Priscilla Red Cross Dance Ever>one is cordially invited to attend the Red Cross Dance to be g i v e n Saturday evening, March 30th at Cog well’s Hall in Eagle Creek. This dance will be under the auspices of theCurrins- ville Priscilla Club, which is a guarantee of a good time and “good eats” for all. A. Foehlinger of Milwaukie. who a few months ago moved to near Milwaukie, was in Estacada Saturday attending to a few matters in connection with the conduct of his acreage property here. T. P. McAuley of Portland, who lately purchased the Wooster farm in Springwater, spent last week on the property attending to the proper pruning of the prune orchard, as he is a man of years of experience in prune cul­ ture. Mr. McAuley and family expect to move onto the place the early part of next month. Amos Millard of Springwater, of th e Horner Millard Lumber Company left Monday for the Bremerton Navy Yard, having lately e n l i s t e d in the Navy. While Mr. Millard’s withdrawal from the company will be keenly felt by his partners, they expect to continue the business as form- ly, with his interests being safe­ guarded during his term of ser­ vice and his place open for him on his return. W. C. Smith & Co. of Eagle Creek, whose store was destroyed by fire last winter and who are now occupying temporary quar­ ters in a nearby building, are re­ ported to have purchased the general store stock of Thomas Enden of Viola. Traffic Manager F. D. Hunt of the P. R. L. & P. Co., was an Estacada business visitor last Friday. Fred Bates of Garfield, who last winter moved to Eagle Creek to enter the lumber business, now has his mill in operation on the Smith timber along the Clack­ amas. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Roberts of Emporia. Kansas, who for the past three months have been visiting among relatives in Gar­ field, left last week for hörne, via Seattle and other Washington points. Will Still, Eagle Creek’s repre­ sentative in the U. S. Aviation Service is reported to be in a San Antonio Hospital suffering from inflamatory rheumatism. Merril Beauchamp, son of Mrs. W. C. Smith of Eagle Creek, has been promoted to the rank of top- sergeant and is at Camp Funston, Georgia. In a letter received by his brother. James Folsom of Spring- water, L. E. (Ed) Folsom of the U. S. Signal Corps, stationed at Brook Field. Texas, mentions his recent appointment as a sergeant. Ed’s patriotic letter tells of his enjoyment of the work and men­ tions that Mrs. Folsom is now making her home nearby, having left Oregon a few weeks ago. Louis Mills of Pocatello, Idaho was a guest for a few days re­ cently at the home of his uncle A. J. Mills of Estacada. Harry Reid of Garfield, who is the only recruit from this com­ munity among t hi s county’s quota of fifteen men in response to the last call, is prepared to leave this week for Camp Lewis, where he will be stationed tem­ porarily. A. H. Anderson of Eagle Creek has lately purchased a new grain drill and land plaster sower, which should aid in the product­ ion of increased crops this year. Mr. Anderson sold his former drill, which was of smaller size, to Henry Heiple of Currinsville, through the agi ncy of the Esta­ cada Clearing House. Miss Myrtle Looney of Currins­ ville was last week operated upon lor appendicitis at a Portland hospital. Miss Looney stood me orueai well ano is now well along towards recovery. Oren Ballou of Eagle Creek, who has been working at the shipyards, last week returned to recuperate from the effects of an accident to his foot, caused by a heavy timber falling on it. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Deming of Estacada. after an absence of several weeks at Seattle and nearby points, where Mr. Dem­ ing was investigating some of the Washington canneries, re­ turned home Friday. Ken Bartlett returned to Camp Lewis Sunday night, after spend­ ing the week-end at his home in Estacada. We have a fine new selection of GRANITE WARE direct fro n the factory. Here are a few of our prices. Wash basins 35c Utility bowls $1.00 Pudding pans 30c to 55c Kettles 89c to $1.39 21 qt. dish pans 1 75 17 qt. ” ” 1.40 14 qt. ” ” 1.20 Water pails 1.20 to 1.40 There are other articles too numerous to mention but we are selling this assort­ ment out to you at a very small profit. We got it direct from the factory saving you the middleman’s profit. Do you need a new Easter Hat? We have a nice selection of hats rang­ ing in prices from $ 1.25 to $ 3 . 50 . When you are getting a new hat dont forget the new dress for Easter. We have a full line of Spring dress goods. PA R K A N D C LO SNER ESTACADA. ssm n Get A Real Man Gn The Job Mr. Farm er With horses and wagon it t a k e s you >. from half a day to a whole day to make a round trip to town, once or twice a week, to do your necessary buying of supplies. In other words, it costs you from $2.50 to $5.00 everytime you make a trip, at present wage for a man and team. The same trip by automobile, driving in either the Chevrolet or Dodge Car R. N. Stanfield R epublican for United States Senator O regon’s resources are being neglected. Distribution of war expendi­ tures is unequal. Som e com m unities are going to be hard hit because their nat­ ural sources of incom e have been cut off and they will have no m oney with which to m eet the additional taxation and war bond quotas. It is poor business. Put bus­ iness m ethods and intelligence in office. (Paid advertisement Stanfield Sena­ torial League, 203 Northwestern Bank Building, Portland.) would take you from one to two hours, at a cost of your time and auto expense of from 50c to $1. And in the mean time your team can be workitig on the farm. Let us show you where it will be an economy and a pleasure for you to own a Chevrolet or Dodge. Ask us for a demonstration and easy terms of sale. Cascade Garage S. P. Pesznecker J. C. Peterson Sales Agents for DODGE CHEVROLET BUICK CADILLAC Republie Trucks Brunswick Tires Cleveland Tractors