I am the Republican, Democratic Independent Candidate for the office of Eastern Clackamas’ Meat Dispenser I herewith solicit the patronage of all voters in this community. My qualifications for the office are: — Years of experience in the buying and selling of good meats. I guaran­ tee courteous treatment and promise you GOOD MEATS AT RIGHT PRICES. I sell for Cash I buy for Cash Your patronage is cordially solicited. C. Hillman, Propr. The Palace Market J. Estacada B o n e r ’s for FISHING LICENCES Fishing Tackle Tennis Balls Fishing and Hunting Licenses Cigars, Tobaccos, Confectionery Soda Water and Soft Drinks Ice Cream Headquarters for Kodaks Supplies Printing LAUNDRY AGENCY Straw Hat Dyes all colors 25c The Estacada Pharmacy The estate of the late John J. Honebon of Portland, who died i March 22nd, is now being probated in this county. The estate is valued at $8,000, being largely Clackamas County property. Mr. Honebon was well known locally having owned a large ranch in Upper Garfield up to a few years ago, when he sold out and moved Jo Sunnyside. R. C. Mulkey, after a w eek’s ab­ sence from his barber shop in Es- tacada, on account of m easles, is again back on the job. The shop was closed for a few days last week, but on Saturday J. VV. Reed and Dave Esclileman handled the tonsorial de­ mands of the community. A When Electric Lamps and can fill all orders for bulbs etc. C. C. Miller Estacada, Oregon su m of ONE H U N D R E D DOLLAR S for each a n d e v ery ce.se of C a t a r r h t h a t c a n n o t be c u re d by th e use of H A L L ’S C A T A R R H CURE. F R A N K J C H E N E Y S w o rn to b e fo re me a n d su bscrib ed in my presence, th is 6th d a y of D ecem ­ ber. A. D. 188«. A. W. GLEASON. (Seal) N o ta r y Public. H all's C a t a r r h C u re is t a k e n i n t e r n ­ ally an d acts t h r o u g h th e Blood on the Mucous S u rfaces of the System. Send for testim onials, free. F J. C H E N E Y & CO.. Toledo. O. Sold by all d ru g g i s t s , 75c. H a ll s F a m i ly Pills for co n stipation. • * of P!tici A man s first im pulse is it si ire a good thing. Real G ravely Plug has been &pi .„u all jvcv Am er­ ica sim ply by the G ravely user o f .. rirgii sn .-!lch ew to his friends. T obacco like tLa It m eans som ething v hen it uvA is worth sending. tl ^re. G ive any man a chew of Real G .a« l. Plug.and he will tell you th a t' b the kind to send. Send ll. best! Ordinary plug is false economy. !t . tuts less per ,*eek to chew Real Gravely, because a »nu.il ciicw of it lasts a long while. If you smoke a pipe, slice G ravely with your knife -md add a little to your smoking tobacco. It will give fla v o r - mprovu your smoke. SEND YOUR FRIEND IN THE U. S. SERVICE A POUCH OF BRAVELY Dealers all around here carry it in 10c. pouch« s. A 3c. stamp w ill put it into his hands in any Training Camp or Sea­ port of the U. S. A . Even “ over there” a 3c. stamp will take it to him. Your dealer will supply envelope and give you official directions how to address it. P. B. GRAVELY TOBACCO CO„ Danvi'le, Va. 7'Ae Pa ten t Pouch keeps it Fresh and Clean and Good — it ■« not R ea l Gravely without this P ro te ctio n Seal Established 1 S3 1 Mrs. Claude VV. Devore and son | Work is now under way by the city Raymond returned home Friday, af- of Estacada in laying water pipes in ter a few m onths’ absence, Raymond the alley between Shafford Avenue 'having visited relatives at Drain, Ore- and the Boulevard, replacing the gon, and Mrs. Devore having made a sm all half inch pipes, which supplied pleasure and business trip to Cali- too small an amount of water for fornia. f the number of patrons served. Mrs. W alter Givens of P^stacadn spent a few days at Wasco, Oregon, this week, having met Mr. Givens ¡there Saturday, where he is attend- lug to some business matters. Saturday evening’s program at the Estacada Family Theatre will I consist of the feature film “Bond­ with Dorothy Phillips in the I have again resumed the conduct of my age” lead - a comedy, entitled “Her Plumbing, Sheet Metal Working Daring Caring Ways” and a Ford Weekly. and On Thursday e v e n i n g , the 16th, the feature film is entitled Electrical Business “ ‘49 - T7 ” and will lie followed and until such time as I may sell out or other­ oy comedy. wise dispose of the business, will be on th e S ta te a laughable Ohio, C ity of Toledo, job and will welcome such work in these lines L F r u a cas n of k County, ss. J. C h en ey m a k e s o a t h t h a t he Is s en io r p a r t n e r of th e firm of F. J. as you may have. C h en ey & Co., d o in g b u sin e s s In the I have a new stock of City of Toledo, C o u n ty a n d S t a t e a f o r e ­ said. and t h a t said firm will pay the Notice Cets t':^r Real GRAVELY You Sen* f ’H The Currinsville Priscilla Club held its regular m eeting on May 2d, at the home of Mrs. Henry Heiple. It was an all day affair and a de­ licious dinner was served at noon by the hostess. Twelve members and three visitors were present and the day was spent in knitting and sew ­ ing. The club expects to take up more Red Cross work im m ediately. ,\T THE FAMILY THEATRE. •. ■'* from taktns a chew o í Cm vttyl Waldon Boyle, of Estacada, who a couple of weeks ago underwent a mastoid operation at a Portland hos­ pital, is now at his home and well on the road to recovery. Miss Lola Davis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Davis of Garfield was operated upon for appendicitis at a Portland hospital last Thursday and is reported to be getting along satis­ factorily. P. F. Standish of Garfield, who lately enlisted in the Red Cross truck drivers’ corps and who re­ turned from Camp Fremont, Cal­ ifornia on furlough to arrange the handling of his ranch during his absence a b r o a d , was last week advised thrt the unit in which he had enlisted had been filled by eastern applicants, no western men being called. This announcement has proved a sad disappointment to Mr. Standish, who had resigned from a lucra­ tive position at the cantonment, disposed of much of his farming equipment in Garfield and who was eagerly awaiting advices to proceed to New York to join the corps. Htt thing Iti* brine nnérr Hr*1 t-an'r »tap the:: Mrs. L. W. French and Mrs. (’. K. Butler of Iowa, on their way home from California, stopped in Plstacada for a day last week to visit their nelce, Mrs. A. P], Sparks. It Gets You There And Gets You Back! W H A T ? A FORD CAR Why not effect a saving by buying a car that will answer every purpose? Then BUY A FORD and invest the difference between that and a high priced car in Liberty Ivoan Bonds. We have an attractive list of used cars to offer at special prices. Call and look them over. We are sole agents for the famous HOI/)RHANH, “The Lenz With The Fin” The finest polish for cars or furniture isour celebrat­ ed FRENCH VENEER. Try a bottle at 60 cents. Have a FOOT ACCELERATOR put on your Ford! Buy GOODYEAR TIRES, “ The Best Of Them All” If anything goes wrong tell us we will make it right; if you tell others they will not. Estacada Garage J. W. Reed, Prop, Estacada, Oregon