Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, July 11, 1918, Image 1

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    Devoted to the Interests of Eastern Clackamas County
V olume 11,
N umber 43
Will Douglass Residence In Upper
Eagle Creek Burned To Ground
Sparks from a chimney lodg­
ing in the dry shingles on the
roof, Saturday afternoon set fire
to the home of Will Douglass of
Upper Eagle Creek and before
help could be obtained, the build­
ing and contents were completely
The fire was discovered about
4:30 in the afternoon by Mrs.
Douglass who was alone at the
time. As her husband and the
neighboring men were at work
some distance away in the fields,
the structure w as a mass of
flames before help arrived.
Aside from some clothing and
bedding, all furniture and other
household articles were consum­
ed, as w e 11 as the adjoining
As no insurance was carried
on the property the loss is a se-
v e r e one, but Mr. and Mrs.
Douglass are cheerfully arrang­
ing for a new home, temporarily
rebuilding a nearby dryer, which
with the addition of floors and a
few windows wi l l admirably
meet the requirements.
On Tuesday evening, at the
nearby home of Mr. Douglass’
mother, Mrs. Viola Douglass, a
number of t h e relatives a n d
friends gathered and tendered a
surprise party on Mr. and Mrs.
Will Douglass, t h e enjoyable
part of the surprise being the
donation of m a n y household
a ncles and in fact everything
neeoed for their immediate re­
sumption of housekeeping.
S p rin gw ater Girl
M arries Soldier N eighbor
A quiet home wedding w as
solemnized Wednesday evening,
July 10th at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. M. Fink of Springwater,
when their daughter Erma be­
came the bride of Grover Rig­
gins, son of Mr. and Mis. J. A.
Riggins of Springwater.
The ceremony was performed
in the presence of ihe immedi­
ate family and a few friends
by Rev. Weld of ihe Springwat­
er Presbyterian Church.
The groom, who is in his 25th
year, is to join the military ser­
vice the latter partof this month,
having been called in the last
The best wishes of their many
friends are extended the young
folks in this happy culmination
> 9 f a neighborhood courtship.
E stacada ,
O regon ,
T hursday ,
J uly 11.
G ladstone C hautauqua
O pen G ates T uesday
S pecial School M eeting
In Estacada M onday
Many of the local people who
each year avail themselves of the
camping facilities and advantag­
es of the annual session of the
Gladstone Chautauqua may this
year feel they are in a strange
place, as many changes and im­
provements have been made in
the park this season.
A fine gravel walk has been
laid from the lower gate to the
auditorium, the old auto gate be­
ing moved one hundred yards
north, allowing increased auto
parking facilities. A new con­
cession stand has been erected
near the ball grounds and addi­
tional water has been piped into
the grounds.
Among t h e Estacada people
who are now camping on the
grounds are Mrs. John Page and
daughter Minerva, Rev. and Mrs.
Henry Spiess and family a n d
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Judd, with
many others planning to spend
from a day to a week at the
sessions later, as the assembly
continues until the 24th.
The special meeting of the tax­
payers of Estacada school district
No. 108, as advertised elsewhere
in these columns, will take place
Monday evening, July 15th at
the high school auditorium.
At this meeting three directors
and a clerk will be elected, two
directors to succeed W. H. Hol­
der and Fred Joig who have re­
signed and one director due to
the expiration of the term of
chairman J. W. Reed.
This meeting will take the
place of the regular, annual meet­
ing which was postponed from
June 17th, owing to irregularity
in its calling.
Little interest is being shown
in the coming election to date,
with no candidates having agreed
to run for the offices and little
comment among the taxpayers
on the subject.
A nother Big Picnic
A t E stacada Sunday
Another gala day is scheduled
for the Estacada Park next Sun­
day, when a couple of thousand
of the employes and their famil­
ies, of the Supple Ballin Ship­
yard of Portland will hold their
annual outing.
On Wednesday, July 24th, all
records of recent years are ex­
pected to be eclipsed by th e
crowd attending the Grocers’ &
Butchers’ Assn, of P o r t l a n d
picnic, wi,h arrangements being
made for over 3,000 people.
