Parent-Teacher Meeting Some of Our New Prices Based on Cash Business Thirty d ys credit will be given those who have been prompt paying in the past. All accounts due on the first of each month and if not paid by the 5th, further credit will be refused. White Mountain Flour Multnomah Flour Springwater New» Items $2.75 2.70 Contributed Mrs. G. M. Lawrence and son are visiting with her sister, Mrs. E. G. Strey of Centralia, Wash. Only one sack to a family to thoae liv­ ing in t wn or near, thoae living at a diatance ran purchase one half barrel. We are still selling M. J. H. Coffee Arm & Hammer S< da K. C. Baking Powder 25 oz., Jap Rice, 3 lbs., Head Rice, 2 Vi lbs., Yeast Magic or Foam 3 pk., Rev. and Mrs. R. A. Weld and Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Bard attend­ ed the meeting held at the First Presbyterian Church in Portland on Tuesday. 35c. 5c. 20c. 25c. 25c. 10c. We are expecting a large ship­ ment of shoes of all the latest styles. Don’t fail to see them. WARNER CORSETS All styles and sizes at 10% below city prices. “ Your Satisfaction is Our Success“ East Clackamas Supply Co. E stacad a, Oregon. Told Standisti I didn’t have anything to advertise this week having sold ail my BARGAINS. But find in going through the warehouse, a few more articles that I can save you from $5. to $25. on. Here is a partial list. Come see them. Portland price 2 - Harrows 1 • Disc 1 * 6 shovel 2 horse Cultivator 1 - 14 in Plow 1 - 8 way Force Pump 1 - Bbl Spray Pump 2 - Set Heavy Farm Harness Heavy Team Lines 1 inx20 ft. Team Lines 20% Discount on Collars Our price $28.15 54.50 41.50 23.50 25.00 22.50 71.00 9.50 8.50 21.80 43.40 28.50 17.50 18.00 16.50 58.50 8.20 7-25 These prices will hold good for the next 10 days Hardwar* Harn**» BERT H. FINCH > A treat is in store for Estacada people in the coming this week o f Mrs. Robt. H. Tate of Port­ land, to speak before the Parent- teacher Association. Mrs. 'iate is a woman of national reputa­ tion, at present chairman of the National Child-welfare Commis­ sion of the Parent-teacher Asso­ ciation, ai d has been for several years a member of the Child Welfare Commission in our own state. Her topic is “ The Chil­ dren’s Sunday” . Every person interested in children should hear Mrs. Tate at the high school auditorium Friday, Jan. 18, at 7:30 o ’clock. Katacadn Oregon The Springwater Grange meet­ ing of January 12th was well attended, a number o f visitors from oth^r granges being pres­ ent. among them being Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bates and Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Holder of Estacada, Edw. Shearer o f Garfield and Mr. and Mrs. G. Dallas o f Damascus. The following officers were in­ stalled: Master, David Horner; Overseer, L. S. Tenny; Asst. Stewart, Fred Horner; L. A. S., Erma Tenny ;Treas., Ed Closner; Secy., ElvaShibley; Gate Keeper, Ed Jochimsen; Ceres, Amanda Closner; Pomona, Mrs. L. Joch­ imsen. The following w’ere elected but not present to be installed: Stew­ ard, Everett Shibley; Lecturer, Frank hawing; Flora, Mrs. Merle Ewing; Chaplin, Bell Moger. Chas. E. Dubois of Estacada is leaving this week for Donnell, Oregon, where he will take charge o f milling and lumbering interests for Portland capitalists. Our genial friend, C. M. Mc­ Alister, Special Agent of the Portland Union Stock Yards, spent a few days in Estacada and vicinity early this week. The W. C. T. U. will meet Thursday the 24th at the home of Mrs. Margaret Schock in South Estacada. where the afternoon will be spent in making surgical bandages. More workers are needed and asked to bring Hour or sugar sacks for making the bandages. This organization has this season sent 180 bandages to headquarters. Dover Doings Contributed Walter Kitzmiller is busy erect­ ing a new barn on hjs place. The Firwood and Dover Tele­ phone Company held its annual meeting Saturday at the Fir- wood school, electing officers tor the ensuing year. Manager H. M. Schminky of the local Red Cross, is telling of one patriotic neighbor w’ho trav­ eled four miles on foot to take out Red Cross memberships for himself and wife. The recent high water w ashed out the much traveled foot-iog, crossing Eagle Creek, between the Dover and George districts, at the Nelson place. W. P. Roberts and son Web were Oregon City visitors last week. BULLETIN Of The ESTACADA C L E A R IN G HOUSE FOR SALE 1 Complete W a d e Gasoline Drag Saw Outfit - in good work­ ing order, including 2 saws 2 ex­ tra falling saws sledges wedges canthook axes tools and every­ thing for woods w'ork. Original cost $185. Our price $95. 1 Almost newr 3 H. P. Bull Pup Gasoline E ngine-cost $85. our price $50. 1 Big H e a t e r - suitable for school, hall, or other large build­ ing. $12.50 1 Three hole Gasoline Range cost $35. Our price $8. 1 Flying Merkel Motorcycle in good condition—$75. 1 Good saddle $16.50 1 Set Double Harness—$15. 1 Set Single Harness- $15. 1 Bissel Plow’ and Jointer - $12 1 Deere Steel P low - $11. 1 Oliver H- O. ( n e w ) - $17.50 1 Florence Blue Flame 3 bur­ ner Oil Stove (new) —$13.50 2 Two hole Oil Stoves —$3.50 and $4. 1 McClanahan Incubator-used one season —$10. 1 Standard Seeder with at­ tachments - almost n ew - $13. 1 Egg C i t y Incubator and Brooder - a.most new $9. 1 Sewing machine in good working order $7. 1 New’ panel door —$1.25 2 Small cook stoves—1.50 each .W ANTED—Tie Axe. Carpets, Rugs, Linoleum and all kinds of Household Furniture. GET THE HABIT—I f y o u want something—Advise Us. If you have something for sale— Bring It In. I