Walter Givens Devoted to the stimutatjon of civic Editor In Chief and community pride • the patroniz­ Fred Bartholomew ing of home industries • and the boosting of the Walter Givens Co. Outside Man PIRIT Estacada, Oregon February 7, 1918 Voi. 2 *No. 3 Listen House M anagers In the Ranks. Every article on this counter is a real bargain and in these days o f necessity, you can afford to visit this counter every week for there is always something that you will w’ant. I f you can’ t visit this counter yourself you m ight delegate your shopping authority to your husband for once and you w ill be surprised at the intelligence he will display. He can’ t go w rong on any purchase at this counter. Mill Feeds are scarce but as we go to press our car o f bulk Nebraska corn has just arrived and will be unloaded Friday and Saturday. I f you have placed your order bring your sacks, come down and let’ s have a real corn day. W e have about 5 or 6 tons still unsold, when w riting this article, but can’ t guarantee that there will be a bushel unsold when this paper reaches you. Also we have another car o f mixed feeds now unloading and another car o f mixed feeds to arrive Monday. We are now prepared to take care o f your needs in anything in the feed line. Don’ t forget your supply o f garden and field seeds W e siiii w ant empry sacks for which we will pay 12c. Yours in a rush, (C op yrigh t by L ite Pub Co.) C o urleay o f I.lfo and Chat leo I >aua Lillmon. Th** Anmrlrnn I I oiin ** M unaicvr in tiwliiy n ni«*inl>«*r of th** army that la tltthtliiK to mm* itomoornry In fin* world. Moro than 11,000,000 tnnnattora *»f A meri ran honien loive enllated for the duration of the war and pledged themaelven to atip|»ort the flKhtliiK men hy the way they huy, cook and a«*rve forai K< mm 1 will win the war. nnd these women will help to win It. Amer­ ica muit aend f*aa1 to Europe. The armlen cannot hold out If we fall to nend It. Only certain food* can he shipped— those that pack the moat food value Into the small­ est NhlppliiK »pace.* These food« are wheat, meat, fats, suKar. We cannot eat them and aend them to*». We cannot eat them and send others. We must aend these foods, and In order to do that we nuiat eat other foods ourselves. The American House Manager will see to It that no food conies Info her home that does not do Its full duty under her management In wlnnlntr »he war The above picture represents to us only one o f the many “HOUSE MANAGERS" who with her basket on her arm and true American her heart visited our Patriotism in Hoover Counter o f special bargains last week and replenished the family larder. I 4