Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, August 29, 1918, Page Page Four, Image 4

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    Page Four
Eastern Clackamas News
Entered at the postotfice in Kataeada,
Oregon, as HOcond-clans mail.
Published every Thursday at
Estacada, Oregon
Editor and Manager.
S ubscription B aths
One year • -
Six month«
. .
Thursday, Aug. 29. 1918
Prefatory And Personal
In making his initial how to
his readers, as Editor of the
News, the writer is reminded of
a story about Mark Twain. On
one occasion there being no one
to introduce him to his audience,
the humorist had to do it himself.
He said: “Ladies and gentlemen,
on the whole when there is any
introducing to do, I prefer to do
it myself, as then 1 am sure the
facts will he correctly given.
There are two that 1 know about
myself and these are, first, 1 have
never been in states prison and
secondly, 1 have never been able
to see the reason why.”
The writer can truthfully say,
that during all the years he has
used the pen, he has never been
in it. And this, considering all
that he has left undone what be
ought to have done, and done
what he ought not to have done,
must Lie due to a merciful Provi­
Being lioth a stranger in the
community and new to the work
of editing and publishing a pa­
per, he must beg the patience
and indulgence of his readers,
until he becomes more familiar
with the routine and business de­
The paper will be conducted
mainly on the same lines as here­
tofore. A partisan paper is not
needed here, so in politics, it will
he independent. In fact politi­
cal matters will he dealt with
only as they affect local interests.
This is a home paper, to keep
the members of this community
and vicinity in touch with one
another, for their mutual profit
and welfare. Local news, social,
school, religious and civic will
therefore constitute its principal
features, and for this purpose he
asks the cooperation of all.
It is surprising how much
transpires in a community,
which to elicit and record for the
enlightment o f its readers, a
newspaper, as its name implies,
That the Eastern Clackamas
News may accomplish this end is
Lioth the hope and intention of
the w riter, and for which lu* will
put forth his best efforts.
In spite of the fact it has h«H»n
necessary to issue a warrant for
Thursday, August 29, 1918
the arrest of Claude W. Devore,
on account of a shortage in the
water fund, of which he had
charge, and a strange silence on
his part concerning his where-a-
bouts, his friends of whom he has
many here, still have faith in his
\ #
honesty. They cannot believe
that he was intentionally dishon­
est, and think that the deficit is
due to carelessness in collecting
and bookkeeping. But as the de­
ficit amounts to only a few hun­
dred dollars, they claim that he
is able to and will make it good.
Until it is definitely p r o v e d
otherwise they will retain their
reliance in his integrity. If un­
\ that you are in need of—we can
fortunately they are forced to re­
vise their opinion, it will be with
\ \
\ save you money.
extreme regret and more in sor­
row than in anger.
To celebrate appropriately the
change in the management of
the News, a new head line has
Estacada, Oregon
beun adopted and some other
slight alterations made in the
make up. These may or may not
he an improvement, but every
editor has his own ideas, and it
is no good disputing about tastes.
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
In the words of a revered and
learned professor, under whom
the writer formerly studied, each
♦ Undertaking and Embalming
man has his own particular idio­
syncratic schema, w hich accounts
L. A. Chapman
for the variations manifested
among individuals. So let it go
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1 4
at that.
+ Store or Residence
Hearse and Morgue +
A man never knows how much
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 44
he owns, in the line of household
goods, until he packs them up,
ships and puys the freight on
R. G. Marchbank
Estacada, Or.
The Editor feels very grateful
for the extremely kind words his
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predecessor wrote of him. But
he fears he will not he able to
live up to the reputation thus ac­
corded him. He therefore hopes
that his readers will not set their
expectations too high, lest they
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he disappointed. How often a
speaker who has been loudly
heralded, fails because he did not
come up to the mark expected
of him.
1st. Course of events necess­
itated a change in occupation and
Respectfully solicits the patronage of the People of Es­
tacada and Eastern Clackamas County, when in Port­
2nd. Literary inclination sug­
gested newspaper work.
,‘lrd. An advertisement in the
I he HO 1 EL OREGON has been for many years one of
Oregonian called attention to the
Portland’s leading hotels and is located in the heart of
Eastern Clackamas News being
the business and theatre section, at the convenient
for sale.
corner of Broadway and Stark.
4th, Investigation showed that
it was worth acquiring.
You art> assured a cordial welcome and your patronage
5th. The picturesqueness of
will he appreciated.
Estacada and vicinity proved in­
Stop at the HO ILL OREGON, the next time you are
I»th. Faith in the future and
people of Estacada made the final
Rooms $1.25 and up
Closing Out at
Reduced Prices
L. A. Chapman
Iffie Hotel Oregon -