Eastern Clackamas News Upper Eagle Creek Notes Published every Thursday at Estacada, Oregon Eagle Creek Grange held its regular m eeting last Saturday at the Grange Hall with about 31 present including visitors and children. Mrs. L. C. Glover was initiated in the first and second degrees. Mrs. Marie Heiple, Po­ mona and Miss Ethel Hale Lady Assistant Steward were installed; Mrs. S. E. Bates acting as install­ ing officer. Quite an interesting program consisting o f songs, dis­ cussions, readings, etc. was ren­ dered. K. M. Standish, Editor and Manager Entered at the poatoffiee in Eataeada, Oregon, aa aeeond-elaaa mail. S ubscri pti on R a t e s One year - - * Six months . . . Thursday, Feb. 21 ■ ■1 $1.50 .75 1918 .1 ■ — I f a nice, prosperous appear­ ing man calls at your office these days or drapes himself over your farm «ate, handing out smiles, «lad-hands, compliments a n d sometimes cigars— I f said man tells you about what a tine business or farm you nave; what bright children you are rearing; how intelligent and prosperous you look and what lovely weather we are having— Also if he tells you that he wept for days a fter the defeat o f the Cascade County movement; that his heart bled for the poor oppressed taxpayers o f Eastern Clackamas County— That he personally is an enemy o f such and such an old time pol­ itical enemy o f the proposed Cas­ cade County; that he was born and raised on a farm in Clacka­ mas County and apologizes for having to make his home at Ore­ gon City, only wishing he could live in Eastern Clackamas— LOOK O U T - fo r it is possible that man is a politician and look­ ing for your vote and a county job, as the bi-annual crop o f these gentlemen is now m i g r a t i n g through this section, handing out their photographed cards. They are all good fellows and we like 'em. but we don't always believe everything they say. There is one promising aspect o f the coming primaries and that is the entry into the race for o f­ fices o f a number o f young men, men who are not and never have been office seekers, but who have made enviable records for them­ selves in other lines o f endeavor. Whether these men will make as good officers as some o f the more experienced deputies, who are now sign ifyin g their w illing­ ness to accept their bosses jobs, remains to be seen. In looking over the Delinquent Tax Inst for this county, now be­ ing advertised in the county seat papers, it is noted that but a very small proportion o f the delin­ quent taxes in this part o f the county is on farm lands, the ma­ jority being Estacada city lots, w ith the majority o f those being ow ned by non-residents. There will be four new stars added to the school service flag, as four more f »rmer members o f the E. H. S. student Body have joined the colors, being: Robert Morton, Harry Sherman, Joseph Demoy and Adolph Still. Contributed T o Hooverize does not mean to eat less but to Conserve and Use Less W H IT E F LO U R LARDS SU G A R A N D M EATS And to Substitute for These OATS, CO RN M E A L , R Y E and G R A H A M FLO U R S C O M PO U N D S and V E G E T A B L E O ILS H O N E Y and S Y R U P S V E G E T A B L E S and F R U IT S Last week a couple o f Portland men were out looking over the M a r s h a l l tim ber— boarding at W ill Douglass’ while here. Henry Baker, o f Sycamore, bought a cow o f his brother, A lex Baker, last week. Miss Grace Vancuren Grange visitor Saturday. L. A. Chapman was a Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Lightfoot, o f Pilot Rock, are the proud par­ ents o f a baby girl, born Febru­ ary 10th. Mrs. L igh tfoot is a sister o f Mrs. K. B. Gibson and some years ago lived in t h i s neighborhood. A lex Baker recently brought his new Ford home and on Sun­ day with his fam ily made a trip to Low er Eagle Creek spending the day at the home o f Lou Ba­ ker. Dover A Complete Stock of These Always on Hand Doi ngs Contributed Rev. Spiess o f Estacada deliv­ ered a Lincoln and Washington Birthday address at the school Friday afternoon, which w a s greatly enjoyed by the pupils and parents, as were also the light refreshments follow ing the pro­ gram. M. S. Miller last week drove his stock cattle to Troutdale for an indefinite pasturage. Jim Dixon and his dogs last week killed a large bob-cat near here. Rev. Spiess made pastoral calls in this section Friday and Satur­ day. mm ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Estacada, + ♦ + Oregon ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ + ♦ + + + ♦ + ♦ ♦ : Undertaking and Embalming ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ A ♦ ♦ L. A. Chapman Licensed Embalmer ♦ * * Estacada Phone Store or Residence Operating Hearse and Morgue ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ R. G. Marchbank - Estacada, Or. Soda Water • Soft Drinks - Lunches Cigars and Tobacco BOB’S PUCE M. J. KERKES. Headquarters For nuyer ior ine m oina 1 »resse» B eef Company o f Portland W. S. Wallace o f Troutdale was up here last week looking over some o f his railroad land holdings and on the return trip aiding Mr. Miller in the driving o f his cattle to Troutdale. Mr. and Mrs. Jos De Shazer and son motored to Latourell Falls last week, to see Mrs. De Shazer's mother, who is quite ill. Hugh Guthrie had the m isfor­ tune to get a finger badly smashed last week, while leading a balky horse, his finger gettin g caught in the lead rope. Earl McConnell and fam ily o f Currinsville last week moved in­ to their new home, which is an attractive bungalow, built large­ ly by Mr. McConnell. Livestock of all Descriptions Purchased If yov have any for sale, phone HENRY GITHENS, Currinsville.