Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, January 03, 1918, Image 4

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    Walter Given«
Editor In Chief
D w te d to the stimulation of civic
and community [ ride - the patroniz­
Fred Bartholomew
Outside Man
ing of home industries • and the
boosting of the Walter Givens Co.
January 3, 1918
Estacada, O eg o n
Vol. 1 No. 50
lif’An apology
If we remember correctly Walter did say
something just before leaving about playing
up that slogan h J theirs about a—
“Satisfied cuss being the best ad,etc/’
by “ ye editor" (not the editor of
the Boosting Spirit, but the editor
of the News.)
But to get back
lisement, we asked
Fred B irtholo-
mew what he wanted advertisd this w eek and he
claimed he was no ad writer, but did want this little
FOR SALE ad put in somewhere
FOR SmLE— hoavY work Teem. hArmis and wagun
aT A BargUn C fred baRtholcmew eStaCAdA.
As Walter (livens, so far us we know, is
still conducting revival Meetings at Coberg,
Oregon and forgot to send in his advertising
copy by mail, as promised, the editor has got
to compose this ad, set up this ad, print this
ad and mail this ad. and All on Thursday
morning (press day) and with Tuesday a Hol­
iday in this weeK.
Mr. (iivens, according to son Denny, is re­
ported to have gotten stuck in the mud of an
Hnpaved road near Coberg with (J ly Drill’s
Maxwell car. later returning in his own
Sstudebacker to help pull out the Maxwell.
Denny says “Pa’s Studebaker got stuck too
and he says he’s going to buy a Ford.“
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Fred further mentioned that
while not being an advertising
man, he did claim to be the best
tune Livestock Buy­
e r and don’t care
who knows it.
Then rambled off something
about 'nother carload shipment
going out in a few days and tell
anybody that’s got any hops,
cattle, veals or sheeps to phone
me at once.
cAnyway- the W alter
Givens Company, Incorporated deals
Flour, Feed, Groceries,
Collections made by the 10th of the
Month Following Purchase, Trade Accept­
ances, Courtesy, Prompt
(P. S.-If Mr. Givens don’t like this advertisement and
refuses to pay us for it-he had better stay home after this
and write his own. The little pictures around the side are
¡ust put there to fill up apace, Editor.)
The Walter Givens Company, Inc.