The Corsets with * Double Cloth In Shirt Double Boning Double Strength Double Wear but Single Price Front Lace - Back Lace - Dancing and Sport Corsets. All Sizes 20 to 28 In Colors Pink and White. Guaranteed Rust Proof. Prices $1.50 to $6. EAST CLACKAMAS SUPPLY CO. ESTACADA §om e of our Estacada boys, now “ doing ’ their bit” * have left their cars with us FO R S A LE . So here’s your chance to get a BARGAIN in a 1917 •• Dodge Touring Car or 1915 - Dodge Touring Car or 1918 •• Ford Runabout. All in good conditi ion. Here is also a chance for you to Save Money on a Brunswick and Goodyear Tires. In fact we have just 14 Brunswicks and 6 Goodyears. Save money hy buying now before the next rise in rubber prices takes place. Cascade G arage S. P. Pesznecker for Sales Attenta O tt lv B r V ^ v l l WJ DODGE CHEVROLET BUICK CADILLAC Republic Trucks Brunswick Tires Cleveland Tractor* Estacada Abe Ames, federal hunter o f this district returned to Estaca­ da Wednesday from a few days trip in the mountains, with his pack horse carrying the remains of one wild cat and two coyotes, which he had trapped along the south side o f the Clackamas. A telegram was received by Mrs. M. H. Evans o f Estacada on Wednesday from her son Mil- ton, who is stationed at Camp Lewis, stating that he expected to leave that camp shortly. It is probable that Ted Ahlberg o f Es­ tacada, who is in the same com­ pany will be transferred at the same time. The second l e s s o n in t h e governm ent’s course in “ first aid nursing” was held Wednesday evening at Estacada, with lie- tween thirty and forty women present. A ll were enthusiastic over the work and are now con­ versant with the difference be­ tween the ulna and clavicle, a compound and a green stick frac­ ture and know where to look for the juglar vein and the carter- oid artery. HAIR WORTH MORE. THAN GOLD L a c k F ro m H o a d of the Im m o rta l G eorge W a sh in g to n Sum of F iv e H u n d re d D ollars. It I* a wise barber who knows his famous customer», notes a writer. A single hair from the bead of Shake­ speare would be priceless today. Yet he must frequently, metblnks. have bad his hair cut. Most poets wear their hair long, hut there comes u time, even to a poet, when he must have It trimmed at least. That Is the barber’s chance. A silver shell-shaped rellquard con­ taining a lock of hair of Milton, to- Kether with a lock of hair o f Eliza­ beth Rarrett Browning, sold In I,on- don at an auction recently for $400. A lock o f Thackeray's hair, cut from his head ufter hls death hy his daugh­ ter, Anne, Lady Ritchie, fetched $100 at auction. Milton did not get quite that much for “ Paradise Lost.” The ■ale of if lock o f Napoleon's hair for 18 shillings denotes a serious slump In hair shares. Perhaps there was doubt whether It ever grew on Napoleon’s cranium at all. for In KtfO a similar relic, much the sume color and texture, realized $100, and a year earlier tws locks were sold for $li!h and $‘J!\ re­ spectively. ^ But probably the record was hrokea In America, where most record* ara doomed to he broken sooner or later, for at an auction sale In New York a lock of hair from the head of the Im­ mortal George Washington fetched ths sum of $n00. P o w e r of M in d Over Body. The true physician will utilize pow- ■r of the mind over the body. August Pornte has said that doctors who hear In mind only the animal side of hu­ man nature should confine their prac­ tice to animals— they should become veterinary surgeon- At the «sine lime let u« avoid falling Into the other extreme. To aay that "all Is mind' is as wrong as to deny the Influence of the mind over the body. Man has both body and ml no brain and hrawu. I/et us recognize sad utilise both In striving to achieve * high grade of e f­ ficiency. for In no other way may this he done. In short, let i is avoid ex­ tremes. That seems for many, to he tk- most rfimrult of all thing»,