Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, June 20, 1918, Image 3

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Lend Your Money
As Freely As
They Are Giving
Their Lives
You don’t have to fight, you don't have to die.
Your son does, or your brother who is now across the
way—or the kid now in khaki to whom you used to
give pennies a short time ago.
That money you have laid away for “a rainy day”—
wouldn’t you give every nickle of it to keep a Hun’s
knife away from his throat?
Well, the Hun is here, and so is his knife—and so is
the “rainy day”—it’s raining now, raining bombs and
schrapnel upon our boys “over there.”
June 28th
National War Savings
On that day the nation will call upon you, not just
your neighbor—but you—to pledge yourself to the
purchase of a certain number of War Savings Stamps
during 1918.
Lend your money as freely as they are giving their lives.
National War Savings Committee
This space contributed for
the Winning of the War by
Estacada State Bank
Sapolio doing its work. Scouring
for U.S.Marine Corps recruits.
Join N ow !
loss c*
Hotel Oregon-
Respectfully solicits the patronage of the People of Es-
‘tacada and Eastern Clackamas County, when in Port­
The HOTEL OREGON has been for many years one of
Portland’s leading hotels and is located in the heart of
the business and theatre section, at the convenient
corner of Broadway and Stark.
You are assured a cordial welcome and your patronage
will be appreciated.
Stop at the HOTEL OREGON, the next time you are
in Portland.
Rooms $1 and up
Ferguson Reappointed
District Fire W arden
John W. Ferguson of Portland,
who is well known in this part
of Clackamas County, where he
made his headquarters in former
years, was last week reappointed
fire warden by State Forester
Elliott for the counties of Clack­
amas and Marion.
Mr. Ferguson has be e n in
charge of the work for several
weeks and is making his head­
quarters near Molalla, as a cen­
tral point.
Work is still continuing in the
re-gravelling of the Springwater
Hill road, with many teams from
that district hauling gravel from
the cars at Estacada.
The household goods of the
Fred Jorg family of Estacada
were last week shipped to Port­
land, where they will make their
home and where Mr. Jorg has
been engaged in saddle-making
for several months past.
Lieut. Wm. M. Dale of Camp
Lewis spent Sunday at the par­
ental home in Estacada.
Last Sunday was a day that
will always remain a treasured
remembrance to Mrs. C. Raw­
lins, aged mother of Ben Raw­
lins of Garfield, who was tender­
ed a birthday picnic-party at the
Garfield Country Cl ub. One
hundred and five relatives and
friends joined in the festivities,
which included a sumptious din­
ner, with the tables decorated in
roses, smilax and other flowers.
Mrs. Rawlins, whose 78th birth­
day occured o n the Monda y
following, was wished ma n y
happy returns of the day.
J. J. Marchbank is now visit­
ing among relatives in Estacada,
having last week sold his recently
acquired acreage property near
Haley Station. Mr. Marchbank
will remain in Estacada fora few
days prior to returning to eastern
John C. Peterson of Estacada
is now able to be about, follow­
ing an operation for the fracture
of his shoulder bones, resulting
from an auto accident of a few
weeks ago.
S. P. Pesznecker of Estacada
last week completed a deal,
w h e r e b y he has taken the
agency for this and two adjoin­
ing counties for the sale of the
“Kavs-Pitman Rod” which is a
new invention, doing away with
the breaking of sickle bars and
bolts in mowing machines and
Milton Evans and E. W. Bart­
lett of Estacada were on the sick
list for a few days this week,
both suffering from the grippe.
Draft Boards To Correct
Classification Errors
A “Class I Week” is to be held
sometime this month by every
local draft board in Oregon, ac-
cordingto information and orders
from the office of the Adjutant
The purpose of “Glass l Week”
is to correct any errors in classif­
ications that may have been
made previously. In correcting
these errors, many registrants
previously placed in lower class­
ifications will be transferred to
Class 1.
At the same time, the re < ass-
ifications will work both ways.
Where the evidence justifies, lo­
cal boards will re-open the cases
of men wrongfully p l a c e d in
Class I and place them in lower
classifications, as th e circum­
stances warrant.
Government Appeal Ag e nt s
and members of legal advisory
boards have been directed imme­
diately to make a careful examin­
ation of all questionaires and re­
cords in all cases in which they
are satisfied that re-classification
should be made. Thousands of
registrants are now Class IV. the
War Department believes, who
should be in Class II or Class 1.
Appeal agents are instructed to
appeal every case where the re­
classification is not convincingly
New standards of physical ex­
amination are being issued by
the Provost Marshal General.
These will, it is believed, n o t
merely add to the number o f
men eligible for military service
but will largely i n c r e a s e the
roster of those held for limited
or special service.
(Contributed >
At the July meeting of the
Springw ater Grange a new mas­
ter is to be elected, as Mr. David
Horner the present master, has
handed in his resignation.
Mrs. W. A. Weld and children
left Thursday for l/>s Angeles,
where she will spend a couple of
months visiting her father and
A surprise party was tendered
James Folsom on Saturday even­
ing, where an enjoyable ti me
was had.
A Mrs. Judd of Iowa is visiting
at the home of her n e p h e w
Frank Millard.
Ethel M archbank of Boring is
visiting friends and relatives in
this section.
Mrs. Anderson of Curby, Ore­
gon is visiting her sister, Mrs.
W. Tucker.
The Children’s Day services
Sunday were well attended, with
many visitors from th e Eagle
Creek and George churches pre­
Mrs. I). Messick of San Diego
is spending a few days as the
guest of Mrs. C. M. Folsom.