1 1 Ïi-ab M A P SH O W S libi'/ YOUR R2D CROSS DOLLAR WAS SPERI tu A H m e r ic a n ' t id C r o s s W AR has Served The People Well as a subordinate officer, and pro­ mises service of a like character if elected sheriff of I'laeka nas countv. § 1 ----------- ' to } ) M AP CANADA * 500,000 o • // AMERICAN ''ô ' \ / - A, OEB: A„v \^00,CCO N-V \ V a u s t h ia ' t.- r *■ ^ • U.^v * ITALY £ Jp ^ ' ^ /yV - / : ’ SPAIN r \ INTERNATIONAL RED CRCSS 900 < ^ « D l APPROPRIATIONS FOR REO CROSS IN U *. $15,000,000 X H ungary ¿-->*4 \ N \ -'■v' »ásm eos WORKING CAPITAL FOR PURCHASE OF SUPPLIES POLAND W $343,304 r'Y Ù .i— , ^ * ; *■ /"•'*' PRISONERS C ......... . — u ■ ,?. '? ,LLCA' a y p ■, ? ' \ r ' . „ • JC ' f* .IA ÖVi.iA ^ 2 . J >: ri_o palló •4/ y '.i :ihi ♦ 390.C This space donated by Estacada State Bank Fred A. Miller John W. Ferguson of Portland, whose official titles when trans­ lated mean “Chief Forest Fire Fighter” was in Estacada lor a day last week, preparatory to launching the season’s p a t r o l within a short time, John has been in charge of a spruce camp for the past winter and will make h i s official headquarters t h i s summer near Molalla. FOR COUNTY CLERK If You W ant Experience an d Efficiency. r D. E. Frost Been a resident of county 24 years. B e e n juvenile officer (5 years and h a s won confidence of parents and children for kind a n d sympathetic consideration, given to all complaints. Been a deputy sheriff 6 years and never known to shirk a duty or evade a responsibility. Been truant officer f> years and has been able to turn many hoys and gills into the paths of good and useful citizens. If you believe the qualifications entitle him to further recognition, tnen he asks your support for the nomination of Sheriff At the Primaries May 17 Pd. Adv. Judge Thos. F. R yan Here is what J. H. Wilson, expert accountant, says: a “The County Clerk’s office is con­ t Ì ducted with rigid exactitude. Miss Harrington, and her Chief Deputy, ' |. * w MR. MILLER, are about as correct as they can well he. That is to say, exactly correct, and it is a great 111 '¿ fr # pleasure to audit in an office con- >ft ducted as t h i s Clerk’s office has been.” No. On Ballot 64. - • ' i % Fd. Adv. C. M. RYNERS 0N CANDIDATE FOR V At the Dover Chnreh on Sat- L A ® , cafn, ^ ^ p la in these , .. daysof lack of profitable employ - urdav evening. May 18th, in eon- ment, with the several local mills nection with the program to be constantly looking for mbn, and given by the Dover school, an ie* Frank Ewing of the P. R. L. & cream social will be held, to which P. ( o. unable to obtain any la­ bor for the preliminary now „11 „re invited and the proeeeda underway ta .‘? in re the Lrninf i'-V work w»p|i1".ow dam building to go tow ards the Red ( ross. up the Clackamas. Republican Nomination THOS. F. RYAN JOINT REPRESENTATIVE CLACKAMAS a n d MULTNOMAH 17th District Ballot No. 6 7 Fsitl Advertisement by Rvnerson Rooster ( luh. J. (,. Jackson, Treasur­ er, Oregon City, Or. Present Assistant State Treasurer REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE STATE TREASURER. ■■■ ■— P