the overworked linotype opera­ tor managed to get that far through the Dimick platform and then collapsed at the machine, forgetting to turn otf the works. Poor fellow, we know how hard it is to be forced to set-up such political dope. Eastern C lackam as News Published every Thursday at Estacada, Oregon R. M. Standish, Editor and Manager Entered at the poatoffiee in Eatacada, Oregon, as aeeond-elaaa mail. S ubscription R atios One year Six montha - - . - . . $1.50 Continued for this week only .75 Clackamas County has the dis­ tinction, according to assistant County Agent Leader, W. L. Kadderly of the 0. A. C. Exten- tion Department, of being the only county in the state which to­ day has not completed a farm survey for the coming season. Such a survey is now being un­ dertaken through the mails by Mr. Kadderly and it is hoped every farmer will respond to the appeal and give the small amount of time necessary to fill out the form-sheets and return them to headquarters in the "franked” envelope which will be furnished. Thursday, March 28. 1918 That Cascade County will again become a live issue in this coun­ ty this year, may not have been generally known, although all know that the Cascade County movement will always be a live issue until Cascade County is formed. In as much as Senator Dimick is making his campaign for re- election on the p l a t f o r m of "Clackamas Undivided” , believ­ ing that his return to the legis­ lature is necessary to champion that cause, the News has an­ nounced this week that the ques­ tion of county division will be left to a vote of the people of Clackamas County, chereby re­ moving much of the responsibili­ ties from Mr. Dimick’s shoulders. We note that Mr. Brownell ap­ parently is better posted on the plans and interests of the county at large, as in his platform he mentions that the question will be left to a vote of the people and that he will abide by that vote. The News has been asked "W h> devote so much space to the subject of Terminal Bates for Estacada?” Our reason is that we believe the obtaining of such equitable shipping rates, is really the key- note to the development of our timber resources. These Terminal Bates can only be obtained by a demand being made upon the Interstate Com­ merce Commission by the general public and the shippers, so the public has first to be informed on the subject. Ami as we all know, anything that will stimulate the location of industries in our midst and develope our resources, di­ rectly benefits every man, woman and child in this community. In the Oregon City Enterprise of March 22nd, appears the fol­ lowing paragraph, being th e termination of the article dealing with the candidacy of Senator Dimick: W ord» to h# i lacad on ballot Supi-ort a n y th in g to h alt A m attca w in C r w a i am a g a in st county dlvlato n. '* Real Bargains I cha.'k a Imasaan- ? naaliait’uinoc We are curious to know the meaning of the last line, for it l«K»ks like a code message or a suppressed oath and should be de­ leted by censor l>efore appear­ ing on the ballot. Again it is barely possible this last line was a typographical error, but it is more than likely ' ' Local people have been looking for the past week for a glimpse of the Dimick political placards, which it was heralded were now being distributed throughout the county. Latest reports indicate the presence ot but one in Eastern Clackamas so far, that being re­ ported by his neighbors as dec­ orating the side of Noah Stingley’s barn at Eagle ('reek. The side of Mr. Stingley’s barn is a most appropriate place for the advertising of Mr. Dim­ ick’s candidacy, for Mr. Sting ley represents about the only true adherent of the "Clackamas U n­ divided” principal in this portion of the county, Mr. Stingley hav­ ing always been a staunch sup­ porter of the "court-house ring” management of the county and having for several years held the responsible position of Judge of the Horse-Racing at the C’anby Fair. Noah’s selection of the side of his barn for the display of the advertising is an admirable one, although 1 1 we were supporters of Mr. Dimick’s candidacy; we would post his placard on our front gate or hang it in the front window and not consign it to a place usually reserved for rub­ bish or other unsightly material. NOTICE OP THE SALE OK R E A L P R O P E R T Y Notice is hereby given that by virtue o f the authority in me vested as execu­ tor o f the last will ami tt stament o f Frank J.Habelt, deceased, and by vir­ tue o f the provisions o f said last wil and testament, 1 will on the 12 th day of April. ISIS, at the South door o f the Depot Building of P. R. L. &P. Company at Estacada, Oregon, at the hour of 2:30 o'clock P. M. o f said day, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand, the following described real property, belonging to the said Frank J. Habolt at the time o f his death, to wit; The South-west quarter o f Section Twenty four (24) in Town­ ship Four (4) South o f Range (4) East o f the W illamette Meridian, in Clacka­ mas County. Oregon, consisting o f 100 acres. Said land is heavily timbered and is located about ten miles from Es­ tacada. Oregon. The Executor reserves the right tt» reject all bids. Peter Rauernfeind. Executor - Cecil, Ore. Woodson A Sweek, Attorneys for Administrator, lleppner, Ore. Bob White Soap 5 Bars for 25c Crystal 5 • 9 9 9 25c 5 9 9 9 9 25c 5 9 9 9 9 25c 5 9 9 9 9 25c 5 \9 9 9 9 25c Ivory Fairy P. & G. Naptha Soap Grandpa’s Wonder Soap Buy while the buying is good. And less than to-day’s wholesale prices. Our Motto “ The Best is None Too Good for You ” L. A. Chapman Estacada, Oregon + + + + + ♦ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ♦ + + + + + + + + + Undertaking and Embalming * + + + 4 L. A. Chapman Estacada , ♦ + Licensed Embaliner + Phone Ope rating + Store or Besidence Hearse and Morgue + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + R. G. Marchbank - Estacada, Or. Soda Water • Soft Drinks - Lunches Cigars and Tobacco BOB’S PLACE Headquarters For W. S. WOOD, Auctioneer Vancouver, W ash. Farm Sales a Specialty - Write for Dates or call at News Office, Estacada. SHOE SHINING | If your shoes need polishing, call at the ^ Estacada Barber Snop. I Tim on the job all day Saturday and after school hours on week ^ays. Ladies’ work especially solicited. Leave shoes at the shop and I will do the rest. All shines 10 cents. JOEL B. B O W M AN . Miss Bettha Hil'man of Esta­ cada was the hostess at a house- Miss Lorene Parker. Clacka­ party over the week-tnd, in hon­ m as County’s Demonstration or of her birthday, het guests be­ Agent, will be the principle ing the Misses Arlene and Mil­ speaker at the Apri: 6th meeting dred Jones of Amity; Alta Nash o f t h e Garfield Grange. All , of Salem and Alice Wright of members and friends are invited Portland. to attend, as Miss Parker is es­ No Sunday School or church pecially desirous of meeting all services will be held at the Gar­ of the ladies and her message to field Church next Snnday, as the attendant* tflere are planning to them at this time is au import­ a'tend the Easter services at the ant one. parent church in Estacada,