Vancouver Prune G row er Buys Springwater Farm Everybody Happy New Year ♦ ♦ Oar ♦ ♦ ♦ + ♦ ♦ 1918 Calendars ♦ * + ♦ ♦ •* ♦ ♦ Are Now Ready. ♦ ♦ + •»> ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ + ♦ ♦ + + + Call And Get Yours Estacada State Bank m + + + ♦ + * ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ + ♦ ♦ T. I*. McAuley o f Vancouver, Washington, an experienced Clark County prune grower, last week purchased the 42acre farm in Springwater form erly owned by S. E. Wooster o f Estacada, the deal being handled by Mi. Wooster, who is in the realty business. This ranch contains al>out ten acres o f young prunes and with the coming to this section o f such an experienced prune cul- turalist as Mr. McAuley, it will give an added stimulus to the prune business'of this section. The consideration o f the deal is reported to have been $6,000. Miss Dora Currin o f Currins- ville is home for the holidays, ex­ pecting to return to the U. o f (). soon a fter New Years. Under the chaperonage o f Lew is Jones o f Estacada. Els- mere Devore, Arnold Lovelace, Stanley Beltils, Ray Tibbies, Ed­ die Fleming and Bill Earls, with a full assortment o f guns, camp­ ing equipment and ammunition, spent two days last week camp­ ing in a cave on the banks o f the Clackamas above Estacada. Dur­ ing that time, they successful!/ resisted all Indian attacks, kept the cougars and wolves away by maintaining bright tires at nights and finally arrived home safe and sound. George Kitzm iller has pur­ chased a span o f mules which w ill be used on his farm. Otis Wagner o f Estacada is now able to be about and is well on the road to good health again. Since his return from the Van­ couver Barrack’ s Hospital he has put on many pounds o f flesh, probably largely due to the re­ sults o f mother’s cooking. O. B. Coldwell, General Super­ intendent o f the P. K. L. & P. Co. and T. W. Sullivan o f Ore­ gon City were Estacada business visitors Sunday. Dances are scheduled to take place at C ogsw ell’s Hall in Eagle Creek on New Years Eve and Saturday evening, January 12th, the latter atfair being under the auspices o f the W. O. W. with all invited. For Your Pigs’ New Years Dinner feed them our GROUND WHEAT AND OUTS HI S3. PER 100 LB3 A re you able to keep your land drained these rainy days? If not, call and see us. DKA1N TILE — that is one o f our specialties, and we always carry a stock o f 4 and 6 inch tiling. The price on this is right, but greatly lowered in quantity lots, especially where several thousand feet is ordered. Now is the time for draining, so let us figure on your order for tile. E stacada Feed & L u m ber Co. L. S. BRONSON Estacada, M. D. EVANS Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Ahl- berg and Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Lasswell o f Estacada were din­ ner guests at the Frank Ewing home in Viola on Christmas. Considerable interest is being taken by Ford auto owners in a demonstration o f the “ J. R. In- tensifiers” for lights, to be held at the Cascade Garage next Fri­ day evening, December 28th, at 8 o’ clock. John Osborne and T. J. Rea­ gan have been awarded the con­ tract for the cement walks abutting the Ruby property on Main St. and the plank walk in front o f the Beary property on Main St. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jorg and family o f Estacada spent Christ­ mas Day with relatives in Port­ land. BOB’S PUCE Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bartholo­ mew o f Heppner were dinner guests Christmas day at the Tannler home in Viola. Dover Doings Contributed Following the 'program and entertainment in connection w ith the Christmas tree festivities o f last Saturday evening, w hen a good time was had by all, Bruce Schminky, who is on his vaca­ tion from O. A. C.. gave a rous­ ing talk in behalf o f the Red Cross Drive, ending by the secur­ ing o f twenty-one memberships. Bruce Schminky, who is at­ tending O. A. C. is spending his holiday vacation at home, where he will remain until January 6th. An agent o f the Northwest Furniture Company was in this district recently taking orders for school furniture, the Dover School District No. 82 purchas­ ing eight new desks, which will be installed during the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Mert l^ee and family o f Knappa, Wash, are spending the holidays at the home o f her mother, Mrs. S. A. Updegrave. Jacob and Grandville Cooper o f Portland attended the Christ­ mas program here. High water last week seriously interfered with the duties of Rural Carrier George Sawtelle, who was unable to cover the Ex­ on or Eagle Creek road. Mr. and Mrs. W alter K itzm il­ ler, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph DeSha zer, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Udell and Web Roberts were Portland auto visitors last week. The News is this week in re­ ceipt o f an interesting letter from H. W. Kitching o f Currins- viile, whose address and title now reads No. 2487415 Canadian Forestry Corps, Secteur Postal 164, Armee, France. H arry’s letter was largely one o f thanks for the home newspaper, which he is receiving, lie sends re­ gards to all friends at home and apparently could add nothing more, ow ing to the strict censor­ ship. the letter and envelope bearing evidence galore o f its having passed through several censors. Headquarters For Soda Water • Soft Drinks • Lunches Cigars and Tobacco R. G. Marchbank Estacada, Or.