Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, February 07, 1918, Image 2

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    Springwater News items
We Still Have Some
That we are
selling at
and $ 2.75
$ 2.70
Rye and
Rice Flour
“ Your Satisfaction is Our Success”
East Clackamas Supply Co.
Estacada, Oregon.
(Until February 7th.)
Oliver Plows - brand new, but
with mould-boards changed
and slightly rusted
Larg*> Heating Stove - knocked
down as it came from factory
slightly rusted but brand new
Gross Cut Saws - Chinook
Swift Cutter Axes -
Wash Boilers -
» t
Magic Round Point Shovels
Zenith Sewing Machine
Reg. Price
Upper Eagle Creek Notes
The Springwater ladies met
Wednesday at the church and
j organized a Red Cross auxiliary,
electing Mrs. W. A. Bard, chair-
• man—Mrs. A. Bard, vice chair­
man—Miss M. Madden, treasur­
er and Mrs. J. F. Moger, secre­
We are pleased to announce
that Corp. J. W. Erickson of
Springwater, now with the Aero
Supply Squadron at Morrison,
Va., is up and about again, fol­
lowing an attack of measles,
which kept him in the hospital
at the time his old squadron sail­
Forrest Erickson o f the
Marine Corps is also recuperat­
ing from an attack o f measles
and bronchitis.
Miss Elva Marrs of LaCombe
is visiting with relatives here.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas o f Bend
spent a few days with Dr. ana
Mrs. Wallens last week.
Mrs. Robert Guttridge spent
the week-end with her mother,
Mrs. Rainy, at Gresham.
Everett Shibley returned Sat­
urday from Corvallis, where he
has oeen attending the Winter
Short Course.
A Correction
The News was incorrectly in­
formed last week relative to the
appointment o f A. E. Sparks of
Estacada as secretary and sales
manager o f the Estacada Cooper­
ative Cheese Association, as the
title should have read assistant
secretary and sales manager,*
with C. E. Lawrence o f Spring-
water still acting as official sec­
New Butcher
To Befriend Anglers
J. C. Hillman. Estacada’s lat­
est recruit among the business
men, on learning that the fiisher-
men in this community are al­
ways up against an obstacle in
obtaining fresh salmon eggs,
when needed for bait, announces
that he will on certain days of
the week, carry a supply in stock.
On Friday next, February 8th,
Mr. Hillman will have a dozen
rolls as a starter - so any fisher­
man who wants bait on that day
should call ;;t the Palace Market
early or phone in his reservation.
At any time if a couple o f days
notice is given him, Mr. Hillman
will furm 1) the fresh eggs for
any of the angling enthusiasts.
Mrs. Frank Ewing o f Viola,
after a two months visit among
relatives in California, returned
home this week.
E. C. Peery o f the Estacada
Pharmacy has returned to his
home at Scio for a few days bus­
iness trip, A. N. Johnson assist-
ingin his stead at the pharmacy.
R. G. March bank o f Estacada
has been on the sick list for the
past week, being confined to his
home with a return of his asth­
ma trouble.
Mrs. Mary Stubbe o f Estacada.
who last week was on the sick
list, is reported to be greatly im­
proved and able to be about.
Miss Grace Cahill of E a g l e
Creek has sufficiently recovered
from her recent operation to now
' be at home.
Last Wednesday several o f the
members o f the Upper Eagle
Creek Red Cross Unit met at the
Harvey Gibson house, which va­
cant house was given a real
housecleaning and is now fixed
up as a pleasant mee ing place.
Mrs. Katie Douglass made a
trip to Portland last week to
meet her father ami sister, John
Sweeney and Miss Della of Stev­
enson, Wash.
Mr. and Mrs. George Priester
o f Logan were Sunday guests at
the Roy Douglass home. .
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Woodle
were dinner guests Sunday at
the Dick Gibson home.
Mr. and Mrs. Virgil May, who
have been visiting at the Roy
Douglass home, accompanied Mr.
and Mrs. Geo. Priester home
Mrs. White o f Portland was
the guest o f her daughter, Mrs.
T. M. Clester, recently.
Miss Wava Herring, formerly
of Estacada but who for the past
three years has resided at Culli-
son, Kansas and Walton, Ken­
tucky, is now making her home
at Prairie City, Oregon.
Alice, daughter o f Mr. and Mrs.
C. Hicinbotham o f River Mill was
operated upon last week in Esta­
cada for the removal of adenoids
and other throat troubles.
Will the relatives and friends
o f enlisted boys from this com­
munity kindly notify the News
office o f the latest addresses of
the boys, many of whom have
been transferred from the sta­
tions where the News is now be­
ing mailed to them?
Harold Wooster of Estacada,
who is in charge o f ’•ural route
No. 1 from the Estacada post o f­
fice returned Saturday from a
few days trip, having located and
made application for a 560 acre
homestead near Robinette, Ore­
A baby daughter was born Sat­
urday, February 2nd. to Mr und
Mrs. E. W. Jochimsen o f Dodge.
Atley Erickson of Currinsville
has returned home, following his
attendance at the O. A. C. Short
Course at Corvallis, during Jan­
The Bert H. Finch home in Es­
tacada was threatened by fire one
day last week, but ended with
the loss o f seme clothing which
caught fire from being hung too
close to an overneated stove.
A dance is billed for next Sat­
urday evening, the 9th at the
Garfield Country Club, to which
all are invited.
Catarrh Cannot Be Cured
ca n n ot reach the seat o f the disease.
C atarrh is a local disease, g reatly In­
fluenced b y con a tltu tion a l conditions,
and in ord er to cu re it you must
ta k e an Internal rem edy.
Hall's C a ­
tarrh Cure ia ta ken Internally and
acta thru the b lo o d on the m ucous s u r ­
fa c es o f the system.
H all's Catarrh
C urs w a s p rescrib ed b y one o f the best
ihysictans In this co u n tr y f o r years It
s com p osed o f s om e o f the beat ton ics
k n ow n , co m b in e d w ith som e o f the
best blood purifiers. T h e perfect c o m ­
bin ation o f the In gredien ts in H all's
Catarrh Curs Is w h a t p rod u ces such
w o n d e r fu l results In ca ta rrh a l c o n d i ­
tions. Send f o r testim onials, free
F. J. C H E N E Y * CO.. Props., Toledo, O.
▲11 D ru ggists. 75c
B a l l's F a m ily Pills f o r constlpatton.