A. N. Johnson of Estacada, le t last week for Vancouver, Wash­ ington, where he has accepted a position with the Standi for Shipyards. John Lovelace of Estacada last week sold his Dodge car to a Portland p a r t y a n d expects shortly to purchase a Chevrolet Baby-Grand. Ben S. Patton of Estacada ad­ vises that his present title and address are Inspector of Textiles, Q. M. C., Warehouse B, F o r t Mason, Calif. Just One Day More To Pay EE Your Taxes EE C. C. Miller, Estacada’s plumb­ er and steamfitter, has accepted a position with the Cascade Lum­ ber Company of Dodge, to act as sawyer. Mr. Miller will tempor­ arily close his business, giving it his attention only during odd hours and evenings. Federal Hunter A. G. Ames of Estacada returned from a month’s trip in the mountains Friday, bringing with him the pelts of six bob-cats. Is the day on which one halt o f your taxes must be paid, or an interest penalty is added. Let us serve you, whether patron o f this bank or not. Our service is free and cheerfully given. T w o Local Men On April Jury Panel The April circuit court jury panel, consisting of thirty-one members has been drawn and will report for duty on the third Monday in April. Of the thirty-one members, but two are from this portion of the county, being J. W. Reed of Estacada and H. A. La Bar re of Garfield. Ray Wilcox of Estacada left Sunday evening for Toledo. Ore­ gon, where he will take charge of one of the spruce camps, working as an assistant to John W. Ferguson, Clackamas Coun­ ty's popular forest fire warden. The run of smelt in the Sandy River, which began Saturday, at­ tracted a number of local people, all of whom returned home with sacks, boxes and baskets filled with fish. I BAKED POTATO Estacada State Bank IG, white, mealy—with butter melting on it. Um-m-m l And you like it because it is baked. Same with Lucky Strike Cigarette B IT'S TOASTED ^DESTITUTES Cooking makes things deli­ cious—toasting the tobacco has made the Lucky Strike Cigarette famous. FOR W HEAT Due to the fact that we maintain our ow n grinding mill, we are able to offer you a more complete line of S u b stitu tes For W h eat, than we otherwise could. Our stock now comprises— Rolled Oats Oat Flour Corn Meal Corn and Barley Flour Barley Flour Buckwheat Flour Rice Rice Flour Corn Starch Hominy. • We can also sell you Rye Flour, which, while not a substitute can be purchased separate!}. Our U. S. Food Administration License is No. G. 59147. F lou r, F eed , G roceries Lumber and Building Materials At the Convenient corner, 2nd and Main Estacada Feed & Lumber Co. L. S. BRONSON M. D. EVANS 10e I If Tour dealer d o n not c a r r y t h e m , « en d ( 1 .2 0 fo r a c a r t u n o f 12 p a c k ­ ag e* t o T h e A m e ric a n T o b a c c o C o .. N Y C ity