Injured Hand E xem pts
From M ilitary S ervice
Fred Nitschman of George,
who last week was rushed to a
Portland hospital, following the
mangling of his hand in a saw at
the Hillyard & Welch mill in Gar­
field, is reported in an Oregon
City paper to have had the in­
jured member amputated.
This report is unverified, as
Dr. Adix of Estacada the attend­
ing physician, up to Wednesday
had heard of no ^uch operation
and Fred’s friends in George re­
port that no amputation was nec­
essary that they know of.
Nitschman’s name appeared
among the last call for draftees,
but this disablement now places
him in the exempt class, for
whether the hand is amputated
or not, it will be many months
before the wound is healed.
T hird Paym ent
On Liberty Bonds
On July 18th the tnird pay­
ment on the S e c o n d Liberty
Bonds will be due, this payment
representing 35"«», or in the in­
stance of $50. bonds, $17.50.
The final payment is due Aug­
ust 15th, when the remaining
$20. on the $50. bonds is forth­
G arfied Soldier
R eturns To Duty
Harry C. Reid of Garfield, who
has lately been confined to the
barrack’s hospital at Camp Lewis
is now completely recovered and
with his company again. In a
recent letter home Hai ry writes
that he never was in better con­
dition than now, despite the two
sieges with pneumonia which he
recently suffered from. He re­
ports having spent July 4th, at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harley
Trowbridge of S n o h o m i s h ,
Wash., formerly o f Estacada,
and where hi ; sister Elizabeth is
now visiting.
C hautauqua B ase
Ball Scheduled
Interest in the baseball series
at t h e Gladstone Chautauqua
may not be as intense among
Clackamas County fans this year
as formerly, when county teams
participated, but g o o d ball is
promised nevertheless f o r this
Three team will contend, being
the Willamette Iron & Steel Co’s
nine; the Wilsonville f o r m e r
champions and the Multnomah
Athletic Club team of Portland.
$1.50 P er Y ear
Governor Issues Proclamation To
Farmers Woodsmen and Campers
A u t h o r i t y delegated to fire
wardens to issue burning per­
mits, by section 7, chapter 7(5,
laws of 1917, is suspended in a
proclamation signed Monday by
Governor Withycombe as a pre­
caution against f o r e s t fires.
Strict rules are laid down in the
proclamation relative to camp
fires, and persons going into for­
ests are urged to refrain from
smoking. Governor Withycombe
calls the attention of the public
to the extreme danger of the de­
struction of forests, grass and
grain fields because of the pres­
ent drouth. The proclamation
“ Because a general drouth con­
dition has fallen on the state of
Oregon causing an unusually ser­
ious situation which threatens
the destruction of forests, grass
and grain fields, l feel justified
in ordering that all permits to
burn, issued by state fire war­
dens as authorized by section 7,
chapter 7(5, of the Laws of Ore­
gon for 1917, be and are hereby
suspended and that no more
burning permits be issued until
further notice.
“ No camp fires shall be start­
ed in or near forest or brush cov­
ered lands within 20 feet of any
standing or down trees, brush
piles, or other litter that may
cause the spread of fire, and un­
der no condition is a fire to be
built until the ground is cleared
to mineral soil for a distance of
six feet in every direction and no
such fire shall be left even tem­
porarily until it has been com­
pletely extinguished with a plen­
tiful supply of water” .
K aak e T ak es Over
H orner’s V iola Mill
With the Horner-Millard Lum­
ber Company having lately mov­
ed t h e i r milling operations to
near Mulino, Will Kaake of Es­
tacada has taken over their Viola
Mr. Raake, with W. C. Hicin-
botham as sawyer, will continue
operations at the present stand,
as long as the Ficken timber, on
which the mill is working, lasts.
As to where the mill will there­
after be located has not been de­
cided, as some nood timber is a-
vailable in the Viola bottoms and
some nearer Estacada.