Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, March 21, 1918, Image 1

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    Devoted to the Interests of Eastern Clackamas County
V olume 11, N umber 27
Estacada May have Own Patrolman
But Right To Expend Own Money
Refused By County Judge.
Just the difference between a
“deputy roadmaster’’ and a “pa­
trolmen” is a question, but ap­
parently one or both are substan­
tially the same as the former road
supervisors, but with possibly
less authority.
The appointments made last
week by the county court of de­
puties and patrolmen in road dis­
tricts in this portion of the coun­
ty are as follow
Currinsville Dist. 4
J. C. Kitching
George Dist. 9
Fred Lins
Estacada Dist. 10
L. J. Palmateer
Garfield Dist. 49
L. J. Palmateer
Barton Dist. 30
J. C. Miller
Springwater Dist. 33
Frank Millard
Viola Dist. 55
• • Frank Millard
Boring Dist. 40
D. L. Erdman
Dover Dist. 41
H. H. Udell
Eagle Creek Dist 43
W. H. Douglass
As the result of a conference
between Judge Anderson of the
court and Mayor Lovelace and Re­
corder Devore of Estacada held
last week, it is probable the court
will agree to appoint such Esta­
cada man as the city council may
decide upon, to act as patrolman
for district No. 10.
But as satisfactory an adjust­
ment of the financial difficulties
of the city could pot be entered
into with the sanction of the
A sum, slightly exceeding
$1,000. is due Estacada this year
from both general and special
road funds, which sum, or at least
a large part of same, it was the
intention of the council to have
paid to the Estacada State Bank,
in payment of road fund warrants
being held oy that institution cov­
ering road work done in former
years, the total indebtness amoun­
ting to about $2, OUO.
Under the county court’s con­
struction of an act passed by the
last legislature, such use cannot
be made of the 1918 f unds and it
is likely legal action will have to
be resorted to with final appeal
made to the State Supreme Court.
E stacada , O regon ,
Portland Elk Will Probably
Be Liberated From Here
Next W eek
On Monday, at the Portland
City Park zoo, occured the sale
of a number of wild animals,
which have been an attraction
there for many years.
Mr. Keyser, the superinten­
dent, in a conversation with Ben
S. Patton, ex-Clackamas County
Game Warden, stated that it was
expected a portion of the herd of
eighteen elk now there, unless
sold by the Wednesday following,
would be shipped to Cazadero
for liberation in the mountains
up the Clackamas River.
Such a plan has been under
consideration for the past year,
with Mr. Patton, who is undoubt­
edly the most zealous game pro­
tector and enthusiast in the state,
working to have the domesticat­
ed animals turned loose among
the wild band in the nearby
Forester Wallace of Estacada
has promised to act as official es­
cort for the Portland elk and
with his mounted helpers expects
to have little trouble in driving
them up the Clackamas traii, at
least as far as the South Fork
The animals will eventually
join with the wild herd beyond,
all providing the monster, grand­
father bull-elk, now leading the
wild band, will allow additions to
his family. It has been suggest­
ed that this old patriarch be kill­
ed, thereby allowing the inter­
breeding of the two bands and
the improvement of the stock,
for it is not likely such bull elk
as may be in the Porland band
can stand battle against the pow­
erful leader of the wild herd.
Portlander Buys
Springwater Farm
Carl Peterson of Portland this
week purchased the 1. G. Wolfe
farm on the Springwater Hill,
which was formerly known as the
Mary Adam’s farm.
Mr. Peterson expects to occupy
the place at once, according to
S. E. Wooster, the Estacada real
estate agent, who handled the
It is also reported the S. J.
Howe acreage place in South
Estacada has lately been traded
for improved Portland property
with the new owners expected to
make the place their home shortly.
T hursday . M arch 21 1918
Rev. Spiess To Temporarily
Withdraw From Church
In an effort to regain his
health, which has been under­
mined by continuous attacks of
rheumatism for t he past year or
so. Rev. Henry Spiess of the Esta­
cada M. E. Church expects with­
in a short time to temporarily
withdraw from the work, taking
a much needed rest for a few
months at least.
