Eastern Clackamas News Published every Thursday at Estacada, Oregon R. M. Standish, Editor and Manager Entered at the postoffice in Estacada, Oregon, as second-class mail. S ubscription R ates One year Six months . . . . . . $1.50 .75 Thursday, March 7, 1918 The state-wide, house-to house th rift campaign has been post­ poned from the week o f March 5, to March 19th to 2i!rd. This campaign is not to he a drive for money. It is to he a campaign o f edu­ cation. A campaign to tell every Oregon householder just what Thrift Stamps are, what War Savings Stamps are, where they can he bought, and why they should be bought. Ten thousand volunteer work­ ers will strive to plant a th rift jferm in every home in Oregon. The germ will do th*> rest. With the financial difficulties o f the Estacada Boy Scout Corps a thing o f the past, thanks to the generous response to their Tag Day sales we would suggest that the scouts do a little real scouting and locate the hoy or l>oys in Estacada, who are now passing through a n unmoral development, resulting in the scribbling o f filthy words and pictures alniut town. Contrary to reports that had been current in this section, to the effect that F. B. Guthrie, form er principal o f the Estacada Schools, was one o f the survivors o f the recent Tuscania disaster, Mrs. Guthrie writes from Salem that he is located in the Y. M. C. A. work at San Antonio. Texas. Under the direction o f Super­ visor L. J. Palmateer. road work is now underway in Garfield dis­ trict No. 49. with gravel being hauled by truck from Estacada and being worked into the had spots on the main road in that district. Chaffeur* and Truck Drivers Wanted Through the office y f the A d ­ jutant General, a call is l>eing made for young men qualified as expert automobile or truck d riv­ ers, for enlistment in the army work. Oregon’ s quota for this work is 100 and must t>e raised by Fri­ day. March Sth. Preliminary training will he given a'l volun­ teers at San Antonio. Texas, with the men later being sent to France, where General Pershing needs chauffers and motor truck drivers. The regular monthly dance o f the Estacada l'ennis Club, held at the Hotel Estacada. Saturday, was an enjoyable affair. The War A dvertising Com­ mittee o f Oregon has requested that the follow ing slogans be given publicity during the month o f March, in the interests o f a “ Silence Campaign Against the Spreading o f Rumor, Conjecture and Hearsay.” Good Eats A n d P le n t y c f T he m Our Enemies O ver Here A re T ryin g to Hurt Our Boys Over There. Our Enemies A re L is­ tening, Don’ t Talk. “ Groceries wre have, the best to be had, Our Service, the best we know’ how; Our prices, are not all to the bad. Then why not give us your trade now?” I f you knew anything Germany would like to know, let this be your Speechless Day. “ Our stock is complete And t> please you we aim. While our prices cojnpete With others, just the sam e.” Germans — their agents a n d sympathizers are tryin g to over­ hear you. Keep Quiet! Don’ t talk! Keep Your eyes peeled, Your lips sealed. Your heart steeled. Your idle prattle may lose a bat­ tle. Don’ t tell all you know. Our Motto “The Best is None Too Good for You” One German Arm y has already occupied America. The invisible host o f Spies is every where. Swat the fly! Spot the Spy! Spies feed on little crumbs o f conversation, little glances o f ob­ servation. Starve them out! Benedict Arnold was an A m er­ ican Officer trusted and loved by George Washington. Three cow­ boys caught the spy whose papers exposed Arnold. K e e p your eyes open. R e p o r t suspicious persons who ask curious ques­ tions. It is rumored the Kaiser is making a special lot o f Iron ( rosses for Americans who help him by careless talk. Have you qualified yet for your Iron Cross? Don’ t tell all you know to peo­ ple you don’ t. A word to the Spies is Suf­ ficient. Don’ t tell all you know. Naval Enlistments Again Opened Enlistment in the naval service has been reopened at the U. S. Naval Training Camp. Seattle and any citizen between the ages o f 18 and 115 is eligible. Recruits will receive a thorough course o f four months naval in­ struction. This camp is consid­ ered one o f the best training quarters in the country, located on the grounds o f the University o f Washington, with the facili­ ties o f that institution available, together with the U. S. S. Prince- ton for a training ship. Among the out-of-town visito's in Estacada on Auction Day, were three prominent newspaper publishers, namely E. E. Brodie o f the Oregon City Enterprise; C. W. Robey o f the Oregon City Courier and G. J. Taylor o f the Molalla Pioneer. These visitors were much pleased with the com­ munity spirit shown during the sale and came to obtain sugges­ tions for similar affairs for their ow n communities. L. A . C hapm an Estacada, + + + + 4. + + Oregon + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ♦ + * + + + + + + Undertaking and Embalming L. A. Chapman Estacada + ♦ Operating Phone + C Hearse and Morgue Store or Residence + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Licensed Em balm er R. G. Marchbank Estacada, Or Soda Water • Soft Drinks - Lute s Cigars and Tobacco BOB’S PLACE Headquarters For W. S. VCCD, Auctioneer Vancouver, Wash. Farm Sales a Specialty - W rite for Dates or call at News Office, Estacada. SHOE SHINING j I f your shoes need polishing, call at the Estacada Barber Snop. f|^fp lio n on the j b all day Saturday and a fter school hours on u u k ays. Ladies’ w -rk especially solicited. Leave shoes at the shop and 1 will do the rest. All shines 10 cei ts. JO E L B. B O W M AN . Mrs. C. W. Devore and son Raymond o f Estacada left Tues­ day for the south, with Raymond visiting at the home o f his grand­ mother at Drain. Oregon, while Mrs. Devore expects to spend about six weeks in California, visiting friends and relatives. Clyde Ecker. editor o f the In­ dependence. (O r.) Monitor, spent Sunday at the home o f his mother and sister. Mrs. N. B. Ecker o f Estacada and Mrs. W. F. Cary o f Cazadero. Mrs. E'm er Blackhurn c f St. Helens was a week-end guest ct Mrs. Eva Hodgkiss o f El wood, the home o f her sister-in law, who has been working near Port­ Mrs. W. M. Yonce o f Estacada, land. last week returned to her attending the Tennis Ciuu ounce home. Saturdus evening.