HHMNM m HERE IT IS! Henry V. Adix, M. D. The Only Practical Drag Saw On The Market. T k i/it ihf trifiA il m iik iM For Wood Cutter» Local and Long Distance Telephone The doctor's phone can be connected with your home phone at night if requested. One long ring Pal D*i Dr. L. A. Wells 2 1 . 1216 T h f f k a t i b a r n * r fo u r ) r « i t and a i r pa al ib c e i p c n m e n u l io g r T h e a»nl| p ro v e n p i a l la i al n>a «lune ul na hint! an iba naarkai « Timbermen Ranchers P h y sic ia n a n d S u r g e o n Office Adjoining Residence a 1 Dentist >(• ■»' ■ ■ 5^ ’v Associated with Dr. H. V/ Adix Tbraa m id u n ri air frtignad lor C U TT IN G W OOD of anj» kind in any pla«r undrr any «ondiiion» lo be lound m iba lumber and *oad (ampi. m any kind oi wrrihei 1 here machinal have been in uaa over four puaaa. Vaughn Drag Saw Proven Practical cTVlachine. A Money Saver For the price, the farmer will find this Drag Saw will save him more money and labor than any other implement he can buy. The power that drives this machine is a gasoline motor built specially for this purpose and of the best materials throughout. EVERY MACHINE GUARANTEED. :W.. Send for catalog which will tell you more about this little dancly. Dr. R. Morse P h y s ic ia n a n d S u r g eo n Tests Eyes and Fits Glasses Office on Main Str. between 1st and 2nd Residence: Main and 5th Sts. Telephone Connection • Attorney at Law and Notary Public Estacada, Oregon. JOHN BROWN The Insurance Man Oregon Fire Relief Ass’n Of McMinnville, Oregon. Also First Class OLD LINE Insurance. Automobile Insurance A Specialty Phone 513 You Cun Huy On Time - Monthly Payments - Or For Cash. The Cazadero Mercantile Co. W. F. Cary, Mgr. SALE Grain hay, $18.00 FOR SALE 7 Shoats weight Want and For Sale Column per FOR ton. .Jack Brown on 50 to 60 lbs each. 5 cents per line. Cash in advance Heiple line Phone from Estacada. Oscar Holmen, Springvvater. R. J. Thompson. LOST Red yearling heifer, FOR SALE 17(H)lb, 6 year old “STRIKE IN MILLS at West hole in one ear. sound and true. At Ling- Linn and Oregon City has left a Elmer Dibble, horse, few positions vacant. Lowest Springvvater. lebach Farm near Estacada. wage $6.10 for nine hours; some FOR SALE Large size, three LOST Tire pump between my log boom jobs at $3.40. Strike hole. Campbell Fireless Cooker, place and Estacada. Leave at still on but State police have con­ trol of matter. Over 750 men complete with aluminum dishes. News office and oblige, Cost $20. price $15. Roy Alspaugh, now working. Take Portland Mrs. J. VV. Howard, Alspaugh. Railway, Light and Power Com­ Springwater. pany train to Oregon City, cross FOR SALE One gray mare Suspension Bridge and apply for 1500tl»s. one Bain wagon ‘¿ U inch work at employment TO LOAN $1500 on farm se­ new. office on mill Can be seen at Chas. Mas­ walk; or address Employment curity at 7 to 8”u interest, ac­ son’s, Eagle Creek. cording to time. Apply, Paper Mills, As I have a part of a carload Office, West West Linn C. W. Devore, Estacada. Linn, Oregon.” of hogs to ship, would like to TO LOAN $800. at 8"*> inter­ hear from someone else who has NOTICE TO CREDITORS est on improved farm land. In­ another half carload to ship with quire at News Office. me, or from parties who will sell In the County Court of the State of up the shipment. Oregon for Clackamas County. FOR SALE 21 U acres tim­ hogs to make Phone M. Davis, ber and land, also 1 acres land ___________ C. Springwater. Notice is hereby given that the un­ dersigned has been appointed Adminis­ and some timber nearby. For with Will Annexed of the prices inquire L. J. Palmateer. FOUND Leather gauntlet glove tratrix Estate of A. Rehm, deceased by Garfield or J. H. Palmateer. Sil- owner call at News Office and the County Tillie Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas County, and has quali­ vtrton, Oregon. ____ pay for advertisement. fied. All persons having claims against FOR SALE 4 tons Clover hay. Ft )R s ALE One 11 year old estate are hereby notiified to H. C. Stephens. said present same, duly verified as by law black mare, weight 1400 tl»s. FOR SALE Over to the undersigned at 722 half a million required, Gentle, t r u e and a worker. feet of fine fir timber, Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Portland located Price $90. Oregon, within miles of Estacada. date hereof. six months from the H. C. Glover. within four Inquire at News Office. Eagle Creek. Dated anil first published December FOR SALE Body of timber 20, FOR SALE Noah's Island within two miles of Estacada. 1017. EVA L. MATTHEWS. seed spring w heat, $2. bushel. Contains about 4.000 cords of Administratrix with Will Annexed. C. M. 1 olsom. Springwater. good w ood. Inquire News Office. L. W. MATTHEWS. Attorney. Claude W. Devore - Gresham I Sell and Trade Real Estate Negotiate Loans • Buy Mortgages Rent your Property • Write Insurance In the 've ry best Combanys. I CAN GET YOU RESULTS S. E Estacada . WOOSTER PLACE YOUR Fire Insurance in the Home Company and through the Home Agent J. W. REED ESTACADA Agent for The Pacific States Fire Insurance Company LAWYERS A bstracts examined. Corporation j L uw . Financial Agents. T rusts, Escrows and Arccurit8. E states probated. Collec­ tions, Deeds, Mortgages. General piactice in all courts. Correspondence so cited. Prom pt attention. Hank references. Fourteenth ¿/••or IC.4NS ft «CEP ON P0RTLANP PROPERTY P.'a’sssaitn & Kosessohn f.r f ’ . r . t ;| i.in H l«l <»♦ C o irtm «rc * S M i» p o rt t v v n i ; o h e u o n