning his place, about a hundred feet from the barn. It took a strip about the size of a fence rail from ten feet above the ground nearly to the top, some twenty feet in length. Mr. Shearer who is a well known chicken expert, will be superintendent of the poultry exhibit, at the coming state fair this fall. Page Five Call at the News office and get Mrs. O. P. Harvey of Grants acquainted with the new editor, Pass, Oregon, who has been at­ he will appreciate your kindness tending the G. A. R. reunion in and courtesy. Portland, spent the week-end at the home of her neice, Mrs. Hen­ If this issue of thi' News is not ry Trapp of Garfield. up to concert pitch, it is due to the editor-to-be trying his pren­ John W. Howard from Dodge tice hand. dropped into the News office Sat­ The guests at the Fred Barthol­ urday morning, paying his sub­ omew home in Estacada Sunday, scription and getting acquainted were Mrs. Mary Bartholomew of with the new editor. Mr. How­ Heppner, Mr. and Mrs. Walter ard has moved around consider­ Bartholomew and Lee Bartholo­ ably and has interesting informa­ tion about the various states in mew of Portland. which he has lived. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Sparks motored down Saturday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Bates en­ to Portland where they visited tertained a number of relatives over Sunday, with Mr. and Mrs. and friends last Sunday, Mr. A. Lauryy, who f o r m e r I y had D. Smith, Mrs. Henrietta Brook­ ing land Mrs. Ann Millard of charge of the Estacada. Kirksville, Missouri, cous i ns Mr. and Mrs. Walter Givens whom Bates has just met and sons of Estacada are now for the Mr. time in forty-seven enjoying a vacation trip in Cen­ years. first guests were Mr. tral Oregon, having left last and Mrs. Other H. Millard, of Spring- week by auto for Wasco, expect­ water; Mr. R. and Mrs. E. N. Bates ing to be gone about ten days. i and three daughters, of Barton; George G. Root, the genial pres­ Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Bates of ident of the Alaska Plumbing Eagle Creek; Mrs. Clara Hicin- au 4 l Heating Company of Port­ bothorn and daughter of River land, accompanied bv his little Mill, and Mrs. Myrtle Belfils of son, called at the News office, ; Estacada. Mrs. Brooking had a Friday afternoon. He was here grandson killed in the trenches representing the Portland Evap­ in France on the tenth of last orating Co. •June. P P P \ \ PP P \ PP Our Banking Policy! \ ; ' P PP PP P PP P PP P PP PP PP PP CONSERVATIVE ENOUGH TO BE ABSOLUTELY SAFE! LIBERAL ENOUGH TO TAKE CARE OF A L L P R O P E R LOANS! COURTEOUS ENOUGH TO SUIT ALL! Estacada State Bank DEPOSITORY FOR THE FUNDS OF THE STATE OF OREGON THE COUNTY OF CLACKAMAS THE CITY OF ESTACADA PP P P P p p p p p p p p p ( p p p p p p p p p p p p PP PP P # PP P PP P P P