Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, February 07, 1918, Image 7

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    As the N ew O w ner of the
♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
I wish to announce that I am
now on the job - right behind
the counter and busily engaged
in conducting this business t>
the best of my ability and on up-
to-date business methods.
I respectfully sohcit the pat-
tronage which Mr. Jorg has for
years held at this market an i
hope to increase the business and
list of patrons by dealing in
G ood M eats at Fair Prices
buying and selling both
Local and Portland Products.
For a time I considered placing this
business on a strictly cash basis - but as
exceptions would have to be • made to
that rule, I will continue for a time at
least, with charge accounts payable twice
per month or every 15 days, or credit
The enforcement of this rule is absolute­
ly necessary, as the Portland wholesalers
and the local livestock sellers insist on
being paid shortly after the delivery of
the meats.
Fish on T uesdays and Fridays
B o n e r ’ s fo r
Fishing Tackle
Tennis Halls
Fishing and Hunting Licenses
Cigars, Tobaccos, Confectionery
Soda Water and
Soft Drinks
Ice Cream
Headquarters for
and Finishing.
IT IS NOT R E A L G R A V E L Y W IT H O U T p f« w l
G eorge G oings On
Bring your
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Hard­
ers visited her sister at Malavnoe.
Oregon Sunday, her mother, Mrs.
Fanton returning home with
County Superintendent Cala-
van of Oregon City and Frank
Fwing of Viola organized an in­
dustrial club at the George School
Wednesday. Albert Terwilliger
was elected president; the mem­
bers being Roy, Raymond and
Gladys Miller. Ruth and Albert
Terwilliger. Walter Scheel and
Gladys Joyner.
when it needs to be “tuned up” or
repaired. We guarantee the most
reliable work: the genuine
FORD-MADE materials and ask FORD prices.
Dover experienced a touch of
winter last week, with the ther­
mometer registering 20 degrees
above on Wednesday, but the
four inches of snow which fell
Friday, soon disappeared.
Lee Cooper of Bull Run was a
A Famous physician once said:
Dover business visitor Friday.
“ A law should prohibit the use of small
C. E. Seward made the sale
neck (hard to clean) bottle with tube last week of a fine cow to a pur­
chaser from Bull Run.
Walter Kitzmiller was called to
i Gresham last week, his mother
having met with a bad fall, re­
For Your Baby’s Sake
sulting in a dislocated shoulder,
but at last reports she was rest­
The Estacada Pharmacy?
ing easily.
H. H. Udell suffered a fall last
week while logging, resulting in
¡a few injured ribs.
It is our business to k n ow all about FO R D C A R S
Protect Your Baby
and w e h ave the n ecessary equ ipm en t with co m p e­
tent w orkm en and prom ise you prom pt attention.
Use Stork Nursers
E s t a c a d a G a ra g e
“The Bridge that will carry you
Safely over A uto Troubles."
S te a m F i t t i n g s
Expert Work
Guaranteed For
Sawmill, Steam Engine and
Similar Repairs and
Prom pt D elivery of Special P arti
Plumber and Steamfitter
J. W . R eed , Prop.
E stacada, O regon
L ocals from L ow er
E agle C reek
Lawrence Morey spent the
week-end with his father in Port­
A group of young people were
guests of Fred Paddison on Mon­
day evening.
Regina Horger has been quite
sick with La Grippe last week.
• Mrs. J. W. Cahill made a visit
to Portland this week. Miss
Grace Cahill is home again, and
staying with her sister, Mrs. Sam
Barr of Estacada, although she
is still under the care of Dr. Adix.
Elmer Anderson has recently
gone to work in the St. John9
ship yards.
M odern W ar D ram a
At the Estacada Family Thea­
tre on Saturday evening, Febru­
ary 9th, will be shown the five
reel feature “Treason” , being a
powerful drama of love arid mod­
ern warfare. On this hill will
also be shown a “ Ford Weekly”
and a good comedy.
On Thursday evening, the 14th,
Charlotte Walker will be seen in
the filmed picturization of the
ipular novel and play, “The
rail of the Lonesome Pine,”
Among our local Iroys now in
the service, many of those who
enlisted within the p a s t few
months, are now reported to he
in France; among them being
Warren Barr and Fred Bannis­
ter of Estacada and W. W. Dillon
of Garfield, the l a t t e r taking
charge of important Y. M. C. A.
work at the front.
Postmaster H e y I m a n says
“ Apparently many persons sub­
ject to alien registration are put­
ting it off until the last day, but
are urged to register at once, as
the process consumes about an
hour for each person.”