Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, March 21, 1918, Image 7

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    I Want to Buy
Who Is Going to Sen*! Him
Fat Of Livestock
all kinds
R e al
Real Gravely i lug iz the t'bacco to
send the Boy not ordinary rln^ loaded
up with swe«*tcrvn*:,
con d en sed
q u a lity with the good Gravely taste
satisfies and comforts and !ast3 a
lorii; while.
(Beef Preferred)
>.TI t « an y m an a c h rw o f P i-al G ra v i V Pin--, t n u lie w ill
to ll r >u th a t ’* th e k in d to «end. S en d th e b elt!
O rd in a ry plux ta t.iiae ari'-T -m y. It
t , p e r w n I. to
c h e w R e a l G ra v e ly , b ec au se a s u u il ch ew ot it la Jti a long
w h ili
If y o u sm o k e a p ip e, slice G ra v e ly wilt» v i v I m a n d
odd a little to y o u r sm okiny to b acc o . It w ill , a n fla v o r—
im p ro v e y o u r sm oke.
The Palace Market
SE N D Y O U » FR IE N D IN T liE II. P . S I 3 V JC 2
Estacada O r.
D ea le rs all a ro u n d h e re c a rry it i., iu ,. or.-* •«. A 3 c.
s ta m p w ill p u t it in to his h an d s lit an y T rain in ii C a m p or Sea­
p o rt oi th e U. I .A . E ven “ o v er th e re " a He. u li—a w !,l ta k e
it to him . \ o u r d e a le r w ill su p p ly e n v e lo p e un.I l - . c y o u
o fficial d ire ctio n s how to ad d ress it.
J. C. Hillman, Propr.
is now under new management, handling
both Portland and local meats, at prices
based on a fair business profit.
The demands of the business today
make it necessary that all accounts be
paid on the 1st and 15th of each month,
as the Portland dealers extend but ten
days credit and the local seller of live­
stock expects cash for his offerings.
Fresh Fish Tuesdays and Fridays
Anglers desiring salmon eggs are asked
to order two days in advance.
A little more o f this bomb practice,
and he’ll be ready to sit down and
enjoy a little ch'w of the Real Gravely
ike folks bath home sent turn.
Governor Withycombe
Outlines Platform
In the announcment of his can­
didacy fo r re-election, Hon.
James Withycombe, Governor
of Oregon, says in part:-
Fishing Tackle
Tennis Balls
Fishing and Hunting Licenses
Cigars, Tobaccos, Confectionery
Soda Water and Soft Drinks
Ice Cream
Headquarters for
Kodaks Supplies Printing
and Finishing.
F o rja ld h y d e —
“If the people of Oregon are of
the opinion that I have served
t h e m faithfully, I should be
pleased to receive a vote of con­
fidence at their hands.
“Oregon has given twenty thou­
The Estacada Pharmacy?
sand of her sons to the great
world war. These men are the
flower of our young manhood and
we have no clearer duty than
that of loyally supporting them,
providing for their health and
comfort and guarding t h e i r
morals. I shall particularly exer­
Owing to my wife’s health demand­ cise
every power and authority
ing a change of climate, I must at once which I possess to promote a
maximum efficiency in our local
industries which* are related to
the war activities.
“I shall stand in the future,
as in the past, for a rigid law en­
forcement and for a cleaner and
greater Oregon.
If honored by re-election I shall
to give the best that is
including tools and all stock.
in me to every branch of the ser-
Bargain If Taken At Once.
The Ladies Aid dinner at the
Estacada M. E. Church last Mon­
day evening, was well attended,
netting the sponsors about $50.
Estacada . . . .
Oregon with
the embroidered dinner-set
Mrs. T. E. Wilson.
Cheaper and better than
Blue Vitriol
Directions on bottle
Sell my Plumbing,
and Electrical
P . B . GRAVELY TOBACCO CO.. Danville, Va.
T h e P a te n t P o u ch k ee p s it h 'teeh a n d d e a n a n d G o o d
—it is n u t R e a l G ra v e ly w ith o u t th is P r o te c tio n S e a l
K stu b llsb etl t h a t
It Gets You There
And Gets You Back!
B o n e r ’s for
F itig
9 9
Why not effect a saving by buying a car that will
answer every purpose? Then BUY A FORD ami
invest the difference between that and a high priced
car in Liberty Loan Bonds.
We have an attractive list of used cars to offer at
special prices. Call and look them over.
We are sole agents for the famous HOLOPHANE,
“The Lenz With The Fin”
The finest polish for cars or furniture isour celebrat­
ed FRENCH VENEER. Try a bottle at 60 cents.
Have a FOOT ACCELERATOR put on your Ford!
Buy GOODYEAR TIRES. “ The Best Of Them All”
If anything goes wrong tell us we will make it
right; if you tell others they will not.
E stacad
J. W. Reed, Prop.
Estacada, Oregon
Do Your Own Home Decorating
We are now prepared to furnish you with a choice
selection of fancy and plain WALL PAPERS suitable
for all rooms.
We also have a full supply of SHEETING to he tacked
on the walls first. We can next furnish you with the
DRY PASTE for fastening up the paper.
And when the job is done and you are ready to wash
your hands come in and try a sample of our
SPEE-DEE CLEANSER the greatest stuff on the market
for removing dirt, oils, paints, grease or inks. Contains no
grit and soft as cream.
New Spring Millinery
Dont go to Portland to buy that new SPRING HAT
Our stock is now here and will he ready for display in a
few days.
Estacada, Or.