Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, April 04, 1918, Image 1

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    Devoted to the Interests of Eastern Clackamas County
V olume 11,
N umber 29
Executi ve Head, H is t o r y D e p ar t ­
me n t
Leland Stanford J uni or U n i ve r s i t y
" T h e object of th is w a r is to d e l iv e r
t h e fre e peoples of t h e w o rld f r o m the
m e n a c e and th e a c t u a l p o w e r of a va st
m i l i t a r y e s t a b lis h m e n t co n tro lled by an
Irre sponsib le g o v e r n m e n t, w h ic h , h avin g
se cretly planned to d o m in a t e th e w o rld ,
proceeded to c a r r y o u t th e plan w i t h o u t
re g a rd e i t h e r to th e sacred o blig a tio n s
of t r e a t y or t h e lo n g -e s ta b lis h e d p r a c ­
tices and lo n g -c h e ris h e d princ ip les of I n .
t e r n a t l o n a l action and h onor; . . . T h i s
p o w er is not th e G e r m a n people.
I t Is
t h e ruthle ss m a s t e r of t h e G e r m a n p eo ­
ple. . . .
I t is o ur business to see to
It t h a t th e h is to r y of th e rest of th e
w o r ld is no longer l e f t to its h a n d l i n g . ’'
— P r e s i d e n t W ils o n , A u g u s t 27, 1917.
The foundation cause of this war Tii
Germany’s firm belief that she alone
has the right to direct the progress of
the world and to exploit itB resources.
For the last thirty years the m ilitary
autocracy of Germany has seen to it
that this belief was taught in the
schools, and today that autocracy is
reaping the benefits of a blind obe­
dience to its will. German political
w riting of recent years is full of the
idea that the German people is “God’s
chosen people, destined to impose its
‘K ultur’ upOn all other peoples.”
"The German soul is the world’s
soul, God and Germany belong to one
another.” “Germany is the center of
God’s plans for the world.” “We hope
that a great m ission will be allotted
to us Germans . . . and this Ger­
man mission is: to look after the
world.” “Gtrinanv is chosen, for her
own good a id that of other nations,
to undertake their guidance. Provi­
dence has placed the apuointed people,
at the appointed moment, ready for
the appointed task.”
“The German people is alw ays right,
because it is the G rrnan people, a^d
numbers 87,000,000 soul3.” “K iltur is
be i promoted when the strong st in­
dividual Kultur, that of a given na
tlon, enlarges its field of activ'ty at *
the expense of the other nat onal Kul-
turs.” “The attempt of Napoleon to
graft the Kultur of Western Europe
upon the empire of the Muscovite
er dt d in failure. Today history has
made us Germans the inheritors of the
Napoleonic idea.” “The further we
carry our Kpltur into the East, the
more and the more profitable outlets
shall we find for our wares. Economic
profit is of course not the main m otive
of our Kultur activity, but it is no un­
welcome by-product.” “Our b r ie f is
that the salvation of the whole Kultur
of Europe depends upon the victory
which German ‘M ilitarism ’ is about to
These quota’ions are but a few of
hundreds of like expression, and the
Uist one cited is from a m anifesto
•lgned by thirty-fire hundred German
professors and lecturers. Reduced to
sim ple terms, the German belief at the
beginning of this war was: “God di­
rects Germany. Civilization advances
only by combats between Kulturs in
which the stronger and God-directed
one has the right to prevail and must
Drevail. The immediate and vresent
Concluded on page 2
E stacada .
O regon ,
T hursday ,
A pril 4 1918
$1.50 P er Y ear
Band, Orchestra, Quartette, Noted
Speakers In Patriotic Program
Mrs. Edfiai Heiple Bravely Fighting
Dreaded Tetanus Disease.
Alva Linn, Former Estacada Boy,
Dies In Washington hospital.
Next Sunday, April 7th will
As the result of the infection,
be specially devoted to patriotic
caused by a sliver which she had
services in Estacada, continuing
gotten into her hand a few days
from morning until late in the
previous, Mrs Edgar Heiple of
evening:, the theme of the day’s
Currinsville was last Thursday
program devoted to the interests
rushed to St. Vincent’s Hospital
of the Third Liberty Loan.
in Portland suffering from a
It is expected that all nearby
severe attack of lock-jaw.
churches and Sunday Schools
Until the early part of the
will join in these centralized
week, little improvement in the
services, which begin in the
patient’s condition was apparent,
morning at 10:45 at the Estacada
wath Sunday an anxious day for
M. E. Church and wind up with
the attending physicians, rela­
a big: raUv meeting that evening
tives and friends.
in the High School Auditorium.
Latest reports from I)r. R.
