Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, May 16, 1918, Image 5

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    Show Nett Red Crott
About $60
1 he attendance at the special
Red Cross benefit performance
at the Estacada Family Theatre
Monday evening, was the largest
ever assembled in that house,
with the overflow extending on­
to the sidewalks.
The feature film, “The Man
Without A Country” w a s th e
main attraction, with the special
dramatic feature by the h i g h
school students being well ap­
Over $80. was taken in at the
door, the majority of w h i c h
will go to the work of the local
Red Cross, the bare expenses of
the performance being deducted
by Mrs. A. E. Sparks, the man­
ager of the theatre and sponsor
for the show.
There will be preaching ser­
v i c e s Saturday evening, May
18th at 7:30 o'clock at the Esta­
cada Church of Christ, conducted
by Evangelist R. P. Williams.
Services will also be held at 11
o’clock Sunday.
An enjoyable day was spent at
the W. Dom.n h o me at Eagle
Creek Falls last Sunday, when
Mrs. Domm and son Victor were
agreeably surprised Dy a v i s i t
from Minnesota friends w h o m
they had not seen for twenty-five
years, being Mr. Harry Dewitt
and daughter. Among the other
g u e s t s were Mi s s Amanda
Klaetsch and brothers Gust and
Herman of Portland. Mr. De­
witt had the pleasure of landing
a couple of big steel-heads at the
Kalis, under the guidance of Vic
(C ontributed)
(C ontributed)
Mrs. Edgar Horner is now
visiting her parents in California.
The Viola Red Cross met at
the F. Cummin h o m e Monday
afternoon, completing some gar­
ments which were sent to head­
quarters Tuesday.
Mrs. Dr. G. W. Crock well of
Portland was the guest of Mrs.
M. L. Sevier last week, l a t e r
visiting at the Hannah home in
Joseph DeShazer of Dover is
suffering with an injured e y e ,
caused by hot cinder embedding
itself in the eye ball, necessitat­
ing t h e services of a Portland
physician for its removal.
George Kitzmiller of Dover is
this week acting as a promoter,
escorting a Portland lumberman
through the timber in that local­
ity, in hopes that a saw mill can
be located this summer.
Mrs. L. A. Wells of Estacada
left Tuesday for Roseburg where
she will visit at the home of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Lil-
The program for next Saturday
evening’s performance a t t h e
Estacada Family Theatre, f o r
May 18th is “The Desire of the
Moth” , featuring Rupert Julian
and R u t h Clifford - a cortiedy
called “ Wild and Wooley Wo­
man” and a Ford Weekly.
On Thursday evening, the 23rd
“ Hell’s Crater” is the title of the
feature, with a good comedy also
on this program.
Adam H. Knight
F or
Candidate For Second Term
Republican Primary, May 17,1918
My public record is an open book, 1 shall continue to stand
for an honest and fair administration of the affairs of Clack­
amas County.
Paid Adv.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Shibley and
daughter and Mr. and Mrs. N.
Smedley of Portland were Sun­
day guests at the J. A. Shibley
Percy Bletch and wife and Mr.
and Mrs. E. H. Maple of Portland
spent the week-end at the W. M.
Bletch home.
M. H. Maher and family form­
erly of Springwater are t h i s
week moving onto a fruit ranch
at The Dalles.
John Schenk of Portland spent
the week-end at t h e parental
home, attending the C. E. Con­
vention in Estacada in the after­
Mrs. E. Lacey of P o r t l a n d
spent the past week w i t h her
sister, Mrs. C. M. Folsom.
W. A. Bletch former Spring-
water boy, now stationed at Ft.
Meyer, Va. is reported to h a v e
been confined to the hospital for
a few days, but able to attend to
duty now.
O. A. Pace
Republican Candidate For
Resident of Clackamas County for
10 years. M arried. Business man.
If nom inated and elected, I pledge
efficient, economical and businesslike
adm inistration.
1 am my own man and am not obli­
gated to any in terest or clique. I also
promise a square deal.
Paid Adv’t.