Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Reed and daughters of Estacada, accom- ponied by Mrs. Reed’s sister, Miss Enola Oakley, left Wednesday for an auto trip to Seattle and other Washington points, expect­ ing to he absent about ten days. “ P E T E R S ” ALL LEATHER SHOES! Mrs. H. V. Adix and children of Estacada are spending a few weeks at Twin Rocks on the coast. Dr. Adix made the trip by auto with his family, remain­ ing at the resort over the week­ end and expecting to make other week-end trips later. Your Money Back and a New Pair if You Find Anything But LEATHER in Above Brand! MEN’S SHOES “ ALL FOR WEAR” . LADIES’ SHOES “ ALL FOR WEAR” . BOYS’ SHOES “ALL FOR WEAR” . CHILDREN’S SHOES “ ALL FOR WEAR” . . . . . . Mrs. Ennis Townsend of Taco­ ma is visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. anil Mrs. J. R. Townsend of Estacada. $5.50 4.00 4.00 3.00 . A NEW LOT OF GIRLS’ SCHOOL SHOES BROWN, 2 to 6 BLACK, 2 to 6 BLACK CLOTH TOP R. C. Mulkey of the Estacada ! barber shop left this week for Portland, where he will make j his home. The shop will be con- i ducted for a few davs from 4 to ¡8 P. M. by Da v e Eschleman, former local barber but beginning the first of the week a new man ■ will be in charge. Bert Chapman of Estacada lately disposed of his Ford car and is now driving a new Max­ well. which he purchased through the Estacada Garage. Rex Ludlow of Estacada who lately enlisted in the navy is leaving Saturday, for San Diego, where he will be stationed. $5.00 4.50 3.50 P runes S uffer D am age Your SATISFACTION-Our SUCCESS! EA S T C LA C K A M A S SU PPLY CO. ESTACADA Don’t Throw Away Your Worn Tires. Our vulcanizing de­ partment has been enlarged and now occupies double its former space! Is now in ch a rg e o f J o e P esznecker, w ho is o n e o f th e m ost exp ert vu lcan izers in the state. D on’t a ccep t your ow n ju d g em en t on w h eth er a tire is w orthless, let Joe look it over and h e w ill ad vise you right. If it cannot be v u lcan ized and m ad e to w ear m an y m iles lon ger, he w ill tell you and if it can be repaired, h e ’s th e m an that can do it and do it right. Joe has taken over the entire Tire Sales and Tire Repair business of this Garage and it will be an economy to consult him when in need of New or Repaired Tires or Tubes. Cascade Garage S. P. Pesznecker Sales Agents for DODGE CHEVROLET BUICK' CADILLAC Republic Trucks Brunswick Tires Cleveland Tractors / Estacada A peculiar p r u n e trouble thought by many growers to be brown rot but not related to it ni anyway, is reported to H. P. Barss. plant pathologist at O. A. C., from prune districts through­ out Oregon. The trouble, thinks Prof. Barss, is due the severe and prolonged drought followed by the rains of late July. The change from dry to moist condi­ tions probably induced changes in the fruit which brought on s t r u c t u r a l and physiological breaking down in ihe flesh. No brown rot is visible so far this year, and although many prunes will be lost from the injury re­ ported it is still true that many still unaffected may mature in fair shape, as the trouble is not contagious or infectious. The German Crown Prince can console himself with the thought that he is leading the American boys on to Berlin. At least they are keeping close behind him. No man, it is said, ts a hero to his valet, and seldom to his dent­ ist. According to Dr. Davis, the Crown Prince was far from hero­ ic in the dental chair. How would he act if he got into close touch with the business end of an Am­ erican bayonet? He would prob­ ably break all sprinting records.