Thursday, August 29, 1918 EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS Page Three Estacada Observed Nation Wide Sing Estacada joined in the nation wide community sing, on Tues­ day evening at six o’clock. Led by Prof. John K. Ely assisted by Lee Dillon, and with Mrs. L. A. Wells as accompanist, a number of our citizens assembled at that hour in the Park pavillion. With vim and vigor they sang the pat­ riotic songs, commencing with the national anthem followed by “ America,” with its extra verae “God save our splendid men.” “The Red, White and Blue” fol­ lowed next and out ot compli­ ment to our gallant French ally, one verse of the “ Marsellaise. ” The proceedings concluded with “The Battle Hymn of the Repub­ lic” and “The Battle Cry of Freedom.” and a short speech by Lawyer Bartlett on the object ot the meeting. WE ARE TOO BUSY TO WRITE ADDS > ■Just Remember we Have the Goods and the Prices! Your UPPER EAGLE CREEK SA TISFA CTION-OurSUCCESS! CLACKAMAS ESTACADA LY Save some of your money by buying one or more of our “new or second hand tires” at greatly reduced prices! Lee A. Dillon left today for CampTa.vlor, where he will train for artillery service. Ernest Duus who is stationed at Camp Lewis and serving in the Motor Ambulance Company, spent Sunday at home with his Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Duus. Archdeacon Chambers of the Episcopal diocese of Oregon, mo- torer over from Portland Wed­ nesday with Mrs. Chambers to call on the Simpson and Gibbs families. THESE BARGAINS ARE IN TIRES OF THE SIZES OF 30x3, 30x8X and 32x31 Gospel Meetings After You Have Purchased Your Season Ticket for the ESTACADA CHAUTAUQUA at $2 for Adults, $1 for Children Over 8 Years— N OUR VULCANIZING DEPARTMENT Makes Used Tires Almost as Good as New. I Carl Clark ot Vancouver, visit­ ed with the home folks Sunday. Glenn Douglass and Tommy McKay were Oregon City visitors last Saturday. H. F. Gibson and wife. James Gibson and Mrs. Ralph Gibson were up this way Sunday. C. L. Palfrey and family of Molalla, were the dinner guests of Mrs. Viola Douglass, Sunday. Chas. Krebs, with his thresh­ ing crew is in the neighl>orhood, hut there is only a very light crop this year. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Woodle re­ turned home Monday from Trout- dale, where they have been at­ tending camp-meeting for the past ten days. Cascade Garage S. P. Pesznecker Salea Agents for DODGE CHEVROLET BU1CK CADILLAC Republic Trucks Brunswick Tires Cleveland Tractors Estacada Pentecostal Gospel Meetings will begin Wednesday September 4th at the tent. The Second Coming of Christ and the Plan of the Ages will be among the subjects discussed. The public is cordially invited to come and bring your friends. W. S. Lovejoy.