Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, March 21, 1918, Image 6

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    Eastern Clackam as News
Published every Thursday at
Estacada, Oregon
R. M. Standish,
Editor and Manager
Entered at the postoffiee in Estacada,
Oregon, as second-class mail.
S ubscription R ates
One year
Six months
Thursday, March 21
The drive now underway by
the Red Cross throughout the
country for the collection o f old
clothing to be used in the Belgian
relief, will receive its share o f
local attention, but it is not pro­
bable that an “ over the top”
showing will be made in this
rural section, for too many o f our
trousers seats are now “ out at
the bottom” .
Such a drive should net much
better results in the cities and
more m e t r o p o l i t a n sections,
where people discard clothing be­
fore it is worn out or cast it aside
as the styles ch an ge. But in this
country, where
more manual
work is done and less attention
paid to the styles, clothing by
the time it is ready to be discard­
ed, is o f little value to anyone.
Have you seen one o f the polit­
ical posters o f Clackamas Coun­
t y ’s patron saint?
We are told they are works o f
art and egotism, bearing a por­
trait o f that statesman, W alter
Dimick o f Oregon City, and also
a map o f Clackamas County, the
latter being a secondary feature,
printed with the proposed Cas­
cade County in red.
The whole placard sets forth
in a modest manner, the fact that
the Honorable W alter Dimick
saved the aforementioned county
last year and is w illing to no it
We admire W alter’ s modesty,
for we had expected the card
would also bear a map o f Oregon,
the United States and an outline
o f the Planetary System, for all
are equally indebted to him. ac­
cording to his campaign manager.
We would suggest though that
he have a halo circumscribed
aUiut his stately brow; and on
his coat-of arms, the Latin phrase
“ Whatamalla idoneit?”
being translated means “ What
you got against me, a fter 1 trad­
ed mv relatives and every thing
but my shirt, to defeat the w ish-
es o f a large part o f my constitu.
, .»»M
en ts:
According to the Oregon Voter,
tins Moser, who is a candidate
tor the governorship, has visited
two thirds of the state so tar
this Spring, in the interests o f
his candidacy.
W e know why he hasn’ t visited
the other third, although the pro­
posed Cascade County dosn’ t
claim to cover that much terri­
But. come ahead Hus, we are
conserving our pullets and their
feathers and tar is only used in
the building o f hardsurfaced
roads near the county seat. I f
you held a meeting in Estacada
and brought along a big enough
delegation o f Dimick admirers
from elsewhere in the county,
you would have an audience; but
on second thought we would ad­
vise your not trying it; for it
would be a hard job to fill the
gallery o f the Family Theatre
with admirers o f W. I).
R. N. Stanfield Republican can­
didate for United States Senator,
promised us sometime ago that
he would be in Estacada for a
day or so during the month o f
February and we are still looking
ahead to his visit.
We realize
Mr. Stanfield is a busy man and
working where votes are scarcer,
but if he cant arrange to come to
us, w e’ ll see that our votes go to
Mr. Stanfield represents the
type o f man that appeals to the
average wide-awake westerner,
being no legal authority, but a
successful, good looking, en erget­
ic product o f Oregon, with a big
bankroll honestly
made from
O regon’s resources.
The request has been made
upon the N ew s many times late­
ly, for the publication o f item iz­
ed lists o f the various articles
and garments made by the vari­
ous Red Cross auxiliaries in this
We are sorry to have had to re­
fuse such publication, especially
with the request coming from
subscribers and other co-workers
in the Red Cross. But the pub­
lisher has had to look at it from
the standpoint o f issuing a well
balanced newspaper, taking into
consideration the expenses inci­
dent to every article printed.
I f the N ew s hail space, ordin­
arily filled with “ patent” or
“ ready print” stuff, it would w el­
come such items, but the only
thing a publisher has to sell is
publicity and he feels justified in
exercising his own discretion in
the amount o f s u c h product
which he gives away and he also
aims primarily to weigh the m er­
it o f articles submitted, on the
basis o f their news value to »he
largest number o f readers.
For example the News this
week received about a half col­
umn notice o f the coming meet­
ing o f the Clackamas County
Teachers' Association including
the publication o f its program.
Now. there are probably, or jh > s -
sibly. twenty teachers in this
portion o f the county, about 75 v
o f them being transients and sub­
scribing for no county publica­
I n other words, is it
worth half a column o f rather
uninteresting matter, for the en­
lightenment o f not to exceed half
a dozen o f our two t h o u s a n d
G o o d E a ts
And Plenty of Them
“ Groceries we have, the best to be had.
Our Service, the best we know howf;
Our prices, are not all to the bad.
Then why not give us your trade now?”
“ Our stock is complete
And to please you we aim.
While our prices compete
With others, just the same.”
Our Motto
" The Best is None Too Good for You
L. A. Chapman/
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
i Undertaking and Embalming
L. A. Chapman
Hearse and Morgue
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + »+
Licensed Em balm er
Store or Residence
+ + + + + +
+ ♦
R. G. Marchbank
Estacada, Or
Soda Water • Soft Drinks - Lunches
Cigars and Tobacco
BOB’S PLACE Headquarters For
W. S. WOOD, Auctioneer
Vancouver, Wash.
Farm Sales a Specialty - W rite for Dates or call at
New s Office, Estacada.
I f your shoes need polishing, call at the
. ^
Estacada Barber Shop.
I am on the job ail day Saturday and a fter school hours on week
' ’ays. Ladies’ work especially solicited. Leave shoes at the shop
and I w ill do the rest. All shines 10 cents.
JO E L B. B O W M AN .
“ Jack” Frost o f Oregon City,
deputy sheriff o f Clackamas
County arid willing to accept the
leading role next term, was in
Estacada last Saturday in the in­
terests o f his candidacy. Jack
was accompanied by Judge Siev-
ers, who has lately purchased a
farm and who visited the Clear­
ing House to buy some imple­
ments at bargain prices.
Miss K itty Reagan o f Estacada
left Friday for a few days visit
at Nehalem, where she will be the
guest o f her form er school-mate,
Mrs. Mary Woodle Pogue.
Ben S. Patton o f Estacada,
w ho has been emp oyed in the
classification o f the 0. & C.
Grant Lands n e a r Medford
was in town last Friday and Sat­
urday enroute to San Francisco,
where he has been appointed
to important work in the U. S.
Quartermaster’s department.