W e wish to call the ^Attention of the ladies to our* new stock of latest style Ladies’ Waists Fancy Collars Dainty Camisoles These represent a selection of beautiful SILK. ORGANDY and GEORGETTE CREPE. GEORGETTE SILK and OR­ GANDY. Colors and plain. of MESSALINE and JAPANESE SILK lace trimmed and embroid- dered. Warners Redfern . G >rsets Ladies Muslin Under Skirts Summer Middy Blouses $ 1.25 to $i 5.00 at $7. and $ 1.50 75c to $ 1.25 $4. to $6. COMPLETE LINE 60c to $ l. 75c to $1.50 GOOD VALUES LAST YEAR’S DRICES TH E EAST CLACKAM AS SUPTLY COMPANY ESTACAD A Zogg-W ilcox W edding Beautiful Lawn Affair li * A beautiful lawn wedding took place June 22nd, at eight o’clock in the evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Zogg of Sandy Ridge, when their daugh­ ter Sylvia was married to Roy Wilcox formerly of that district. The br i de was beautifully gowned In a creation of veiled crepe-de-chine a n d georgette crepe with pearls and carried a shower hoquet of br'de’s roses, sweet peas and baby breath. Miss Pauline Zogg, a sister of the bride, becomingly gowned in yellow silk was maid of honor and the best man was Lester Davies of Clatsop, a friend of the groom, who is in tfie military service with him at Clatsop. Rev. R. A. Weld of Spring- water performed the ceremony in the presence of a b o u t fifty friends an d relatives. Many beautiful gifts of silverware, cut glass and china were presented to the bride. The happy couple left in their machine for Seaside, where they will make their home for the summer and where the sincere wishes df their many friends are extended to them for a long and happy life. Mrs. Nora I. Reid and son Chester of South Estacada left for Portland this week, where her son Theodore is employed for the summer. Monster Picnic At Estacada July 7th On Sunday July 7th the Col­ umbia River Shipyard employes will hold their annual picnic at Estacada Park. Present mdica- tiqns point to a crowd of from 35 to 40 carloads, which means from 3,000 to 4,000 people in at: tendance. Hal F. Gibson of Barton, one of t h a t community,s leading boosters, T u e s d a y afternoon, long-distanced the News office to announce that Barton had gone about $1400. over the top of their quota of $2000. Rev. Henry Spiess of Estacada occupied the pulpit of the Dover church Sunday and preached an interesting sermon on the text “The Prodigal Son.” By Tuesday morning of this week the Springwater and Cur- rinsville s chool districts had gone over the top in their quota of W. S. S. sales and the canvass­ ing in o t h e r districts is now progressing rapidly. Born* to Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Frace of Dover, June 23rd, a son. There will be a dance the even­ ing of July 4th at the Garfield Country Club, wi t h all young folks invited to come and have a good time. Halt the Hun ! Provide the boys with the things they need to make short work of him. Guns, clothes, aircraft, food, munitions and ships to get over with. These are the things the boys need, ami it costs money hunks of it. June 28 th National War Savings Day Make a pledge to bun War Savings Stamps. The more quickly our soldiers have all flu* things they need, the more quickiy the ships will be bringing our boys back to us. t Thin spare contributed for the winning of the war by Cascade Garage Estucada Sales Agents for DO Dii K CHEVROLET BUICK CADILLAC Republic Trucks Brunswick Tires Cleveland Trac tors S. P. Pesznecker J. C. Peterson