Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, June 20, 1918, Image 8

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    W ant and F o r Sale C o lu m n
5 cents per line. Cash in advance
FOR SALE - Sow and six pigs
or will sell separately.
Rhone Elmer Davis
to arrange for settlement at once.
Such settlement can be handled
with negotiable paper, w h e r e
necessary. Kindly g i v e this
early attention and oblige
Milton D. Evans - Estacada.
FOR SALE - All or part o f my
STRAYED OR STOLEN - Pure | flock of sheep, being l a r g e l y
bred, yearling, Jersey bull, In­ Shropshires, numbering 35 ewes.
formation as to its whereabouts ! 1 ram and 14 spring ewes.
Phone - Mrs. VV. Domm.
will be appreciated by
Eagle Creek Falls.
Lawrence Brothers - Springwater
FOR SALE - Saddle pony and
FOR SALE - Thoroughbred S, hay rack at a bargain.
( ’., 0. A. C. strain chickens, 10 Phone - Geo. Genserowski
R. 2, Estacada.
weeks old. Some line breeders.
Phone - “ The Lodge”
FOR SALE - P. & (). one man
Cazadero, Or. drag saw, with two saws. This
TIMBER For sale, also single is in first class mechanical con­
dition and substantially n e w .
buggy for sale cheap.
Also one set of practically n e w
C. A. Bow, Eagle Creek
Box 17, Douglass Ridge. • single driving harness with collar.
Inquire - R. S. Ludlow or
WANTED 1 Hay mower and
John Page - Estacada.
1 hay rake immediately.
S. Turel
GROWERS: - Growers of logan­
berries, raspberries a n d black­
berries will find it to their advan­
tage to write to A. Rupert Co.
623 Worcester Bldg. Portland,
and obtain prices, before dis­
u sin g o f their crops.
In the Circuit Court o f the State of
Oregon, fur the County o f Clackamas.
C. Charlton Snyder,
George Hathaway,
State of Oregon,
County o f Clackamas,)
By virtue of a judgment order, de­
cree and an execution, duly issued out
o f and under the seal o f the above en­
titled court, in the above entitled cause,
me duly directed and dated the 12th
o f June 1918 u p o n a judgment
Notice in h e r e b y given that the
rendered and entered in said court on
undersigned Administratrix o f t h e
Estate of John A. Keid. deceased has
the 11th day o f June 1918 in favor
filed h«-r final account as such adminis­ o f C. C h a r l t o n Snyder, Plaintiff
tratrix in the County C o u r t o f the
and against George H a t h a w a y ,
State of Oregon for the County
Clackamas, and the Court has appoint-, Defendant, for the sum o f $311, with
ed and set the 24th day o f June A. D.
interest' thereon at the rate o f 7 per
1918, at 10 o ’clock A. M., at the County
cent per annum from the 1st day of
Room of said county in Oregon
C ! t * a s* \ h e t i mt* and place’ for hearing! February 1915 and the furthei sum o f
to , said final account and the
$50 as attorney’s fee, and the further
settlement o f same.
sum of $28.25 costs and disbursements,
Nora I. Reid
and the costs o f and upon this writ,
Administratrix o f the estate of
commanding me to make sale o f the
John A Reid, deceased
following described real property, sit­
Claude W. Devore, Attorney for Ad-
uate in the county o f Clackamas, state
o f Oregon, to-wit:
The South half (S 1-2) and the South
of the North half (S l-2 o f the N 1-2)
Northeast Quarter o f the South­
Department of the Interior, U. S,
east quarter (N. E. 1-4 o f S. E. 1-4) of
Land Office at Portland Oregon, May
Section Three (3) o f Township Four (4)
29, 1918.
! South Range Five (5) East o f the Will­
Notice is hereby given that Clark
amette Meridian containing 30 acres
It Knaggs, o f Colton, Oregon, Who
^ more or less also a strip o f land 2 m is
on O c t o b e r 4 th, 1913, m a d e
! wid»* a'ong and across the west end of
Homestead Entry No. 03930, for S 1-2 |
SE 14, Section t> Township 5 South, | the North half o f the Northeast quart-
Range 4 East, Willamette Meridian, I i er of the Southeast quarter of said
section Three (3) and co.itaining One-
has tiled notice of intention to m ake1
eighth o f an acre, all in ClacKamas
three year Proof, t o establish claim
County, Oregon.
to the above described, b e f o r e the
NOW, THEREFORE, by virtue of
Register a n d Receiver o f the U. S.
said execution, judgment order and de­
Land ( It lice at Portland, Oregon, on
cree, and in compliance with the com­
the ltith day of July, 1918.
mands o f said writ. 1 will, on Saturday,
Claimant names as witness#*:
the 20th day o f July 1918; at the hour
Charles lwaim,' of Colton. Oregon; t
10 o ’clock A M. at the front door o f
Rex Gordan, of Colton, Oregon; Oscar
the County Court House in the City of
Muller of Colton, Oregon; Alex Erick­
Oregon City, in said County and State,
son, of Colton, Oregon.
at public auction, subject to re­
Proof made under Act of June 6, 1912.
to the highest bidder, for U.
