bred Jorg t f Estacada left the firs, of this week for Portland, Milton A. Miller, Collector of where he is plying his trade of j Internal Revenue for Oregon, saddle-maker for John Clark & advises that the U. S. Treasury Co. Mrs. Jorg and children are Department has extended the remaining in Estacada until the time for the tiling of incom > t < . j end of the ? chool season. returns, until April i, 1918, thn . Mrs. T. H. Earls and family of giving an additional month to Estacada moved last week to the time originally provided by Donnell. Oregon, where they will the War Tax Act. their home and where Mr. Clackamas County residents, make Earls is of the woods who are subject to this tax. should crew for in a charge lumber company, immediately make their returns to the representative now sta­ Mrs. Wm. Delian of Spokane is tioned at the Court House in a house guest this week at the Oregon City. W. A. Heylman home in Esta­ cada. It. G. March bank of Estacada, who last week was laid up with Miss Hazel Wymore of Port­ an attack of asthma and grippe, land, who is in charge of the Baker’s Bridge School was a is able to be about this week. Saturday evening and Sun­ Miss Ruth Landrum of Colora­ guest at the R. M. Standish home do is a guest at the home of her day sister, Mrs. John Osborne of Es­ in Estacada, enjoying the Tennis i Club dance that evening. tacada. ln o m e Tax Limit Extended Thirty Days ♦ : * YOU COOK YOUR FOOD-W H Y NOT YOUR TOBACCO? ♦ Bank Estacada State ♦ j t * + + + + + + + + + + + + + Y OU know what broiling does to steak, baking to a potato—and toasting to bread. In each case flavor is brought out by cooking—by “toasting.” So you can imagine how toasting improves the flavor of the Burley tobacco used in the Lucky Strike Cigarette. IT'S TOASTED The C a ll Of O ur C o un try - MAY SHORTLY RESULT IN A FEW CHANGES IN THE MANAGEMENT OF OUR BUSINESS, BUT OUR POLICY OF— Honest Goods at Honest Prices Courteous Treatment, Reasonable Credit and Prompt Deliveries will remain the same. We are building up a clean business, based on clean methods and are each day adding new names to our list of customers, for— Flour Feed, Groceries and Building Materials Remember—Our Location is The Convenient Corner At Main & Second Streets * ! I where your patronage is most respectlully solicited. Estacada Feed & Lumber Co. L. S. BRONSON Estacada, M. D. EVANS Oregon. Í 2