What Has Your Red Cross Money Done? Has Sheriff Wilson Made Good? * In the tii*Ht place, it has enabled the American people, through the Ued CroHH, to help care for Its army and navy. Secondly, It has enabled America to hearten her A llies’ fighting force« and to keep up, among the civilian populations, the spirit to win the war. That, alone, lias made the American Ued Cross one of the largest factors since our entry into tin* war. Canteens which provided food and hot drinks—more than a million meals to soldiers in December; warehouses, crammed with materials, situated all along the French line, all along the Italian lines, at seaports and at places where our soldiers are going to fight; institutions for the care of consump­ tives, institutions for the re-education of maimed men—these are a few of the concrete accomplishments abroad. At home the millions of woolen sweaters, mufflers, socks and other comforts for the men in ramps; • the work of sanitation around cantonments and the help and advice given dependents of soldiers and sailors—these ■* are things that will “make you, your children and your children’s children, in whatever part of the world they may be, proud of being Americans.” Will you do your share to keep this Hand of Mercy at its work? Estacada State Bank LRNITLIRE W e have received this week a carload of furniture, consisting of Chairs, Tables, Dressers, Kitchen Queens, Beds, Springs and Mattresses. W e would be pleased to have you call, look them over and get our prices. We have a complete line of Standard and More Easy garden cultivators and seeders, the large wheel, easy running kind. All kinds of Hoes, Rakes, Shovels, Spading Forks and Garden Trowels. Also Seeds for Garden and Flower beds. If you are going to build a House, Bam or a W oodshed or Garage — we keep in stock all sizes of Doors itul Windows, Roofing and Building Papers. We have a tine assortment of Dekoratos Wall Papers and Varnish Stains Paints Enamels and Floor Oils The Portland Evening Tele­ gram evidently thinks so for in its issue of May 1st, it devotes two columns of space telling how Sheriff Wi l s on of Clackamas County converted a former well known dive keeper, and made a useful citizen out of him. It tells of two other specific cases where kindness to fallen ones in the sheriffs k e e p i n g , has started them out on the right road. It points to his administration as that of the ideal official. Sheriff Billy Wilson has etern­ ally chased the bootlegger, never forgetting however, that the law breaker is a human b e i n g . “Sheriff W i l s o n ’s Humanity Scores Big” says the Telegram. He has driven notorious dives out of Clackams County —once and for all. The Friar’s Club is no more, Erickson’s Tavern is done for, and The Bell Hotel is a thing of the past. He has operated his office with one less deputy than his pre­ decessors, and his tax depart­ ment has collected more money at less expense than any other county in Oregon. He has worked night and day as chairman of the County Local Board, and has done his work well without one c e n t of ex­ pense to Uncle Sam, who asked him to take the job. If you want this sort of a man for t h e sheriff o f Clackamas County, cast your vote for, W m . 'T ftf.u m Sheriff Ray Eschleman In Hospital Ray Eschleman of Estacada, who is employed in lumber work near Divide, Oregon met with an accident Saturday, which result­ ed in his being taken to the Good Samaritan Hospital in Portland, where he is suffering f r om a badly bruised thigh, dislocated hip and possibly internal injuries. The accident was caused by the snapping of a steel cable, which wrapped about his body. Word received from Willie Still of Eagle Creek, who is stationed in Texas, stating that he was to be tranferred shortly to th e Hawaiian Islands. What might have been a ser­ ious accident to E. N. Foster of Eagle Creek Monday, resulted in only slight injuries wh e n he stepped and slipped from a mov­ ing automobile and his hand was caught under the back wheel of the machine. Mr. Foster w as taken to Estacada where his in­ juries were dressed by a physi­ cian. A group of Upper Eagle Creek girls spent the after-noon with Naomi Paddison l ast Saturday when Naomi’s 15th birthday was celebrated. FOODS TASTE BETTER COOKED —TOBACCO TASTES BETTER TOASTED Since the day of the caveman, who liked his meat raw, civilization has learned a lot about the scientific treat­ ment of the things we eat. Naturally none of us would now prefer to have our meat raw, our po­ tatoes as they come from the ground, our coffee unroasted. And naturally follows the great dis­ covery recently made by The Ameri­ can Tobacco Co.—that tobacco tastes better TOASTED! This wonderful new idea—simple like all great inventions—was first used in producing the famous LUCKY STRIKE Cigarette—made of toasted Burley tobacco. Burley has a mellow flavor, entirely different from the tobacco usually used for cigarettes. It is a pipe to- baccoand LUCKY STRIKE Cigarettes taste like a pipe. When they’re fattened and ready for market, SELL ’EM TO M . J. K E R K E S BERT H. FINCH Livestock Buyer and Butcher. Livestock of all kinds purchased. Phone or see Henry Githens, Currinsville Or. <