N. Campbell
cash in hand all the right,
title and interest which the wnhin
named defandants or either of them,
TO WHOM IT MAY CON- had on the date o f the mortgage herein
C E R N : - As l expect to leave or since had in or to the above describ­
shortly for military service, it is ed real property or any part thereof,
imperative that my interests in to satisfy said execution, judgment
the Estacada F e e d & Lumber order, decree, interests, costs and all
accruing cost*.
Company lie wound up at once.
W. J. Wilson
Consequently all parties owing
Sheriff o f Clackamas County.
money to the above company or By
E. C. Hackett
to the undersigned, are requested Dated, Oregon City. Ore. June 21st 1918
FOR SALE - Cabbage, Kale or
Cauliflower plants.
W. H. Holder
1 Rug 12 x 15
2 Tables — one a drop-leaf
each $1.
3 Kitchen Chairs
each 25c
1 Oil Heater and large lamp $1.
1 Enamel Wash Basin and
2 Small Lamps, pans, etc.
Must oe sold this week
See Miss Eva Wash
Estacada, Or.
Henry V. Adix, M. D.
P h y s ic ia n
S urgeon
Office Adjoining Residence
Local and Long Distance Telephone
The doctor’s phone can be connected with your
home phone at night if requested. One long ring
Dr. L. A. Wells
FOR SALE - 071. c ! B r o o d
Sow, also 6 fine seven weeks old
pigs, cross between 0. 1. C. and
Du roc Jersey.
J. Keichle - Estacada, Or.
Associated with Dr. H. V. Adix
Female German Aliens
Must Register A t Once
The attention o f female Ger­
man aliens is called to the offic­
ial g o v e r n m e n t proclamation
stating that all such aliens must
register with their nearest post­
master, during the period from
June 17th to 26th.
Full information as to the de­
tails o f this registration and the
furnishing o f photographs may
be obtained from the postmaster.
Failure to comply with this proc­
lamation w ill be severly punished
by the authorities.
Mrs. Willis Yonceand son Vir-
gle o f Estacada are now making
their home in Oregon City, where
Virgle has a position in the fin­
ishing room o f the paper mills.
Mr. Yonce is now employed at
one of the Portland shipyards.
Concluded from first page
once the Estacada telephone poles
will be robbed o f their economi­
cal duty o f furnishing free ad­
vertising space.
The News and its publisher
have for some years felt that
they were justiy entitled to a
larger share o f the advertising of
pt.blic matters from the home
community, also believing that
• such advertising was the only
real method o f obtaining proper
In the case o f the ordinances
emanating from the City Council,
the law allowed a choice o f either
hiding them from public g a z e on
a few telephone poles or publish­
ing in the newspaper, with the
former method usually adopted,
but in the instance of the annual
school meeting the law prescrib­
ed the proceedure and the puo-
lisher modestly and bashfully
asserted his rights.
Dr. R. Morse
P h y s ic ia n
S urgeon
Tests Eyes and Fits Glasses
Office on Main Str. between 1st and 2nd
Residence: Main and 5th Sts.
Telephone Connection
Claude W. Devore
Attorney-at-Law and Notary Public
The Insurance Man
O r e g o n F ire R e lie f A ss’ n
Of McMinnville, Oregon.
Also First Class OLD LINE Insurance.
Automobile Insurance A Specialty
Phone 513
I Sell and Trade Real Estate
Negotiate Loans • Buy Mortgages
Rent your
In the
Property • Write Insurance
very best
Fire Insurance
in the Home Company
and through the Home Agent
Agent for
The Pacific States
Fire Insurance Company
London Lancashire Fire Ins. Co.
Great American Fire Ins. Co.
Concluded from first page,
individual assigners d e s i r e to
find out for sure whether their
donations were correctly credit­
ed. such information can be ob­
tained by writing direct to Mr.
Sulli\ an.
Keep your policy in
our fire proof vault
free o f charge.
Estacada State Bank