Whether he will ultimately con­
tinue in a supernumerary relation
to the M. E. Church, he has not
decided yet, but in any instance
will for a time relinquish his pre­
sent work and make his home at
Gladstone, where he has an. at­
tractive acreage property.
Next Sunday afternoon’s ser­
vices at the Garfield church will
be Rev. Spiess’ last appearance
there, although no date has been
set for the severance of his rela­
tions with the parent church in
Rol Herring Takes Bride
R. C. Herring former Garfield
farmer and lately a resident of
Estacada, on Monday modestly
informed the News office of his
marriage to occur the following
day at Vancouver, Wash, when
he would take as his bride Mrs.
Margaret Cessley of Mt. Scott.
The wedding was performed in
the presence of a few friends,
with the couple leaving shortly
after for Kent, Oregon, where
they will make their home.
Jury Finds In Favor Of
Mrs. Shankland
On the second trial of the case
of Shankland vs Sarver, in an at­
tempt to collect damages in con­
nection with a wood contract
from Noel Sarver of Currinsville
by his heighlx>r Mrs. E. J. Shank­
land, in Justice Devore’s court
Tuesday, the jury rendered a
verdict in favor of the plaintiff
in the amount of $25.
At the first trial which occured
last week, the jury was unable
to reach a verdict, but after hours
of deliberation this time agreed
in favor of Mrs. Shankland, who
was represented by attorney Joe
Hedges of Oregon City, with the
defense in charge of attorney
Bartlett of Estacada.
The jury of five comprised A.
W. Botkin, Archie Yocum, Edw.
Shearer and L. J. Palmateer of
Garfield and Edgar Heipleof Cur­
rinsville; with the audience com­
prising the majority of citizens
who could find time to be present,
including part of the high school
Civics classes.
$1.50 P er Y ear
General Tone Of New Rates Lower.
Factories Profit, With O n^ested
Business Section Increased
The announcement made last
week by the local fire insurance
agents of Estacada of the receipt
of the 1918 insurance ratings,
which had lately been adjusted
to a more fair and equitable ba­
sis. was welcome news to many
property holders.
The announcement was imme­
diately heralded by the local
agents. S. E. Wooster. J. W.
R e e d a n d t he E s ta c a d a
State Bank, with John Brown of
Gresham arriving on an early
Credit for this equitable ad­
justment is due all of the local
agents, who for a year or so past
have tried to obtain such service
and special credit is due E. C.
Morgan of the Hotel Estacada,
who as a leading Portland insur­
ance man, used his influence in
. behalf of the town.
The general tone of the 1918
ratings is lower, especially on the
local industries, the cannery and
the cheese factory. Part of the
west side of Broadway, between
2nd and 3rd Sts also profited to
the extent of nearly a 25% re­
duction, while the east side re­
mained about the same, owing to
the so-called “range frame haz
ard” with several buildings sub­
jected to an increase. The city
hall and fire station benefited by
about a 10% reduction. Main St.
between 1st and 2nd Sts was
subjected to an increase, with a
reduction between 2nd and 3rd
As an example of the differ­
ence in rates between buildings
of fireproof and frame construct­
ion, the Estacada Hotel is rated
at $3. 75 per hundred dollars of
insurance, while the new Esta­
cada High School has to pay but
75c per hundred.
These rates may further be re­
duced as the property owners re­
place the frame buildings with
structures entirely, or in part, of
brick, cement, tile or other fire­
proof material. Also, any in -
provement made in Estacada'.*
fire department will materially
lower these rates.
Arousing Patriotism
Thrift Meetings and Patriotic
Sings are being held in the Bar­
ton schoolhouse every other Sun­
day to promote patriotism in the
neighljorhood anil to encourage
the buying of Thrift and War
Saving Stamps.