Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, April 11, 1918, Image 1

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    Devoted to the Interests of Eastern Clackamas
V olume 11,
N umber 3 o
E stacada ,
O regon .
T hursday .
A pril
11 1018
$1.50 T er Y ear
Local Farmer-Banker Will Prove A
Strom* Contender At Primaries.
L. H. McKenney Succumbs After A
Two Days Illness From LaGrippe
Clifton h. .Sarver, After Lingering
Illness, Dies Wednesday Marnim*
The much mooted question o f
whether H. C. S t e p h e n s o f
George and Estacada would en­
ter the race this year for a seat
in the 1919 legislature, is now
answered, with Mr. Stephens
this week having filed the nec­
essary papers and announcing
his candidacy.
The entry o f an Eastern Clack­
amas man in the race for the Re­
publican p r i m a r y nominations
will greatly change the present
outlook, making five candidates
s e e k i n g the nomination, the
others being G. J. Taylor o f
Molalla; H arvey Cross o f Glad­
stone, Cris Schuebel and John Le-
wellen o f Oregon City.
Mr. Stephens in seeking re-
election is basing his candidacy
on his record in the last legisla­
ture, where he proved himself
an able legislator, thoroughly con­
versant with the wishes o f his
rural constituency and a hard
worker, honest to a fault.
As the creation o f Cascade
County will be le ft to a vote o f
the people at the coming general
election, this important question
should not appear as an issue in
the campaign for legislative or
senatorial nominations, although
some political enemies may try to
use it as an excuse for the defeat
o f Eastern Clackamas’ canuidate.
but again. Mr. Stephen’s honest,
uphdi tignt before tne last legis­
lature ior the passage o f the
Cascade County bill, will never
be forgotten by his many friends
in aii parts o f this county.
Eastern CiacKamas candidate
is especially well qualified fo r
the legislative office, being e x ­
perienced in the ways o f such
law-making bodies and bringing
to that body the services, ju d g e­
ment and practical experience o f
a business man anu a farmer.
Mr. Stephens has made an en-
viaole r e c o r d in his patriotic
work in the home community
and believing that the laws to be
enacted by the next legislature
will primarily be for the uphold­
ing o f O regon’s standard in pat­
riotic matters and m a t t e r s
directly pertaining to the farm ­
ers, he asks the support o f the
On April 1st, L. H. McKenney
o f Estacada, a well known and
popular rancher o f the Estacada
Heights section, left for Bend,
Oregon, where he expected to ob­
tain work in one o f the lumber
On Sunday, the 7th, a
brief message was received by
Mrs. M cKenny announcing his
death, and asking instructions as
to the disposition o f the body.
Until Tuesdsy evening, no fu r­
ther information as to his death
was obtained, at which time the
remains were received at Esta­
cada, with the death certificate
showing that Mr. McKenny had
died o f la-grippe a fter an illness
o f but two days.
Funeral services were conduct­
ed from the fam ily home on
Wednesday afternoon, Rev. Hen­
ry Spiess officiating, with inter­
ment, in charge o f undertaker
Chapman, taking place at the
Lone Oak Cemetery.
The deceased was 56 years old,
having been born in Ramsey,
Minnesota, June 25th, 1861 and
residing in Estacada about eight
One o f the saddest features o f
tne passing o f Mr. McKenney,
who was in the prime o f life and
apparently in the best o f health,
is the leaving o f a g r ie f stricken
w ife and six small children, to
wnom the heait ieit sympathy o f
all is extended.
Military Honors Attend Burial
Of James Alvie Linn
A t two o ’ clock Sunday after-
noon at the Estacada M. E.
Church impressive funeral ser
vices were held over the remains
o f James A lvie Linn, late o f Es­
tacada, who died in the U. S.
Arm y service Match 29th.
O w ing to the deceased having
died from scarlet fever, the body
was returned to Oregon in a
hermetically sealed casket, which
sad necessity added much to the
g r ie f o f the sorrowing parents
and relatives.
The funeral services and inter­
ment were conducted by the Mod­
ern Woodmen o f America, o f
Gresham o f which lodge the de­
ceased was a member. Full mil­
itary honors attended the ser­
vices, with a squad from the O re­
gon State Guard in attendance.