A real treat is in store for our
Morse of Estacada, who is in
people as the famous Moose band
charge of the case, indicates an
of Oregon City will furnish mar­
improvement, w’ith the lock-jaw
tial and patriotic music, also the
slightly relieved and the periodic
county-seat will furnish a vocal
spasms occuring less frequently
and an instrumental quartette,
and of shorter duration.
a soloist and several speakers.
Being the daughter of the late
Among the speakers will be a
Tracy, one of this commun­
soldier recently returned from
ity’s earliest settlers and one of
the fighting front in France, also
the most popular and well known
George C. Prownwell of Oregon
wofnen in this part of the county,
City and others.
the immediate family have been
The invitation is extended all
daily deluged with inquiries as to
people from outlying districts
her condition, from hundreds of
to come and spend the day,
friends and neighbors and the
bringing their dinners and sup­
latest reports are cheering ones.
pers and availing themselves of
As explained by Dr. Mo»se. (he
the privileges and comforts of
lock-jaw germ is to be found in
the M. E. Church dining room
and abiiut stables or in e; r ’h
and kit hen.
which has been manured, as the
On April (ill the Third Liber:y
originates from the horse;
Loan drive vv.il begin in earnest
consequently people should exer­
and i. is nopeu' i.astern Clack­
c is e i i c e in disinfecting and st.er-
amas v\nl furnish iu-> quota early
ilizinr oven the s m a l l flesh
in the urive.
wounds received under such con­
The ln»u>e to house canvass
ditio’ s.
will begin I... trial day. with ad
The disease is not a common
community co am t ee-, in readi­
ness. vVnile radii .; curds will lie | one, but science h is in recent
used in in-. c-iuVrtSS, tluoe lut­ years perfected serums, with
which treatment, the mortality
ings are leniently based, not on
h is been greatly reduced.
bank deposits, but on the gen­
eral knowledge of the commit­
sale of s'amps and the George
tee.-' as to the financial standing
community alone is credited with
of the various residents in their
thep ir -haseof over $400. worth.
districts These ratings are not
The Boy Scouts are doing fine
fixed, but are subject to modifi­
work at this time, being to a
cation or increase as the work
great extent responsible for the
a n d investigation piogreswes.
interest taken in the buying of
Clackanas County’s quota is
tbe lesser government securities.
$258,000., according to tbe latest
These boys are in larg< part also
estimates. Already the outlook
responsible for the patriotic rally
is bright for the county going
on Sunday and it is expected will
over the 100 ’<> mark, as the pres­
take part in the program.
ent sale of the War Savings and
One feature of Sunday’s rally
Thrift Stamps is indicative of
will be a patriotic parade, with
the patriotism of our people.
Sunday School children 1 om ail
The Estacada Post Office re­
nearby churches taking part and
ports having passed iVie $5,000.
all urged to br ing flags.
mark several days ago in the
An official telegram from the
war department received by
Mrs. Mary L. Carter of Fairview,
formerly Mrs. James (). Linn of
Estacada, announced the death
on March 29th, at a Washington,
D. C. hospital, of her only .-.on,
James Alva Linn, member of the
37th Engineers Corps of Ft.
Myers, Virginia.
Aside from the brief official
communication from the war de­
partment, no details of his death
have been received, excepting
that the remains are b e i n g
s n i p p e d h o m e for b u r i a l .
Whether the death was the re­
sult of accident or from natural
causes wiii not be known for a
few days.
The present plans made by the
family are for funeral services to
be held at the Estacada M. E.
Church on Sunday at two o’clock,
with interment at the Mt. Zion
Cemetery in Garfield.
The deceased, who was 22
years old, was an only child and
a grandson of Garfield’s pioneer,
R. G. Palmateer. He was fam­
iliarly known among his many
f, lends and relatives in this com­
munity as “Ab ie” Linn, and at
one rime attended ilie Estacada
1 lie sympathy of this commun­
ity is extended the grief siriken
mo her and sorrowing relatives,
and may that sorrow always be
lessened by the knowledge that
their soldier boy gave bis life lor
his country’s service.
Tennis Club Elects Officers
At the annual meeting and
election of officers of ihe Esta­
cada Tennis coin held Monday
evening, A. L. Lasswell was
elected president, succeeding A.
W. Botkin; Theo. Ahlberg was
chosen vice-president; Mrs. E.
W. Bartlett re-elected secretary-
treasurer and It. M. Standish ap­
pointed laborer, in charge of up­
keep of grounds.
The club expects a prosperous
season this year, with all mem­
bers planning to t ike a more ac­
tive interest in the game. The
courts will shortly be put into
first class co ndition and a limited
number of new members will be
taken into the club, filling the
vacancies caused by the removal
from Estacada of a few former
members. Application for mem­
b e r s h i p mav be made to any of
th * officers of the cluo.