EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS Devoted to the Interests of Eastern Clackamas County \ glume 11, N umber 34 E stacada . ESTACAOA TO GET ITS ROAD MONEY Jud£e Campbell Rules That 1917 Law Does Not Effect Certain Cities On Wednesday of last week, the suit brought by the city of Oregon City against the county court in the circuit court, in an effort to collect its rightful share o f road money, which was being retained by the county court uuder the construction of the law passed by the last legisla­ ture, that the money must be expend­ ed upon county roads within the cities, was won by the plaintiff. Judge Campbell rendered ju d g ­ ment order in favor o f Oregon City directing the county court to turn over the money to the city, as had form erly been done, said money to be expended as the city sees fit. This decision was an important one as the City o f Estacada was in a pre­ dicament similar to the county seat, both having charters granted by the legislature, said charters stipulating how and where the road tax moneys should be expended. In the case o f Oregon City, its charter stipulates that 70 per cent of the tax moneys shall be expended by the city, but in the case o f Estacada, its charter allows 100 per cent of the money. But it is not likely that over 70 per cent can be obtained, at least under the ruling of Judge Campbell. A few other towns and cities in this county however, will have to content themselves under the cou rt’s con­ struction o f the 1917 law, as their charters were not enacted by the legislature. A sum o f about $1200 is due Es­ tacada, the m ajority of which will probably be used in paying ofT war­ rants now held by the Estacada State Bank, covering work done in the past. But probably a small portion will be expended this year in the maintenance of the city’s streets and the repair of some o f its sidewalks and crossings. Dog Lacerates Boy’s Cheek Beverly Bronson, the little son of y-f. and Mrs. Lee Bronson o f Esta­ cada was last Friday badly bitten on the left cheek by a fox terrier dog with which he was playing. Apparently the youngster started to rough-and-tum ble the dog, which was a stray one, the Bame as he had been used to playing with the neigh­ borhood animals, but the canine in self defense Bet his teeth into Bever­ ly’s cheek, tearing three bad gashes and making one deep incision. Medical attendance was given the boy and probably no bad r es ult B will com e from t h e bite, but the dog, which was killed the next day, should have been kept captive and alive, so that any symptoms o f rabies If pres­ ent, could have been detected later. Samson Now Chee*ery Secy. W . J. Samson, o f Estacada, last week assumed the responsibilities of acting-secretary o f the Estacada < <>- operative Cheese Association, taking o v °r the work lately conducted by A T : . Sparks. O regon . T hursday . M ay 9. 191$ $1.5o E' er Y ear Estacada School Principal To Enter Buainesa Field Wallace Wearying Of Kid Rescuing From Mountains The rumor, which for the past few weeks has been current in Estacada. to the effect that Principal T. E. W il­ son o f the Estacada schools was leav­ ing at the completion o f the school year, has been continued this week by Mr. Wilson. The reasons assigned by Mr. W il­ son are a desire to improve his health by a change o f occupation and en­ vironment and the natural desire to earn a larger salary than is now paid in educational pursuits. But a short time ago Mr Wilson was offered the superintendency o f the schools for the 1918-1919 season, which offer he accepted, but later ad­ vised the school board o f his decision to enter the business field Principal Wilson has been in charge of the local public schools for the past year, duriug whidh time a steady growth has been main­ tained, with especially good work having been accomplished in the high school. While some friction has been present, similar to that which had occurred under the regime of all form er principals, the general standing and development of the schools have been upheld and many parents and teachers are sorry to learn o f his contemplated abandonment o f the work. Forester Herman Wallace, of Esta­ cada. is getting tired of having to act as juvenile officer, as well as handle the forest patrol But that seems to be his lot lately , having had to make another trip into the m oun­ tains one day Last week to fetch out a pair o f youthful Portland despera­ does. who were bouud for over the range. These kids, fourteen aud teu years old. gave the names of Jack Davis. 