i i We not expect to S E L L all o f the SHOES sold in this vicinity but if P R IC E and Q U A L IT Y count, we should sell a large percentage o f them. - let us order it for you. W e Guarantee A Fit. Our P R IC E S are from 10 to 2 5 percent L O W E R than for the sam e shoes sold elsewhere. * * * * * * * * * * "Y our Satisfaction is Our Success" East Clackamas Supply Co. Are You Going to Help Uncle Sammie by Planting A War Garden ? Wc arc headquarters for all the TOOLS and IMPLEMENTS to make it a success. R akes i The U. E. C. Red Cross Unit met as usual last Wednesday, twelve ladies being present. Eagle Creek Grange held reg­ ular session at the Grange hall last Saturday; forty five including children, being present. A com­ mittee was appointed to make preparations to entertain Pomona which is to meet with Eagle Creek Grange April the l()th. An interesting program was ren­ dered, several of the children taking part. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Beckett o f Portland motored to Eagle Creek Saturday, in their new Chevrolet car. Spades Shovels amt several kinds of G arden Seeders and C u ltiv ato rs F. P. Allen, missionary of the American Sunday School Union, was visiting out this way Satur­ day and Sunday and on Sunday afternoon’ held services at the school-house and re-organized the local Sunday School, with the officers elected being Supt. Mrs. R. B. Gibson; assistant superin­ tendent, Mrs. R. M. r.rash; sec­ retary and treasurer. Miss Mil­ dred Douglass; organists, the Misses Naomi Paddison and Alta Brash. S. S. will meet every Sunday morning at 10:30. Evety body is welcome. Mrs. Freda Kirchem and Mrs. Ruby Jannsen were Grange vis­ iters Saturday, Mrs Kirchem and children o f Logan being guests at the Walter Douglass home on Sunday. D. M. Marshall o f Estacada is now al)out again, after a tew days sei ions illness with tonsilitis, this being Milt's first sore-throat since the days of his childhood. Clean Up and P ain t Up the H ouse We have a tine assortment of Dekoratos Wall Papers and Varnish Stains Paints Enamels and Floor Oils A 'V i » j qujutcr ccntur. s - ' a» the rccogniicd SEED I “Buckeye" Incubators aatl Brooder Stove» HEADQUARTERS Diamond of the Northwcit li our fuarantec of Satisfactory I oultry Eooti» Service Hcc Supplies Fcrtihaeri to You. BERT H. FINCH fo r C d tj/c j Ha Bid $ Contributed I If you are going to i The Barton Literary Socie y staged a mock-trial at its meet­ ing on Friday evening. Match 7th. when one of the prominent citizens was tried for exceei ing the speed limit on the Be Mon Boulevard. The defendant was duly acquitted, ashy ;he evidence produced it was found he was not exceeding four miles per hour [ at the time o f his arrest. The i trial was proceeded by a splen­ j did musical and literary program. | Dover Doings Mr. and Mrs. Earl Tracy spent the week erul at the home o f his parent", Air. and Mrs N. M. Tracy of Garfield. Earl, who is staiu.neu a- the Vancouver Bar­ racks. being cook for his com­ pany, has but lately recovered from an attack of measles and quinzy. ..O ' City W ater Works Being Improved Work is now underway, under the direction of City Mars! al Page, in the building o f a sn ; 1 dam across the creek in the rear of the Mary Stubbe place, to cre­ ate a rest ve pond and set i g tank for the water supply oi me City o f Estacada. Sometime ago, title to the land on which the improvements are being made, was obtained from Mrs. Stubbe and it is expect* d the present work will assure a steadier supply o f water at ail times of the year and rid t e water o f some o f the fo iv g n matter, which will be giver a chance to settle before reach a g the city’s reservoir. Tom Thumb W edding Corning T h e l o n g expected " 1< m Thumb Wedding” , which it has been planned to have appear in Estacada for the past year, wdl become a reality Tuesday even­ ing, March 2fith, at the Estacada school auditorium, the affair be­ ing under the auspices of ihe Civic Improvement Club. This novel theatrical is conduct­ ed by eastern talent, who furnish all costumes and scenery and v\ ho patiently drill from sixty o seventy-five o f the local children o f ten years or under, in perform­ ing the playlet. The leaning roles are taken by the little tots and the performance ia sain to be without equal, as a humorous and finished theatrical. T h e Lewis Rivers’ family, which has been on the sick list and under quarantine, is again able to be out. something you like from our H oes Contributed Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Woodle were guests recently of the form­ er’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Woodle. I f we cannot fit you with complete stock Upper Eagle Creek Notes A party was held Saturday night at the Guthi ie home, with games and refreshments enjoyed by all. Cakes were donated by the laoies and purchased by the men, the proceeds going to the local Junior bed Cross. Anthony Hengster of Cottrell was the week-end guest o f Web- Robe rts. Marion Miller, who has been herding cattle near Troutdale, spent a few days with his fam­ ily in Dover. Jos. DeShazer and family mo­ tored to Gresham Sunday where, they attended church and visited at the home of Mrs. A. J. Kitz- miller. H. N. Schminkey intends to plant about an acre o f blackber­ ries and raspberries on a newly cleared piece of his land. An Easter program will be ren­ dered by the Dover M. E. Sun­ day School or. Easter Sunday. 4 9