• r*4 ►. >•» . ^ - T it - • * Cistern Clackamas News Published every Thursday at Estacada, O repron K. M. Stumlish, Editor and Manager Entered at ttie poatoflice in Estacada, Oregon, as second-class mail. SUBSCRIPTION K a TKS One yeffr Six months - . - . . - $1.50 .75 Thursday, May 1(5, 11)18 Prohtil)lv the majority *d‘ the voters of tins county were last week insulted l»y flic receipt tliroui;li tlie uiaiJs of a pamphlet called the Anti (JrafttT, same lie- ini' |!iihlis!iei| at Dsvvcgo, Oregon and hearing the name of V. F. < ’oopcr as puldislier. 'I'llis disgraceful specimen of the printer’s art, eauie about as near representing the ravine's of a deranged mind, as anything that lias conn* 1o our altofition in re­ cent years. We were, however pleased to note that is is maiidliugly sup­ porting Walter A. Dimirk for State Senator, for it should cer­ tainly result in his receiving few votes from thinking, fair-minded taxpayers. If the balance of tin* rot eman­ ating from the pen of Mr. <\>opn 1 * as truthful as his “ facts' * 'con­ cerning the Portland Railway Light & Power Company and tin* question of county division, no harm can he done-except to those whom lie is championing. We have always understood that V. F. Cooper was incapaci­ tated by the loss of his sight and ■ ■,a 'ive' are truly sorry to learn that his mental department is slowly tottering. The Honorable (?) Walter A. Dimiek ill his advert iseineiil which appeared in local papers last week says in part: ’ “County Divi sion is sought by a few men in Es- laeada who want public other and have never been able to get il. and had they been elected two \cars ago vou would never have heard anything about Cnuirly Di­ vision. It was just such a malicious statement as the above, along, w iMi a lew dozen others that Mr. Dim­ iek harangued the last legislature with, knowing that hy the ruling nl the 'senate, no other speaker could refute the statements. Mr. Dimiek seems «to have for gotten that ( ’minty Division niiue up lirst in the year PH ’J, being about lour years prior to the election of r u e Mr Dimiek also must imagine that Kstae.nl.i s business men are starving 01 close to that point, supposing ill \ are wanting others that pay from .+2 to $3 per day, when the satin men are now earn iug in then respective businesses from $2,500 to +7,.’>00 per year Eastern Clackamas did want •ud always has wanted an able representative in tin* Clackamas County Court and has one or (wo men, who for tin good* of Oils portion of the county, would have served m that important body, if they eould have hern elected. Eastern t lackamas is lighting for- a principle and for ivpivs. 1 tation ami not for political honors nor tlii 1 inoiiey emanating from such jobs, hut vve doubt if Mr. Dimiek can comprehend sm h •< *' * .. . *. . Last week the Oregon City Com­ mercial Club, that metropolitan organization which takes upon it self the responsibility of trying to run this rural county, appointed a committee to investigate the sen­ timents of all senatorial and legis­ lative candidates, as they may pertain to county division. Apparently this investigation is being made for fear some honest man, broad-minded enough to realize that there is merit on both sides of a question, might receive an anti divisionist vote. The county seaters arc making county-division tin* only issue in the campaign for legislative can­ didates, despite the fact that they know this important question will be left *0 a vote of the people at the next general election. Hut to make dead sure that the taxpayers of this portion of the county are not represented in the next legislature, the Pulpy C it y ’s commercial body appointed the following representative citizens of a rural county, W. A. Huntley, Oregon City druggist; L. A. Mor­ ris, Oregon City dentist and Livy* Stipp, Oregon City attorney and polit ieian. So the voters can readily see wluit a fair chance there is of any any honest, broad-minded mail be­ ing nominated if the city ’s “ heavy taxpayers” can help it. ( 'lackamas is certainly an ideal rural county, populated and sup­ ported by hardworking farmers and run largely hy a bunch of Oregon City shop keepers, at tor-,. 1 leys and politicians. And still they wonder why any­ one should believe that -maybe this county would he better oH il divided. ' 1 . While some of our Oregon City, ant i Cascade County neighbors do not seem to have a high regard for our ability to raise and ex­ pend our taxes and eonduet a county of our own, they have no hesitation in allowing us to raise our own share of the county s qnAtn of Liberty Ponds and Red Cross moneys. Hut believe us, we.can make just as good a show­ ing at the formal’ as the latter! • According to a government no­ tification, the registration of the vming men of Oregon and other states, who have reached the age of ‘21 wears since dune • >t 1 1 , will be required on a day soon to be set hv proclamation by President Wilson. The day being set as soon as Congress enacts the legis­ lation now pending. As was tin* ease of the first reg­ istration, the entire registration is to la* completed in ¡1 single day. County Judge Anderson and ( ’01111 tv Agriculturalist Arens and wife, of Oregon City, and 11. A. Vickers of the Extension Depart­ ment of tin* O. A. C„ were ill Es taeada Saturday arranging for the speaking of Dr. \N J. Kerr, at the Red Cross rally in Estaeada next Sunday. Arrangements similar speaking were also made to take place in Hresliam in the afternoon and in Oregon City that < veiling. for .1 A Melton, of Portland, will oeeupv the pulpit at the Estaeada Chiist'ian church Sunday morning and evening, with the morning service adjourning to the school auditorium, where all " i l l attend SheCronB*jr»dl.Y.. Reduce the High Cost of Living One quart fruit jar FREE with each 15 ounces o f PALACE CAR COFFEE A T 35c per P A C K A G E This C O F FE E is packed in the self sealing jar. These jars are all standard size and w’hen empty can be used for fruit canning. These jars retail at about 10c each The C O F FE E is guaranteed to please you or your money refunded. nufsed 35c minus 10c equals 25c; cost o f ycur coffee- L. A. Chapman Our Motto "The Best is None Too Good for You” 1 ' > Estaeada, Oregon + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + -J. + + + + + - . z . . ’ I k -.* . , . . ♦ + + + + + + + Undertaking and Embalming L. A. Chapman + + + + Estaeada Licensed Em balm er < Phone Store or Residence + * Operating + Hearse and Morgue + + + + * + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +j. + + + * + + R. G. Marchbank Estaeada, Or. Soda Water • Soft Drinks - Lunches BOB’S PUCE ft Headquarters For Cigars and Tobacco W. S. WOOD, Auctioneer Vancouver, W ash. Farm Sales a Specialty - Write for Dates or call at News Office, Estaeada. Lend Him EN O C H M O R G A N 'S S O N S CO. A H jtirL Birr LIBERTY For BONH 3 S PATRIO TISM Buy For SAPOLIO EC O N O M Y 1 “A c tio n s s p e a k lo u d e r than words -A c t - Don’t Talk - Buy Now P. M. Wagner, of Estaeada. Web Roberts of Dover w as after a five weeks’ s i e g e of called for military service in the mumps and complications is able last draft and now is training at to lie alxmt again. (’amp I>»wis.