Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, January 03, 1918, Image 5

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    At The Family Theatre
O bservation
N o t C o n fin e d to
a C e n t u r y Age .
Dee. 29
The New England ciih ' ihu during the
early years o f the nineteenth century
was to observe Christ mas from I N*c. 'Jft
to Jan. ft. the tw elv e days IteiiiK geuer-
ally given up to receiving and return-
lug fam ily visits. Contemporary with
this custom was the belief. Iiieuleated
in the minds o f tlie children, that if
they would visit the cow stables Mt
midnight o f Christmas eve they would
see the cattle kneel before the man-
A |M»eut o f tlte tw elve days sitows the
g ift for tlte first »lay o f Christman to
be a parrot on a Juniper tree instead o f
a "partridge on a |tear tree.
verse for the tw elfth day. which em­
bodied tlte entire list o f »lays and
"g ifts ." was as follow s:
"T h e tw elfth day o f Christinas my
true love gave to me tw elve guns
shooting, eleven bears «-basing, teu niea
hunting, nine tiddlers playing, eight
ladles dancing, seven swans swimming,
six chests o f linen, five gold rings, four
coffee bowls, three French hens, tw o
turtle doves and a parrot on u Juniper
tre e ."—John K«xiemeyer. Jr.. In N ew
York Sun.
D i s p r o v e s a J a p a n e s e P ro v e r b .
" I f yon sit Idly you will lose money
every minute." is a liberal paraphrase
o f a well known Japanese proverb and
serves as a protest against idleness
But we cite the »-use o f the great
Buddha at Nara. which despite inaction
Is reaping a fortune
During the past
year the KudtHia received 3M.INI0 vis­
itors. who paid admission fees aggre­
gating $P.:tfSl
The exact-ion o f h tee
to visit the big Buddha began In IBM.—
T ok yo Journal.
N o F a l s a Prtde.
"I'm afrai<l," her fattier repll«*d. “ you
would not tie able to sup|s»rt tuv »laugh­
ter in the style to whi«-h she has tn*-
come accustomed."
"W e ll." the young man xabl. after tie
bad thought ttie matter over briefly,
"I'm not proud.
I'll gladly tel you
help." Chicago Herald.
His Failing.
H arker Doesut Cuttein. the tailor
remiud you «»f a d»s-t»*r'r
Barker l
should say not
He reminds me o f
that little lull | ow e him every time * e
meet. London Telegr«!**«
There is more Catarrh In this section
o f the country than all other diseases
put together, and for years it was sup­
posed to be incurable. Doctors pre­
scribed local remedies, and by constant­
ly fa llin g to cure with local treatment,
pronounced it Incurable. Catarrh ia a
local disease, gre a tly Influenced by con­
stitutional conditions and therefore re­
quires constitutional treatment. Hall's
Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J.
Cheney & Co., Toledo. Ohio, is a consti­
tutional remedy, ts taken Internally
and acts thru the Blood on the Mucous
Surfaces o f the System. One Hundred
Dollars reward is offered for any case
♦ hat Hall's Catarrh Cure falls to cure,
-»»end for circulars and testimonials.
F. J. CH E N E Y & CO.. Toledo, Ohio.
Sold by Druggists. 75c.
H all's Fam ily F ills for constipation.
A t the Family Theatre in Esta­
cada n#xt Saturday evening. Jan­
uary 5th, will be shown that pop­
ular actress Mae M uny in “ A t
First S igh t” , being a Paramount
feature o f high class.
On Thursday evening, January
10th, the feature film will be
“ Susan’ s Gentleman” with Vio­
let Mercereu in the lead. A good
comedy will also appear on this
Our Closing Out Sale
Is Still Continuing
And Will Continue Until Our Entire
Stock is Sold, Regardless of Prices
Mrs. E. J. Shankland o f Cur-
rinsville has returned after an
absence o f several months in
Alaska, where sue visited her
daughter, Mrs. C. M. O ’ Neel o f
Mrs. Shankland is
making her home in Portland
but is visiting among friends in
this community for a time.
W ia*
C al at our store and you will find plenty of articles
which you n ed and cannot affo.d not to buy at the prices
at which we are selling.
Father—bf y»»u puid more attention
to cooking hu »I leas’ to dress. my dear,
you would make a much bettur wife.
Daughter Yea. father But who would
marry me?
Park & Closner
v tv s v iv tv tv i'x v fv iv iv iv tv iv iv iv iv iv t
Itf P R A C T IC A L H E A L T H H IN TS ,
To Avoid Hoadachoa.
