Eastern Clackam as News Published every Thursday at Estacada, Oregon K. M. Standish, Editor and Manager Entered at the poatoffice in Estacada, Oregon, as second-class maiL SUBSCRIPTION One year Six months - . * K a TKS . . - $1.50 .76 Thursday, June 20, 1918 Friday, June 28th has been proclaimed as National War Sav­ ings Day and from now until then everyone is urged to invest all that they can afford, and even more, in the purchase of these securities. Oregon is behind in its quota and Clackamas County is in the same class. Just what the quota of this immediate district is, has not been ascertained, but wheth­ er we are ahead or behind, we must increase our purchases. These stamps can be purchased at any postoffice or of any rural delivery carrier and are now on sale at every store in Estacada. where the buying public is urged to accept part of their change in these patriotic securities. A so cal.ed American citizen, being a farmer residing near Mt. Pleasant i n Clackamas County was last week treated to a gen­ uine coat of tar and feathers by al>out twenty-five citizens, whose identity is unknown. This so-called American citizen refused to contribute in any way to any of the forms of patriotic activities and objected to bond d r i v e s , war saving stamps and Red Cross donations and apparently some of bis fel l ow citizens objected to him. While such mob action should be condemned by all law abiding citizens, it is a hard thing during these days of patriotic activities and national stress for all citizens to exercise the moderation and discretion, which they woul d under normal conditions. Yet, since the deed has been done, we hojH* it will have a good effect not only on the victim but upon other so-called American citizens, who are refusing to do their share to help this country. We hate to admit it. yet East­ ern Clackamas has a few such (American citizens?). B ut as the department of Justice has the names and records of them all, we hope they will soon be severely dealt with - for if they are not with us, they are against us, as there is no middle-of-the road policy in this crisis. Some people and a few mer­ chants imagine that advertising in the home newspaper brings little if any tangible results. If these doubters were in as close touch with the returns of live advertising as some of our advertisers, they would double their spaces at once and keep the spaces filled with up-to-the- minute advertising copy. For instance—two weeks ago one local advertiser made the an­ nouncement in these columns, that a wool buyer would be at his store on June 13th. This an­ nouncement consisted of ten lines and a heading and resulted in the bringing in to Estacada on the day designated, fully seven­ ty-five percent of the wool raised in this community, most of w-hich was sold at good prices. No other announcement of this wool buying was made, which proves conclusively that adver­ tising in the home paper will bring results from the home dis­ trict. If the same amount of thought and energy was given to the ad­ vertising of the wares of the merchants of this community, as is devoted to other phases of their business, increased sales would follow. For the home pa­ per is read by fully two thousand buyers and prospective buyers in this community each week and the advertising is read as well as the news. From the present outlook, Es­ tacada and this community in general will hold no Fourth of July celebration this year, as none has been announced as yet. It will be just as well though if we do dispense with the cus­ tomary “hurrah” this year and expend the same amount of ener­ gies and money along lines that will do more good for our country at this time. Our patriotism and respect for all that the Fourth of July stands for, w hile even stronger than in former years, should be exempli- field by sacrifice and work, rath­ er than by celebration and rejoic­ ing. Spray - Spray - Spray HOLSUM BREAD Fresh Every Day Cheaper to buy it ready made than to bake it. Our bread conforms with all Food Administration laws and is wrapped in Sanitary Fapers. MADE CLEAN SOLD CLEAN DELIVERED CLEAN TRY IT TO-DAY Victory, Liberty, Barley, Rye, Whole Wheat and Graham Bread. Snails and Doughnuts L. A. Chapman Estacada, Oregon ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Undertaking and Embalming L. A. Chapman Phone Store or Residence Estacada Licensed Embalmer R. G. Marchbank Operating Hearse and Morgue Estacada, Or. Soda Water • Soft Drinks • Lunches BOB’S PLACE Headquarters For Cigars and Tobacco The 4-5 weeks codling mo t h spray should be put on at once SPECIAL S A LE THIS W EEK if omitted till now, and if plant To make room for new stocks — we are offering some of the lice are present Black Leaf 40 most attractive bargains ever offered in this town — these will be should be added, 3-4 pint to 100 on our entire line of gal. spiay. Prunes attacked by S to c k C& P o u l t r y ^ T o n ic s aphids, bud moth and twig min­ and on certain lines of ers need Black Leaf 40, 3-4 pint GROCERIES to 100 gal. water and 4 pounds of Come in and ask us about them. fish oil soap. Cherry trees, and pears not sprayed for mot h, should be dusted or sprayed with far- TO OUR PATRONS l ead arsenate if attacked by From now on slugs. A. L. Lovett, O. A. C. , our business will be conducted on a strictly J. F. Lovelace of Estacada, j Cash who last week was severely in­ There is no need for explaining in detail our reasons, for jured in an automobile accident, j as all know, the conditions in the mercantile business today are is reported to be well on the road demanding CASH; with our wholesalers expecting it of us and we must insist on the same from our patrons. to recovery. We wish to thank you for your past patronage and hope that we may favored with a continuance of same, for the Cash Basis At the annual school meeting means a be Saving to You and to Us. in Viola on Monday, directors i John Hamilton. Ed an d Ray Miller and clerk Loren Tenny The Estacada Feed & Lumber Coir pany were re-elected for the ensuing At the Convenient Comer 2nd & Main Sta. Estacada. term. L. S. Bronson M. D. Evans Basis