• ™ & 1 * * S * *1 ¡»* '-r ! 1 Devoted to the Interests of Eastern Clackamas County V olume 11, N umber 46 SOLUIERS TO BE GUESTS Estacada Park To Sec Series Of Picnics During Coming Month Estacada Park will continue to be the scene of unusual picnic- ini’- festivities for the balance of the summer, according to the re­ port of t tie tralhc department of the railway company. Last Sunday was a gala day at this popular resort, when the employes of the Albina Engine Works of Portland, with wives, families and sweethearts spent the day here. On Sunday the 4th of August, the park will be given a rest, as no excursion is scheduled for that day, but on the following Sunday, the 11th, the Coast Ship Building Company of Portland will hold its annual outing, with several thousand picnicers being arranged for. The climax of the season will occur on Sunday. August 18th, when the Knights of Columbus, through their War Work Com­ mittee, will entertain five hun­ dred soldier boys here. The K. of C. will act as hosts and an ex- tei sive program has been ar­ ranged to assure the soldiers having a good time, including free dancing all day. As no soldier can have a good time without his or somebody else’s sweetheart, plenty of girls will be on hand to aid in the en­ tertainment and dancing, and an invitation is* extended to the young folks of this community to join in the festivities and help in showing our soldier boys a good time. S ’.ieriff Rounds Up Strayed Picnicers A pair of rather tough kids from Portland, who had spent the day at Estacada Park Sun­ day at the Albina Engine Works’ picnic apparently had s u c h a good time and were so favorably impressed with this locality, that they decided to remain indefin­ itely. On Monday morning a message was received from the sheriff’s office, asking as to the where- atK>ut8 o f the pair, who were later on rounded up and headed towards home o n the Monday afternoon train. The boys, who were typical “tough guys’’, had spent the night in the park and didn’t seem to welcome the assis­ tance of the authorities in get­ ting them to their homes. E stacada , O regon . Nation Calls For Volunteer Nurses The government is now issuing a call for women between the ages of 19 and 35 years for train­ ing and service in * connection with the U. S. hospital units. Oregon’s quota is 310 and while applicants are preferred who have had high school or col­ lege education, this is not re­ quired. All volunteers will be listed in a reserve corps to be subject to call on or beiore April next, in the meantime being given thor­ ough instruction in the U. S. nurses’ training courses. Applicants from this locality are requested to obtain applica­ tion blanks and detailed informa­ tion at the Estacada library on Tuesday or Thursday afternoon of next week, between 2 and 5 o’clock, or may obtain same from Miss Minnie Schrepei of Estaca­ da, who is in charge of the work in this district. Two Local Boys Rejected By Board Burt Moore of Estacada and Albert Hoygaard of Faraday, who last week reported at (Tamp Lewis with the last draft con­ tingent, have been rejected by the a r my physical examining board. This refusal of the army to ac­ cept these young men was a sur­ prise to the rejected ones and their friends. Mr. Moore return­ ed home early this week and will continue his work with the P. 11. L. & P. Co., while Mr. Hoygaard is temporarily remain­ ing at Tacoma. Library To Be Closed Temporarily By a vote of the Civic Improve­ ment Club at its special meeting Tuesday afternoon, it was decid­ ed to close the Estacada public library from August 1st unt i l October 1st. The ladies of the C. I. C., who have for years past been support­ ing this philanthropy, feel that outside aid should be forth com­ ing, believing theirefforts at this time shoyild be directed along lines pertaining more directly to the war needs. As a public library is an essen­ tial matter, especially among the students, it is hoped some ar­ rangement may later be made by the school board or the city au­ thorities to keep the institution open, after the schools begin. T hursday , A ugust 1, 1918 Body Of Engineer Found Saturday The remains of engineer Wm. Murray, wno was killed in the collapse of the River Mill bridge three weeks ago, was recovered Saturday noon, when in the rais­ ing of one of the locomotives the body which had been pinned un­ der the wreckage, came to the top. The body which was badly bloated was immediately placed in an undertaker’s box and taken to a Portland undertaking parlor, from which place funeral services were held Sunday. The two sons of the deceased, Harry and Lawrence were pres­ ent at time of the recovery, the former having conducted a search since the accident, the latter, who is enlisted in the navy, hav­ ing returned on furlough from Philadelphia a few days before. Local Slacker Caught By Authorities ’ Wm. J. Black, whose address appears as Estacada R. F. D. and who lives in the Dodge or El wood country, is the fiut young man from this community to come under the heading of a slacker. Black, who is little known in Estacada, claims to be a consci­ entious objector, which in this case seems to mean the owner of a “yellow streak.” Black was subject to the draft of last week and failed to respond to the call. The authorities naboed him a few days later, prior to his de­ parture for parts unknown. He was at once taken to Vancouver, where he is in jail and where fie prouabiy stay. It will be recalled that Black wa the young man. who in his questionnaire stated that “War is unconstitutional” and gave as a reason why he should be ex­ empted the term, “1 am morally unfit.” C. I. C. President Resigns Office At a special meeting of the Es­ tañada Civic Improvement Club held Tuesday afternoon, Mrs. R. M. Standish presented her resig­ nation as president of the organ­ ization, which was duly accepted. Her resignation at this time was necessary owing to the probabil­ ity of her removal from Estaca­ da within the next few weeks. Until a regular meeting is held no successor will be elected. $1.50 P er Y ear C heese factory closes Shortage Of Dairy Foods And Lack Of Co-operation Responsible On Friday, July 26th, the plant of th e Estacada do-operative Cheese Association formally sus­ pended operation, with all milk routes discontinued and cheese- maker Garrison released. This action was found necess­ ary by the directors, after a fu­ tile effort to continue the indus­ try in the face of a steadily de­ creasing amount of milk and the lack of finances due from stock subscribed but not paid for. The Estacada Association be­ gan operations in July 1917, with the plant at that time handling about 4,000 pounds of milk per day and with a capacity of about a thousand pounds more. Des­ pite the efforts of the directors and a few loyal stockholders, this volume of milk has more or less steadily decreased, until on the day of c l o s i ng , but 900 pounds was received. Two fundamental reasons can be assigned for this failure of the home industry. First, the shortage of dairy feeds raised in this locality during the past dry season and the high prices of im­ ported substitutes. Second, an unwillingness on the p a r t of some of the stockholders and patrons to loyally stand by the industry at a time when the sup­ port was most needed. The product of the local plant had already gained an enviable reputation on the Portland mar­ ket, the Estacada cheeses com­ manding within a fraction of a cent the prices offered for the famous Tillamook brands an d with the demand steadily grow­ ing. It is to be hoped this suspen­ sion of operations will be but a teirq>orary matter and even if the industry is not opened again as a co-operative one, it is more than likely it will Tater be taken over b y private interests and conducted along more business­ like lines. Eat »cada’s Streets Being Regraded Under tie- supervision of City Marshal John Lovelace and with the aid of ex marshal John Page, the streets of Estacada are being re-graded. This is a much need- irnprovement and a good job is being done, wi t h the Howell tractor used for motive |>ower.