Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, January 17, 1918, Image 5

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    Estacada School Board
Refuses Payment
During the financing in the
local school district Ne. 108, in
connection with the recent build­
ing of the ' i ih school, the board
entered into some kind of an
agreement with Keller Bros., a
Denver bonding corporation.
Due to some part of the agree­
ment, which the board contends
was not carried out by the bond
firm, payment of $300. fee was
refused, resulting in legal action
now being taken by Keller Bros.
Boy Steals Pension Money
County Judge H. S. Anderson
phoned the News this morning,
inviting the people of this section
to attend one or both the meet­
ings to be held at Busch’s Hall in
Oregon City on Sunday next,
when the speakers will be wound­
ed officers, wno have seen service
in the war zone, their subject be­
ing on their experiences.
The meetings will take place at
3:30 in the afternoon and at 7:30
in the evening.
The county court this week re­
appointed T. A. Roots county-
road-boss, this being his third
year in office.
Thar* la more Catarrh tti thla section
of the country than all other diseases
put together, and for years It wae iup-
poaed to be Incurable. Doctora pre­
scribed local remedies, and by constant­
ly falling to cure with local treatment,
pronounced It inourable. Catarrh Is a
local disease, greatly Influenced by con­
stitutional conditions and therefore re­
quires constitutional treatment Hall's
Catarrh Cura, manufactured by F. 3 .
Cheney A Co., Toledo, Ohio. Is a consti­
tutional remedy. Is taken Internally
and acta thru the Blood on the Mucous
Surfaces of the System. One Hundred
Dollars reward Is offered for any case
that Hall's Catarrh Cure falls to curs.
Band for clroulars and testimonials.
F. 3 . CHENKT A CO., Toledo. Ohio.
Sold by Druggists. 75c.
Hall s Family Pills far constipation.
Will Continue
In the Justice Court for District
Number 14, Claskamaa County, Oregon.
Bert H. Finch, Plaintiff, vs Dale Un­
derwood, Defendant.
To. Dale Underwood, defendant.
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint in the above en­
titled action on or before six weeks
from the date of the first publication of
this summons, and if you fail to so ap­
pear and answer the plaintiff will take
judgement against you in the sum of
$25.00, interest thereon at 6% per an­
num from Sept., 1, 1917, together with
the c o s t s and disbursements o f the
This summons is served upon you by
publication, pursuant to an order made
by the above entitled court, made and
entered on the 15th day o f January
1918, directing that the same be pub­
lished in the Eastern Clackamas News,
once a week for six successive weeks,
and that the date of the first publica­
tion thereof is January 17, 1918, and
the date of the last publication is Feb­
ruary 28th 1918.
Claude W. Devore,
Justice of the Peace District No. 14
Clackamas County, Oregon,
FOR SALE—Light-weight team,
8 year olds. Light Farm Wagon,
Work Harness, A 1 condition,
$275. Will give terms on good
security. M. C. Callwell
309 San Rafael St., Portland
Because of the many requests from our patrons we have
decided to continue handling dry goods and notions but
will greatly increase our stocks.
The management o f the store will he in the hands of
Mrs. J. M. Park and Mrs. W. E. Closner after Feb. 1st.
We will therefore sell for cash after that date.
We began our sale with the full intentions o f selling out
completely and discontinuing the business, and only
continued at the request o f so many patrons.
We will close out all HARDWARE. DISHES. PATENT
As soon as we can make room, WITH YOUR HELP we
will enlarge our stock of dry goods.
Special Sale Jan. 26th, of 50c. Water Pails at 35c.
No Phone Orders
Only two to a customer.
Estacada. Or.
WANTED— Man and wife to
work on farm. Must have ex­
perience, Good wages to right
495 East, 21st North,
Portland Ore.
.--------------------- .»
Broadway at 2nd St.
■ ■ I. -
- -
Hooverize On Your Tires
old tires —
that’s extravagance!
We have ordered and will soon install one of
the largest and most up-to-date
County Agriculturalist Enlists
R. J. Werner, County Agricul­
turalist, this week resigned his
position to enlist in the ambu­
lance service.
The acceptance of his resigna­
tion depends on President Kerr
o f the O. A. C... the question be­
ing whether Mr. Werner can be
o f more service in his official ca­
pacity, than as an enlisted man.
Park & Closncr
An eleven year old Portland
boy by the name of Irwin Brooks,
visited Estacada last Friday, re­
turning Saturday in the company
o f Deputy Sheriff Frost of Ore­
gon City, who placed the young­
ster under arrest and took him
home to papa and mamma.
The lad called at the News
office early Friday, asking for a
party by the name of Miller, for
whom he was to take a horse
back to Portland, but no one of
that name answering the de­
scription could be found. The
visitor then spent the day about
town and the night at the Hotel
Estacada, where he proved a
Saturday morning he started
for Portland via the railroad ties
and in passing through Eagle
Creek stopped at the house of
J. O’ Neel, departing with $40.
in cash and a gold watch. On
Mr. O’Neel’s discovery of the
loss of his pension money, the
neighbors told o f the boy’s visit
and reported having seen him
headed down the tracks.
A phone message to Harvey
Gibson at Barton located the lad,
who on being confronted with
the charge, admitted the theft,
returning the watch and the
money less 50 cents.
Wounded Soldiers To Speak
— Vulcanizing Machine» —
And to our mechanical department will be
added an Expert Vulcanizer, who is ulready hired
and who will attend to that work exclusively.
Battery Charging Station
p I
is much easier to retain
good vision than to regain
Remember—your batteries are liable to freeze
It will
if they are not fully charged in cold weather.
always help you to have good
We will test them with our Hydrometer Te»t
Have good light.
( B R A N D ) Mazda
as there is no guess work here.
We will be glad to
consult with you any time
about how to get the best
for the least
C. C. Miller
Cascade Garage
S. P. Pesznecker
Republic Trucks
J. C. Peterson
Sale» Agents for
Brunswick Tires
Cleveland Tractors