12»> E. Salmon St., and Jim Simp­ son. 14•> E Salmou St., aud were rounded up near Roariug River Ranger station by Heury Boyer of Estacada. who was working there. Investigation showed that the travelers were enroute for Wapinitia via the mountain trails, which to­ day are deep covered in suow aud^ impassable for miles T heir p r o ­ visions were o f the strictly H oover - u e d variety, com prising two pounds o f coffee, four onions, a few utensils and blankets. This makes the second pair o f boys whom Wallace has rouuded up and started back towards their homes in Portland and w hile he does uoi blame them for wanting to com e to Kstaca- da. he insists that they remain with­ in calling distance or he is going to quit acting as nurse-girl. e*- Endeavorers Convene Here The Third Annual Clackamas County Christian Endeavor C onven­ tion will take place in Estacada on May 10th. 11th and 12th. with the sessions held at the Estacada M E. Church. An attractive program covering the mornings, afternoons and even­ ings has been arranged and a cordial Invitation is extended to all to at­ tend the meetings. ______________ E. H. S. Wailop« O. C. H. S. On Friday afternoon the Estacada High School baseball team made a trip to Oregon City, where on Cane- mah Field, they won a closely c o n ­ tested baseball game against the county seat rah-rahs, by the score of 11 to 8 in ten innings o f play. Klaetsch Guilty, Fined $150. Otto Klaetsch, who lives near Es­ tacada and who last Friday was tried in Justice Sievers’ court in Oregon City, on complaint o f his neighbor Robert McClintoek. who accused hint o f having maliciously set Are to cord wood on his property, was found guilty and fined $150. and costs. The defendant was represented by Attorney Brownell, o f Oregon City, and it is expected the case will be carried to the circuit court before it is concluded. Red Croas Benefit May 13th Don’ t miss seeing “ The Man W ithout A Country” , which famous film will be shown at the Estacada Family Theatre on Monday evening. May 13th. at the Red Cross benefit performance. Special features by the school will be presented between the acts. You will see a good show and be doing your bit, too. F. & M. Meeting Interesting i While the attendance at Saturday night's dinner meeting o f the F arm ­ ers' (k Merchants' Dlub at the Hotel Estacada was below par. the interest shown in the dinner, which was served by the C. 1. C. ladies and In the talks made by men conversant with their subjects, made the gath­ ering a success. Grant B. Dirnlck. o f Oregon City, was the principal speaker and his remarks proved conclusively that he was conversant with all phases of his hobbles, namely hog raising and feeding, corn grow ing and the cu l­ ture of acclimated seeds. The remarks o f County Agricul­ turalist R. W. Ahtens ami Frank Ewing. P. R. L. * P. Com pany’ s Agriculturist were interesting and well applauded. B. P. O. E. To Liberate Elk According to the Portland papers a monster picnic of the Portland H. P. O. E. will be held in Estacada RED CROSS DRIVE STARTS MAY 20TH Local U nits H ill Be Called Upon To Canvass Funds In Home District Shortly after A m erica s entrance into the world conflict the American Ked Uro»s. through its War Council appointed by the President, asked of the Vinerican people one hundred million dollars, as their first coutrl button to the War Fund. That War Fuud had been decided upon as ne­ cessary to carry through the broad plaus o f European and Vtuericau War Relief on the scale that their ueed justified The money contributed at that time will have been all expended by early this summer and the accounting of this expenditure, audited bv the Government, has been given the wid­ est publicity lu order that this tremendous work ot humanity may be carried on the President has designated the w e e k of May 20th. 1 9 IS as Ked Gross week, during which the publii will be appealed to for another huu dred million dollar contribution Every means will be taken during that week to inspire and stimulate lu public to give and give generous ly to this great need. It Is as much a matter of patriotism as the support o f our army and navy The local t'hapters In every community will seek to canvass each individual There will be the usual display and distribution of posters and in­ formative literature. Local Women In Auto Smash After trying to dodge a fast speed iug auto, driven bv an intoxicated man, which weaved from side to side o f the street, the Dodge car driven by Mrs U H. t'urrtn of Currinsv ille, was smashed into Saturday night lu Portland, resulting in a broken wheeel. torn fenders and running board. Luckily no one was injured, but Mrs Uurrln and her passengers. Mrs. Marshal Alspaugh of Gurrtnsvllle and Denny and Howard Givens of Estacada were given a bad scare The accident occurred at 28th and Broadway about 7.30 in the evening The driver of the offending car gallantly paid the expense of having the local people brought to their homes in another car and promises to have the damaged machine re­ Park on Sunday, May 2t>th, at which time the much advertised band of paired. elk from the Portland City Park will Preliminary Woik Going On be liberated from Cnzadero. to Join Despite the report ot a few weeks the wild band In the mountains be­ ago by the P. Il L * »* r ° • ,n which they refused to announce that yond. The original plans were for the work would shortly liberation to be in charge o f local building along the Clackamas Itlver above Forester Wallace, but it now looks ns Cazadero. preliminary work is now though going on Frank Ewing out of the hands of Its original another under of the power In the sportsmen, under the supervision of the matter had been taken of begin plant direction Eatacada. ot which backers, none o f whom are feeling action keeps up our hopes that work badly on a large scale will be forthcoming shifted. at having the responsibility this season.