Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, January 17, 1918, Image 3

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Veteran D mates Two Subscriptions
J O’Neel, of Eagle Creek,
a Civil War veteran, called at the
News office Saturday and handed
over $2.00, asking that it he used
in sending the home paper to
any of the local enlisted boys,
for he said, “ I know how lone­
some a soldier hoy gets and how
he enjoys reading alnait home
and the home people.”
We have accordingly entered
year subscriptions to go to Win,
St i l l and Frank F u c h s of
Eagle Creek, the former being
stationed at Waco, Texas and the
latter at San Diego.
That the soldier boys appre­
ciate the home newspaper is
amply evidenced in the letters
received by the News each week
Irom lonesome, local lads in
Uisiant places.
Estacada State Bank
The Home Bank Of Eastern
Clackamas County
A strong bank closely identified with the growth and
upbuilding of the country which it serves.
If you are not already a depositor we would appre­
ciate an opportunity to explain our facilities and
our ability to serve you.
Departm ents:
Depository for the funds of
T he State of O regon,
T he County of Clackam as,
T he City of Estacada.
Commercial A ccounts subject
to check,
Saving Accounts
4 % Interest
Farm M ortgages, Fire Insur-
Refugee Beans
at once
Of Eastern Clackam as County
The following represents a list
of those patriotic young men of
this community, who are now en­
listed in the Country’s Service.
In order to make this list com­
prehensive, we request that the
names of any enlisted men, not
shown herewith, he furnished
this office, so that the Roll of
Honor may be kept complete.
Otis Wagner, Estacada.
Bert Page, Estacada.
Serg. Ken Bartlett, Estacada.
H. W. Hitching, Currinsville.
Chas. Handle, Springwater.
Clyde Inglish, Garfield.
Lieut. Sylvester L a w r e n c e ,
Corp. Belah Lawrence, Spring-
Harold Young, Barton.
J. R. Linn, Currinsville.
Ralph Reid, Garfield.
Joe Cahill, Eagle Creek.
Morris Cahill, Eagle Creek.
Raiph Dahl, (formerly New’s of­
fice Estacada).
Corp. H. S. Scupham. Estacada.
Joe Erickson, Springwater.
Geo. Townsend, Estacada.
Lester Townsend, Bull Run.
Lieut. W. M. Dale, Estacada.
Corp. Sam H. Bai r, Estacadu.
Frank Fuchs, Eagle Creek.
C. C. Cockerline, Viola.
Carl Kimmel, Estacada.
Corp. Chester Womer, Estacada.
Robt. Ewalt, Springwater.
Leroy Card. Highland.
Ennis Townsend, Estacada.
R. C. Masson, Eagle Creek.
Forrest Erickson, Springwater.
Lieut. A. C. Demurest. Garfield.
Frank Whitheck, Estacada.
Virgil Wagner, Estacada.
Warren Barr, Estacada.
Fred Bannister, Estacada.
L. E. Folsom, Springwater.
Guy Graham. Estacada.
Walter Whitheck, Estacada
Bernard Gil bride, Springwater
Roy Wilcox. Eagle Creek
Jo-\ A. Fuchs, Eagle Creek
Howard Longwell, Eagle Creek
Will Still, Eagle Creek
Adolph Still, Eagle Creek
Earl Odell, Eagle Creek
Earl Tracy, Garfield,
Guy Mlinger, Eagle Creek
Elmer Douglass
Eagle (’reek
Sherman McCracken Barton
Fred McCracken Barton
W arren b a r r of E stacad a, now
of Co. A ., Olh b a tta lio n , 20th
E n g in eers a t C am p belvoir, V ir­
ginia, in a le tte r d a ted th e till»,
says, “ Dope to g e t th e N ew s
regularly, to r its m ore a p p re cia ­
ted th an tiie O regonian would be
tn e m orning a lt e r th e tirst
W orld’s ¿series C a m e ; 1 read it
over twice, even to the w an t-ad s
and th en h u rtle d over to Fred
b a n n is te r and he stopped cook­
ing to read it. ”
t here are still many of our
soldier boys who are not receiv­
ing the News and parents or
otners interested, will be allowed
the $1.00 per year price, for sub­
scriptions sent to enlisted men.
Mrs. Eda Woods of Estacada,
who for the past two years has*
b een saleslady at the East Clack­
amas Supply Company, left last
week foi Oregon City where she
is employed in the woolen mills.
Mrs. Clyde Ecker of Independ­
ence spent Sunday at the home
of her sister, Mrs. W. F. Cary,
of Cazadero.
A t the Fam ily T h ea tre
We will pay
but must receive them as
soon as possible.
Flour Feed, Groceries and
Building Materials
On Saturday evening, January
19th, the five leel feature “The
Girl With the Checkered Coat”
will be show n, follow ed by a good
On Thursday evening, January
24th, Miss Mae Murray will he
seen in “To Have And to Hold” .
Hereafter no Saturday after­
noon performances will be given,
as the attendance does not w ar­
rant the added expense.
The readers of the News-have
missed the “George Goings On” ,
which used to be a regular fea­
ture in these columns and we
hope it wont be long before they
again become a weekly occur­
ence. The News is also very
anxious to obtain regular news
items from the lower Eagle
Creek and Barton sec ions, as
the paper is read by the majority
of people in those districts.
Headquarters For
Estacada Feed & Lumber Co.
Soda Water • Soft Drinks • Lunches
Cigars and Tobacco
O regon.
R. G. M archbank
Estacada, O r.