Heudai-liea muy-J»e a symptom
Uf o f indigestion. grip|ie. typhoid fe-
Uf vea. uialuriu. hysteria, uephritls
Vi (iutiamuiatiou of the kidueysi.
Uf rhiMiuiatlsui
nbetes. anaemia
Uf (Impoverish
»luodi. uetirasthe-
Uf ulu merve exuaustloin and lieu-
Uf rulgia
There are various k.uda
U <>f hemia<-IU‘s differently l#<-al-
Uf iz»*d
.» sharp a»-lie. coining in
Uf paroxysms .and — affecting the
Uf «‘.vetnills uulh-ate« neuralgia; a
Uf sharp and »-ontiuuui pain, tiya-
Vi lerlM. a »lull amt <litr>is»Ml front a I
Uf and tetuporal a»he Is dm* usual
Uf ly to digestive dlstiirtiances. to
Vi anaemia or to 11 <-|»1 11 it is; pain at
Uf tile lop <>f I tie ticiid v ertex > may
Uf »•»une from excessive
lien «»us-
Uf ness or from bin<)»lt-i I rouble.
Uf wlille sharp in liiug in Hie occipl-
Uf tal or lower back part o f (lie
Uf tiead iiiii
mean a b*-giiinilig o f
Uf meningitis adeuo ds or merely
Uf disavcd Ii*etli
To avoid bead-
Uf a-lies keep die blood pure and
Uf llie «-ireiitation active b.v proper
Uf diet Mini regular »•x«,r«-lse in the
Uf open air l\«*«*p tin* uosirils «dear
Uf o f all »ibstriK-tioiis tending to In
Uf terfere
witb nose breathing
Uf H ave any refractive errors o f
•A die eyes promptly «-orrei-ted asid
Uf s»*e dint the teetli are attended to
Uf regularly l»» prevent dental eav-
Uf Ides or softening
W Y Uf Uf
Uf Uf Uf Uf Uf Uf Uf Uf Uf Uf Uf
Estacada, Or.
Br< ad way at 2nd St.
Prom otion.
“ W hat business did you say the boss
was In?’ asked ttie «-lerk.
"W h y . ties a promoter." replied the
"W e ll. tlu*re must be some mistake
He's never promotml me I've held the
same luslgnlllcuut job evei since I'v e
been here." Yonkers Stuteauiau.
Our Buey World.
"I unilerstiin»! «•a«h liuiuau being
takes about eiglitcen breaths a minute,
or ueui'ly 'Jtl.otio m «lay
said die prue
deal woman
"Just think of It. replie»! die absent
mlnd**d woman "I can't s»‘e tmvv they
can thul time to do It " St l.otiis I ’ost-
H i» Suspicion.
“ W ell, whmlily you want?"
“ I am the man who w-is uiarrted lu
the «-age »if wildcats
"I list ye wluuhly you \»ant?*’
“ I thought I would like to lisik Into
the cage again
I fcai I left my w ife
there aiul took one o f the wildcat*.’’ —
Houston Post.
W a y s of th a O yatar.
Oystera after lln*y have been brought
away from die s«-a know by Instinct
the exact hour * lieu die tide ts ris­
ing and approaching tlielr heils and so
of th»*lr own ac»'ur<l often tlielr shells to
re»-«*ive die food from the sea as If they
were still at home. l,«»utlou Telegraph.
C y n ic a l
C o n j u g a l A m a n it ia a .
D e fin ition .
She I was n I<•<>I when I married
He Aren't you h fool still'/ Site
- No I it in not
He Then you should
be thunk fill to me for reform ing you.—
Ismdoii T it Itita
"W h at is yntir i«tea o f fame?”
“ Fam e." replied Miss Cayenne, “ la
wiiut enables an liull vldnal momentari­
ly to h«‘at die went tier »»lit as a topie of
eon versa don " Washington Star
Favored of the M u m .
" H e has made iiillliotis out o f liters
ture '
"A t*est sellei eh'/'
“ No; lie owns a pM|>ei mill " Ufa.
The secret of success has been fairly
well kept considering dial so many
people are h i i x I o u s to tell about It.—
We are often asked why the C H EV R O LET is so easy and quick.
Value in the Head is the answer.
Greatly Assisted by
4000 Miles Guaranteed
This Guarantee Made Good at our Garage.
T ry B R U N S W IC K tires.
You will not ask for any adjustment.
W e have just made a contract for $1000 worth.
Cascade Garage
Expert Mechanical Service.
Service and Sale* Agents for
Dodge, S a x o n ,
Chevrolet and Cadillac auto*
Republic trucks and Cleveland Caterpillar tractors.
S. P. Pesznecker
Why ?
T. C. Peterson