Just One Week M ore To Pay EE Your Taxes EE Is the day on which one half o f your taxes must be paid, or an interest penalty is added. Let us serve you, whether patron o f this bank or not. O ur service is free and cheerfully given. Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Sparks o f Estacada are leaving this week for Portland, where they will make their home. Mr. Sparks, who is one o f Estacada s most popular young men and who has been associated with the East Clack am as S u p p l y Com pan y since its incorporation four years ago, lias accepted a remunerative position with a large Portland retail grocery concern, entering its employ at once. Mrs. Chas. Reichen o f Salem is a guest at the home o f her brother, J. C. Hillman o f Esta­ cada. Elwood Items Contributed The Red Cross Auxiliary met at the ho.ne o f Mrs. L. P. Elliott last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. C. Bittner are spending a few days at the bed- siue o f their son Harry, who is ill at his sister’s home in Port­ land. Willie Bittner is also in Porilanu, taking special treat­ ments for ear trouble. Mrs. Erna Moorehouse, who has b e e n visiting her mother Mrs. H. Moehnke, expects to leave this week for Ft. Stevens, Wash, where her husband is stationed. Claude W. Devore o f Estacada has been confined to his home for several days with a severe attack o f rheumatism. Mrs. Della Vallen and son Orel visited relatives in Oregon City for a couple o f days, also visiting her cousin, Mrs. i). L. Boy Ian at St. Vincents Hospital. Mrs. Chailes M o g e ro f Montana who has been visiting at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. J. F. M oger o f Springwater, left last week for I Berkley, California. Mrs. A. L. Lass well o f Esta­ cada is spending a few days this week at her form er home in i’he Dalles. ----------------------------------------- Estacada State Bank LUCKY STRIKE CIGARETTE N a year it has become famous; the man’s cig­ arette for the men who are w o r k in g over here, and fighting over there. I S ubstitutes Due to FOR WHEAT the fact that we maintain our own T h e reason? Because it’s made of Burley pipe tobacco and because— grinding mill, w e are able to o ffe r you a more com plete line of Substitutes For Wheat, than we otherwise could. O ur stock now comprises— Rolled Oats Oat Flour Corn Meal Corn and Barley Flour Barley Flour Buckwheat Flour Rice Rice Flour Corn Starch Hominy. W e can also sell you Rye Flour, which, while not a substitute can be purchased separately. Our U. S. Food Administration License is No. G. 59147. Flour, Feed, Groceries Lumber and Building Materials A t the Convenient corner, 2nd and Main Estacada Feed & Lumber Co. L. S. BRONSON M. D. EVANS 7 1 “