The funeral services were con­
ducted by Rev. Myers o f the Bark
Rose Church, with six Gresham
friends o f the deceased acting as
An abundance o f
flowers were in evidence as last
! tributes to the brave soldier boy;
these floral offerings later tieing
placed on the grave at the Mt.
Zion Cemetery.
Near y All Tastern Clackamas Dis-
tricts Uver-Subscribe For Bonds
As was to be expected, the
Eastern Clackamas community,
comprising the Estacada bank­
ing district, went over the top a
fly in g on the first day o f the
Third Liberty Loan drive.
This district’s q u o t a w a s
$11.600., with the returns up to
Tuesday night, showing a total
subscription o f $17,200 and much
more in sight.
On a $20,000. basis, the allot­
ments made to the various dis­
tricts had been exceeded by
Barton, Estacada, G a r f i e l d ,
Cazadero and Viola, up to Tues­
day evening, with the other dis­
tricts expected to do as well.
A t t^iat time the subscriptions
w ere—
Eagle Creek
Springw ater
Estacada Heights
$21 (K)
The all day patriotic services
and rally in Estacada on Sunday
brought out a big crowd, result­
ing in unusual enthusiasm, al­
though the community’ s quota
had b e e n exceeded the day
The services at the M. E.
Church were well attended and
the Boy Scouts’ and children’s
parade in the afternoon added to
tne spirit o f t he day.
In the evening, the high school
and11r> a iUiii Wco plowed wita an
appreciative, l o y a l
which repeatedly encho»-ed the
various features o f the program,
from the stirring speech o f the
Hon. George C. Brownell, to he
talks oy other local and visiting
The p r o g r a m
which was
handled by the Liberty Loan
campaign committee o f Oregon
City, was a credit to the county
seat enthusiasts, w ith the Moose
band furnishing martial music;
the men’ s quartette p l e a s i n g
everyone and the boys quartette
capping the climax w ith up-to-
date patriotic songs.
Former Eagle Creek
Mother Dies Sunday
Her g r ie f stricken husband,
her five children and many re­
latives and friends iast Tuesday
paid final tribute to Mrs. Ells­
worth Clester o f Molalla. the an­
nouncement o f w hose death Sun-
A ft e r a lingering illness, cheer­
fully facing the inevitable and
knowing that his death was but
a matter o f a few weeks or
months, Clifton H. Sarver o f
Currinsvillfe died at the fam ily
home, Wednesday morning, April
10th, at 7:55 o ’clock.
The news o f his passing, while
a shock to the family, relatives
and many friends, was not unex­
pected, but the sadder ow ing to
Mr. Sarver being but 59 years
old and up to a year or so ago
apparently in the best o f health,
able to attend to his work and
taking an active interest in all
com muni ty e ndea vors.
He was born at New Castle,
Virginia. December 22nd, 1859,
coming to Oregon when 21 years
old. locating at what is now Park
Place. Six years a fter he moved
to Garfield, where he was mar­
ried to Miss Til lie Porter, later
rem oving to Currinsville, where
for the past tw elve years he had
made his home.
Mr. Sarver, who was familiarly
known as “ C liff” , was one o f
this community’s best known re­
sidents, having always taken an
active part in the growth and
development o f this section, aid­
ing in all activities that were
for the betterment o f social, ed­
ucational and religious conditions,
being a loving husband and fa. ti­
er and a good friend anu neigh­
The deceased is survived by
his widow, Mrs. Tilly P. Saive**
and three children, being Noel
a id Hom er Sarver o f Currins­
ville and Mrs. Guy Me Dona.u of
Funeral services were conduct­
ed by Mr. W alter Givens at tne
Estacada Christian Church, with
interment in charge o f under­
taker Chapman, at tin1 Lone Oak
fnu -say afternoon.
day was a sad mes age to the
fam ily and friends in this coin-
The deceased, who was form ­
erly Miss Ethel L o n g w e l l ,
daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. Win.
Longwell o f Upper Eagle t ’ re-'k,
had up to a short time ago made
her homo in Upper Eagle Cr eek,
where she had a host o f friends.
Mrs. Ellworth was in her 29th
year, her death occuring April
7th ift her home near Molalla,
with funeral services and inter­
ment taking place there on Tues­
day afternoon.