Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, July 18, 1918, Image 3

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We have received a new shipment of Dry Goods
direct from San Francisco. This adds to our stock the
guaranteed not to fade, Linen-finished Ginghams.
Dainty Trimming Buttons, of all colors
New Embroideries and Laces
“Playtimes'’ Coveralls for the kiddies
And a fine line of Ladies’ Silk Stockings
Park & Closner
If you have not yet realized the vital
importance of that small but powerful
suggestion it would be well for you to
consider these three WAR TIME
1. Betterment of the individual's finan­
cial welfare.
2 Development of necessary industries.
3 Fullfillment of the GOVERNMENTS
We shall welcome you among our
many patrons.
Estacada State Bank
We Lfont V\ ant
Skilled Loggers
Such Advertising
And Mill Men Wanted
Several of the Estacada mer­
From the office of the Adju­
chants, who are taking turn- i tant Genera) comes a call this
about in the daily raising and
week for publicity to be given
lowering of the city’s flag, have
the government’s urgent need
hired members of the local Hoy
for 175 men skilled in logging
Scouts’ organization to attend to
and saw mill work.
these duties.
This quota must be filled by
In one or two instances the
volunteers by July 23rd or enough
scout or scouts became fatigued
men will be drafted for this ser­
before the s ta r s and stripes
reached .the top of the pole, with
The skilled workmen required
the emblem remaining at “hal f
are 70 chockermen, 50 h e a d
mast” that day.
buckera, 24 doggers. 0 general
Now we believe in hanging the
saw mill foremen and 27 planer
Hag at half mast under certain
circumstances, but we dont want
All men volunteering or in­
it inferred that a lot of us are
ducted under this call will be em­
dead ones yet.
ployed in the Northwest woods
in the production of spruce for
airplane manufacture.
License Fees
Applications for this work may
Increase City Income
be made through the county
Under the regime of Mayor
draft Iward and are desired from
Bartlett, the City of Estacada is
men of draft age in Classes 2, 3
prospering financially by the en­
and 4.
forcement of a number of dust-
covered and long-forgotten or
Garfield Ready For
enforced ordinances.
Bumper Prune Crop
In the matter of the collec­
With a liberal government es­
tion of water rentals alone, the
tablished prune price awaiting
city this month has been paid in
their products this Fal l , the
full by all users and on Sunday
prune growers of Garfield and
the ordinance making it compul­
nearby sections are looking
sory that all peddlers, fakers and
ahead to netting a profit.
keepers of amusement features,
All growers are now giving
games and devices pay a city li­
their attention to their driers,
cense, was enforced. This re­
which this year will be taxed to
sulted in quite a sum of money
capacity, with a number of them
obtained f r o m the transient
being enlarged, including t h a t
“near-merchants” located in the
Walter Snuffin which is being
Estacada Park.
doubly increased bv the addition
Where a stand or concession in
of three more tunnels and tne
the park is conducted and owned
Crawford brothers making simi­
by the organization giving the
lar provisions.
picnic, no effort is made to en­
Mr. Snuffin spent a day i n
force this ordinance, but in the
Portland this week in the inter­
instance of the transient fakers,
of that district’s growers,
it is a case of pay up or get out.
buying a thousand or more ad­
ditional p r u n e picking boxes,
A. N. Johnson of Vancouver
which means that hundreds of
spent Sunday among Estacada
will be employed t h i s
Fall in harvesting the crop.
Howard Smith of Sherwood,
Mrs. Blanche Frazier and son
Oregon is visiting among rela­
and daughter. Paul and Helen of
tives and friends in Springwater
Portland spent Sunday in Estaca­
and Estacada tins week.
da among former friends. Paul,
who was a j)opular E. H. S. stu­
Mrs. Theodore Ahlberg of Es­
is now in the employ of the
tacada, who is now employed in
Supple & Baffin shipyard and ex­
the accounting department o f
pects shortly to be called to the
the P. K. L. & P. Co. in Port­
land, spent Sunday here, where
she aided the C. I. C. ladies in
Miss Ellen Currin of S a l e m
the serving of the dinners at the
and Miss Helen Hosa of Gresham
hotel. Mrs. Ahlberg last week
were week-end guests at the R.
returned f r o m Camp Le wi s
H Currin home in Currinsville.
where h e r husband is in the
military service.
Arthur Barrett of Viola took a
bad tumble Monday while hay­
Mrs. F. A. R i c h a r d s and
ing on the Ewing farm, when a
daughter Eunice of Portland and
load of hay upset, badly bruising
Lieut, and Mrs. Arthur Welch of
Mr. Barrett’s arm and shoulder.
Vancouver were guests at the
R. C. Deming home in Estacada
R. O. Morrison, after an ab­
over Sunday, the former remain­
sence of several months in the
ing for a few days visit at the J.
east, this week returned to Es­
W. Reed home.