Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, July 18, 1918, Image 7

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Doi ngs
Harl Tracy, son o f Mr. and
Mrs. N. M. Tracy o f Garfield is
now located at Camp Holabird,
Baltimore, Md., having with his
company lately been transferred
from Vancouver.
George Black and family of
Olympia, Washington, spent sev­
eral days visiting with his sister
and family, Mrs. Joseph DeShaz-
er. Mr. Black made the trip
from Olympia to Dover on the
Pacific Highway in a Chevrolet
Even a sm all chew of Real
Gravely Chewing P lu g satis­
fies. It gives more real to­
bacco comfort than a big chew
of ordinary tobacco.
Mrs. J. C. Duus o f Garfield,
after a few days spent with her
daughter Mrs. N. L. Kirchem o f
Logan and attending the Glad­
stone Chautauqua, returned home
K. C. Frace is painting the in­
terior o f the Dover schoolhouse.
Many o f the Doverites attend­
ed Chautauqua at Gladstone Sun­
Bruce Schminky who for four
weeks has been in training in an
officers training camp at the Pre­
sidio, Cal , is now helping his par­
ents run the farm.
Miss Dorothy DeShazer o f For­
est Grove, Ore., is spending sev­
eral weeks visiting with her un­
cles, Joe and Jim DeShazer.
Peyton Brand
Real Gravely
Chewing Plug
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Peterson
and baby o f Estacada, a fter a
six w eek’s visit at the Will Bard
home in Springwater expect to
return to their home the first o f
the week.
10c a pouch — and worth it
Gravely laate eomuchlonger it cotte
mo more to chew than ordinary plug
Douglass Drill o f Cazadero is
reported to have enlisted in the
navy, entering the wireless work
or some department where his
knowledge o f electricity will be
o f value.
M.J. K E R K E S
P. B. Gravely Tobacco Company
Danvilla, Virginia
r i
W e are Sales Agents for
Livestock Buyer and Butcher.
Livestock of all kinds purchased.
Phone or see Jack Saunders, Currinsville.
B o n e r ’s
fo r
Fishing Tackle
Tennis Balls
Fishing and Hunting Licenses
Cigars, Tobaccos, Confectionery
Soda W ater
Soft Drinks
Ice Cream
Headquarters for
Priest, O ff e n d in g C h ie f, S a v e d L i f e
an d L a t e r R e t u r n e d W i t h S t o r y
of In t e r e s t i n g F in d .
W e now have Wheatless Days and Meat­
less Days and may soon have
So lay in your supply of S O A P now.
have a choice assortment of toilet
soap s,
including the famous C O L G A T E
products, as well as many
> The Estacada Pharmacy
Buick o r
The Cascade Garage o f Estacada
W. H. Johnson o f Garfield at­
tended his sister’s W'eddmg last
¡Sunday at Helvetia, Or.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Duus o f
Gaitield, who have been living
in Portland for the p a s t few
months, have returned to the
home place lor a few weeks lo
care lo r the crops.
New Zealand Is Maoriland, the home
of a most interesting race. About one
thousand years ago there lived on the
isle Hanalki the forefathers of the
Maori. One of their priests, Te Kupe,
relates a writer In the Mississippi
Blaetter, had offended the chief, and
to prevent his being killed his friends
sent him, provided with provisions
enough to last some time, adrift over
the sea in a canoe. Home and friends
he would never see again, he thought,
and by his people lie was mourned as
one dead. To the Joy of the islanders
he returned after 12 months, giving
them a glowing description of the
wonderful land he liad discovered. His
information caused a stirring agita­
tion, and In a short time seven canoes
were fitted out by tin* natives to sail
to tlic land of promise and settle
Te Kupe was leading in the first
canoe across the wide sea, and on
their landing, to honor him, called It
“ Acteoroa” — New Zealand.
“ The seed of our race comes from
Hanrulki,” said a missionary, and
there can be no doubt about the ori­
ginal dwelling place, ami that the
present Maoris are the descendants of
those who sailed centuries ago from
There ia more Catarrh In thla section
o f the country than all other dlaeaaea
put together, and for years It was «up-,
posed to be Incurable.
Doctors pre-'
scribed local remedies, and by constant­
ly falling to cure with local treatment,
pronounced It Incurable. Catarrh la a
local disease, g r e a t ly Influenced by con­
stitutional conditions and therefore r e ­
quires constitutional treatment. Hall's
Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J.
Cheney & Co., Toledo. Ohio, Is a consti­
tutional remedy, is taken Internally
and acts thru the Blood on the Mucous
Surfaces of the System. One Hundred
Dollars reward Is offered for any case
that Hall * Catarrh Cure falls to cure
Send for circulars and testimonials.
F. J. C H E N E Y & CO., Toledo, Ohio,
gold by Druggists. 7Sc.
Hall's F a m ily Fills fo r constipation.
Garford and Velie
T rucks
Our M E C H A N IC A L D EPAR TM EN T include«
mechanics who know all machines from Radiators
to Tail Lights
Bstacada G arage
J. W . Reed, Prop.
Estacada, Oregon
Just One Inch of Rain.
Our Own "Troplce."
When the weather bureau reports
Only at one place In the United
thnt an Inch o f rain hits fallen, It
means that the amount of water that States Is there real tropical vegeta­
descended from the sky in that par­ tion, says Popular Science Monthly.
ticular shower would have covered the Florida and California have what Is
surrounding territory to a depth of one culled “ sub-tropical” vegetation.
Inch If none o f it had run off or soaked ♦he midst o f u desert In the extreme
southern part of California Is a true
Into the ground.
It means that on one acre of ground oasis. The oasis, Palm Springs, lies
enough water to fill more than 000 2"o feet below the sea level. So hot
barrels «if 4!) gallons each has fallen. Is It there that there Is u riot o f vege­
That quuntlty o f water weighs more tation all the year round. Enormous
than 110 tons.
I f the rainstorm cov­ fig trees and mammoth grapefruit und
ered 1,000 ncres, which would be a oranges are always to he had. The
very small shower Indeed, 114.000 tons lemons that grow there weigh two and
o f water would fall from the clouds. a half pounds apiece. The responsi­
Rainstorms frequently cover whole bility for all this may he laid to a beau­
states and often two or three or five tiful little stream which Is fed by the
river and
inches o f water fall In one storm. A Colorado
single widespread and heavy storm through tiie oasis only to disappear
might result in 100,000,000.000 tons of into the ground at Its end.